Friday, November 30, 2012

Novemberisms (part 4)

November 26th: I stumbled upon this picture the other night. The caption for it was, "Becky & Meg: back home" from when we did Homecoming 4 years after graduating from IUP. Yes, Davis Hall was certainly "home" for us in the EDHL Dept. The campus has changed even more since then but I'm thankful for the opportunity to have gone to IUP. I don't even want to think of how different life would be had I not gone there (e.g., career-wise, friendship wise, etc.). I'm thankful for past places/people/experiences who have helped make me who I am today! 
November 27th: As I worked on Christmas cards last night, I wrote to one of my oldest friends. I don't mean in terms of age, but in terms of longevity. As I signed my name I thought of the countless times we wrote each other in middle/high school in the form of notes and then folded them up in those impossible little squares and passed them in class with "For your eyes only" and "KIT" & "RMA" written on them. Do kids these days even do that anymore with all the technology/email/texting?! I considered folding Meredith's Christmas card into that long ago square format just for kicks but the card was too thick. ;)
August 23, 2010: I came home from my 1st class in the PhD program not sure what I had gotten myself into....
November 27, 2012: I came home from my LAST face to face class in the PhD program not quite believing that it's all over forever!

November 28th: I'm super grateful and thankful for Christmas Cookie Exchanges. Sounds silly I know but with having 3 coming up in the next 4 weeks, I've got cookies on the brain. I'm perhaps most thankful this year for the original CCE that I get to go to next month with co-friends in York. We started doing it in what....2004/5/6? Anyways, I love how my fabulous former co-workers still include me in spite of the 300+ miles & crazy scheduling it takes to coordinate it. Yes, I'm one blessed cookie! =)
November 29th: Today I'm thankful for that moment you experience as a baby falls asleep in your arms. The other night, when I had been on a writing spree, I took a quick break when I heard my sister-in-law come home w/ the kiddos. As I held Braden (20 months old) and felt him relax and give in to the sleep he had been fighting a second ago, I realized that THIS is what it's all
with these precious little babies in NC and being around my newest nephew in Philly both help to keep me grounded. When I get too wrapped up in trying to meet deadlines or write the next 5 pages, frustrated with (trying to) understand single-subject research, or mad at myself for not having as much time to devote to YA events/family time.....all that falls away as I hold my sleeping little niece or nephews. I can hardly wait for 18 more days (give or take) when my newest niece* or nephew will be born and I can hold a tiny baby with the tiniest of fingers and toes again. Yes, today, I'm thankful for my growing family, courtesy of my brothers & their wives. ♥

be sending a lot of hours on it when I purchased it in May 2010 as soon as I found out I was coming down to NC for grad school. However, I don't think I quite realized the sheer extent of the work at that time. Here's to the 170 pages I have written in the last 9 days (on various projects) as today is spent working on the college teaching reflection. No wonder my wrists hurt...! I'm thankful I have this laptop though so that I can work on my writing wherever I take it. Fingers crossed it can continue working through May 2014!

November 30th: Today I am grateful for second chances in all aspects of my life. We all make mistakes but are hopefully given 2nd chances to try to get it right the next time. This concludes my 30 days of thanks and I'm thankful to you all for reading! :)

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