I am so
super duper excited for this Thursday night! I'm going to see the opening night production of Crazy For You! The last time I saw this play was (gulp)
14 years ago when we put this play on at North Schuylkill. I was a junior in high school and actually had a line....it was......wait for it....."Good night, Bobby!". Yes, yes, I know you're probably blown away by the amazingness of it all but it's true. ;)
My show-stopping portrayal as one of Bobby's Folly Girls...I'm the 2nd one on the left, from the front. |
So, when I found out in March that this play was being put on a mere 90 minutes from here, I just HAD to go see it! In addition to that, 15 other friends are joining me! How cool is that??! Friends from church, UNCG, and even home are coming to this play. We all must be crazy for fun and good times!!
Speaking of which, what are you crazy for in your life? Here are just a few of the things I'm crazy for in my life!
Love tickling my middle oldest nephew, Clark, and hearing his giggles! |
My newest nephew, Thomas Mark, whom I will meet next week!! |
Fall, both the season and the foliage, makes me happy. |
....Summer concoction to celebrate almost the end of summer classes...! |
I'm crazy for fun times with wonderful friends! Yay for MUSEP! |
Education...I will most likely always be involved in the field in some way shape or form... |
Babies and Puppies....doesn't get much better than this! |
Butterflies....I'm crazy for the butterflies you get in your stomach when falling in love! <3 |
My sweet sweet niece! |
I'm also crazy for random fun incidents with my little brother...like this one. We just had to go buy some nail polish at Walmart....and wait in line for what felt like 20 minutes to buy a 99 cent nail polish. ;) |
...For the chance to get it right another day if I screw up today... |
Finally, I'm crazy for the opportunities to try to see the silver lining in circumstances, no matter how bad things may seem, they are not always how they appear to us, even if we can't see the end result now, it'll be worth it in the long run!! |
This last point rings especially true for me this week. On Thursday, it will be one year since one of the darkest days of my life. June 21st was when my car was totaled in a car accident while on a road trip. You can see pictures of my trusty old Saturn Ion on my Facebook page by clicking
here. A year ago today, I couldn't see beyond the physical pain and the fact that I didn't have a car any more. I would have found it hard to believe, last year, if you had told me that I'd be excited about going to a musical with friends on the last day of summer session 1 classes 1 year to the day of the accident. I'm grateful to have such a fun evening planned on this "anniversary" of the accident.
That car represented so much more than just a car to me. I bought it during my second year of being a teacher in the "real world". I was brand new to Harrisburg and York and just starting out in my career. I worked six long years to pay off that car and it was the first one I owned. I remember nights of sitting with a friend, listening to trance music, and staring at the stars outside the sun roof as we talked late into the night. I recall road trips with my best friends to the beach, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and pretty much anywhere else you could name. Two weeks after buying the car, I was rear ended on Paxton Street in Harrisburg while on my way to Schuylkill County to go to a funeral of a family friend. However, that didn't stop my friends and me from driving to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio that weekend. My Dad and I "broke the car in" by taking it for a spin from Frackville to Erie, then on to Niagara Falls, Canada, to make sure the car worked properly..hehe. It was the car I took to bring Dusty Shamrock home in one spring night 5 years ago. One time, I accidentally drove onto an off ramp exit in Massachusetts when an ex boyfriend and I attended a family friend's wedding. That was fun. ;) Many phone calls were made to my students' parents between schools
during the work day and that little Saturn was what took Meredith and me
to our best friend's funeral. That was, by far, one of the
hardest drives I had to make. The Saturn also carried me back and forth on weekly trips from PA to NC for 3 consecutive summers of babysitting my niece and nephews. So, as you see, that car was much more than just a car. It represented an era in my life that I'll call my "Southcentral PA days". It sure did cover a lot of ground from Harrisburg to York to Lancaster to Baltimore to Frackville to High Point and many many many miles beyond those areas for 7 years.