Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (part 2 of 30)

Yesterday, I started this series of baby blog posts by sharing some of my initial thoughts during the beginning stages of pregnancy.  Obviously with it being summer back then I had way more time to write and reflect so the posts from the beginning are much longer than what I'm able to get down on paper nowadays.  It is really neat to read back over these words and remember so vividly how I felt in late July upon officially learning the news we were expecting.  It makes me wonder how much my perspective will change a few months from now let alone a year from now.  If I don't have time to write as much now, surely I won't have as much time with a little one who will need my attention at all hours of the day (and night) but alas, one day at a time!  On the one hand I'm SO excited to meet this little boy or girl but on the other I'm terrified of all that needs to happen before that day arrives.  I never stopped to think about how having a baby really does require total loss of control because baby's arrival will happen on his or her schedule and when the time is my prayer this morning as I enjoy this gorgeous sunny ocean side view from our 3rd floor of this tower is to work on calming the nerves and for more peace to accept that whatever will be will be!  Let's take a look back at what was happening one week after we got the official word from the doctor that we were in fact bringing a new life into the world!

Thursday, 07/30/15:  Today we saw our baby for the first time via ultrasound.  We heard the precious heartbeat!  The baby’s heart is beating at a healthy 170 beats per minute and is only a centimeter and a half long with the arms and legs forming already which I learned is the size of a small peanut M&M....!!!  

We also learned there are a couple fibroids in my uterus which is worrisome and puts me in the high-risk category.  I think, for now, this means that I will need to go for more frequent scans and more close monitoring by the doctor.   

The due date is ten days shy of St. Patrick’s Day on March 7th!  That date also happened to be when my bridal shower was in Pennsylvania last spring and the previous March 7th (2014) it is when I was contacted by and offered my current job!!  So, it’s a good date for fun things to happen although I’m still petrified of the act of giving birth…!

We’re officially into the third month where I am feeling more and more exhausted….which does not make a good combination for prepping for the upcoming school year, my stomach feels as if I’ve been doing sit-ups, and I’m experiencing pretty severe jaw pain in my right jaw….and the pregnancy has only just begun..!

My little brother has been providing comic relief as he usually does.  I told him the news a few nights ago when Adam was away on a business trip and he was here visiting for the first time.  Since he’s a pharmacist, I showed him my prenatal vitamins and asked him for an explanation of how to use them as we sat outside on the back patio with his German Shepherd pup, Otto.  My asking him questions about medicine is not uncommon as I’ve done this with other meds in the past.  He explained and then he said, “Wait, is this a planning thing or a congratulations thing?”  ; )   

After this morning's appointment and finding out the due date, I texted my friend, Monika, that we might have a new baby for our birthdays (she and I share the same late Feb. birthday), followed by a text to Patrick saying, “Get ready to be an uncle x 7 on or around March 7th” to which he said, “You mean septuplets correct?”  LOL!!!!  Gotta love his sense of humor and yes, we know for sure there is only one little kiddo in there (this time)!!


  1. Meg, this is beautiful. I can't wait for our little ones to meet :) hang in there... <3


  2. Thank you so much Michella! I can't wait either!!! I just wonder if your little boy will have a new little friend who is a boy or a girl when that happens! ;o)
