Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's Enough

There is something to be said for your support networks.  Or maybe I should say support spiritworks.  A couple days ago I was having several bad ones in a row.  Perhaps we're given dark days to help us realize how bright they can be with the love and support of those in our lives.  Over the last few days, here in North Carolina, we've been experiencing beautiful fall cooler weather with brilliant sunshine.  My favorite season is rapidly approaching, as well as my favorite months, and I can feel the changes that are about to come in the air.  What an exciting year 2014 will be!  Scary yes but exciting nonetheless as it holds so many unknowns for me!

Some of the sunshiney moments from the other week include:

Mom calling me to tell me about a passage she read that she felt was meant for me to hear.  She had flipped the daily scripture calendar page when she knew I was having an especially trying set of days and shared these words with me"Meg, tried to send a comment to your blog 3 times.  So here's what the daily calendar for Sept. 10th said:  My grace is sufficient for you.  For my power is made perfect in weakness.  2 Corinthians.  The Lord was speaking directly to YOU, Meg!"

At work, one day last week, a colleague told me a story a guest speaker shared that morning about how in higher ed., everyone, even those who have been around for a while, goes through times when the or she feels as if he or she doesn't know what to do, not good enough, and perhaps even unable to balance it all.  He then encouraged the class to get up, move on, and stop acting like a "drunk monkey" because everyone, in higher ed., will have those moments.  When Margo told me that story, we got a good little chuckle out of that.  Nothing like humor to diffuse a stressful situation and bring a smile to your face eh?

Then, on Facebook, both my cousin and a dear friend posted inspirational pictures.  What a neat way of looking at challenges in our lives!!  I could also feel the virtual hugs all the way from Pittsburgh from both gals.

The next day, a colleague over in TN sent me a sweet message:

Hi Meg! A friend in Virginia sent me an AMAZING Christian CD. One of the tracks is called "Walk in Peace" and I can't get it out of my head. I keep thinking you could substitute "Write" for Walk! The CD is called "Walk in Peace" and it's by Sally Ann Morris and Adam M. L. Tice. I don't know how to send you the song from my i-tunes account, but if you can find it, I think it will inspire you and give you peace all at the same time. Hope all is well. Keep breathing and praying and believing!

Yes, all these folks sending me inspirational words definitely brought me a sense of peace and I thank each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart for their support.  The prayers are working!  This week has been speeding by with prepping, planning, grading, and teaching (tomorrow is Wednesday already!!).  Time needs to slow down since (a) I've not packed for my Thursday night trip, (b) I've not been able to do any dissertation writing yet, (c) I'm tired!  :-)

This afternoon, before I settled in for my multi-hour grading session (that wound up being a ten hour am I slow!!) of my students' work, I brought in the mail and checked my email where I found a message from a dear priest friend that was really thought provoking.  Also, in the pile from the mailbox, I found a beautiful card from my Aunt in Boston.

I just noticed in this picture the rainbow in the background on the fridge....yes, a promise from God tells us all will be okay!

I was stunned when I saw this scripture.  The date on the card was September 12th...two days after the day Mom told me about the daily calendar verse that reminded her of me.

Finally, I've been listening to Matt Maher's new album over and over thanks to a friend's iTunes gift card.  I purchased the CD the other day so I could listen to new music on my upcoming road trips.  By the way, Matt Maher posted this video (of all the songs he could possibly select, he chose this one...!?!) on Sept. 12th on his Facebook page.  Yet another recurring message and date

I really enjoy all of Matt's tunes but with all these signal graces centering around this particular piece of scripture lately, I'm drawn to this specific song and play it on repeat on my iPod as I drive to and from campus.

I hope these words/messages might bring you peace if you're troubled or struggling and that you truly realize you're enough and God's grace is (more than) enough!!  Remember, if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Right Guy / Girl

I just stumbled upon this video and LOVED it!  As I listened to what this guy had to say, I couldn't help but reflect on a conversation I had last night with another friend.  He is still nursing a broken heart but thankfully has made tremendous strides and leaps in moving forward from that relationship.  I wish I could play this video for him...since I think the advice shared here works both ways!
It really is TRUE folks.  Don't settle for ANY person; wait for the RIGHT person.  The way folks treat others is very telling (thinking of the Be Kind rule in the video).  I don't consider myself old-fashioned or super traditional in the sense but there really is something to be said about how a guy treats a friend who is a girl (e.g., language that is used, the attitude factor, respect shown) and then how he is in a relationship with someone.  Maybe my standards are too high but I don't think it's asking for much to seek respect in all aspects.  :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Love: It's what makes the world go round

Today is the 9th anniversary of my big brother and his wife!!


3,204 days, two houses, four children, way better quality of digital camera picture taking, and perhaps most unexpectedly, one sister-in-law & puppy later they live quite the full life!!

Why do I say that?  Well, Brian and Alisha opened up their home to Dusty Shamrock and me in July 2010 when I made the life changing decision to go back to school to work on my PhD by moving from PA down to NC.  They say it takes a village to raise a child, well in my case, it takes a very generous and hospitable brother and sister-in-law to allow me to chase one of my biggest dreams to date.

I can't express my gratitude and thanks to them enough and will spend the rest of my life trying to repay their generosity and kindness shown to the pup and me over the last couple years.

I knew coming into this new adventure back in 2010, I would have the advantages of being a live-in aunt to at that time my oldest niece and nephew.  Never would I have dreamt of two more nephews joining the clan.  I can't wait to see what else is in store for not only my NC family but also the rest of the fam!

God works in mysterious ways and I'm amazed at all the radically different paths I've encountered just in the few short years since I've been enrolled in this program at school.  Yesterday it dawned on me that this is the last fall semester I will be on campus, assuming I graduate on time.  I won't see my colleagues or peers every day as I'm used to doing now.  Sure, there will always be email, Skype, and Facebook but it's not the same thing as that one on one interaction.  I've seen how lack of that interaction has affected my closest relationships back home and how the distance has a ripple effect on everything else in life.  The good thing is new friendships and relationships will be formed but there's quite nothing like the familiar bond of a trusted dear friend or colleague.  

I'm thankful that for my family, no matter where we wind up, from Delaware to North Carolina to Boston to Pittsburgh to wherever, we maintain a close tie to one another (thank you Facebook and texting!).  

So, on this day of remembrance, forgiveness, and of celebrating LOVE, I'm looking forward to the future & to bigger and better things.  Most of all, I wish everyone peace as they go about their day today.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Behaving myself out of the dark

Ah, it's the eve of 09/11. 

One of my least favorite days. 

Perhaps this is why I've been in a bit of a funk lately.  September 11th was the birthday of one of my best friends in high school who died in our 20s of a drug overdose. 

Each time that day rolled around, I was filled with sadness as I thought of Jess and how distant we had grown from one another prior to her demise.

Then, after living through 09/11/01, it took on a whole different meaning where each year I was reminded of the sadness the whole world felt when those planes crashed.  Dr. Klein, IUP, and my little house I lived in a half block away from Subway and across from Stouffer & Davis Halls will always be intertwined with those memories I have of that fateful morning.

And this week is one of suicide awareness/prevention so I'm now thinking of not only Jess dying young when she shouldn't have but others who are no longer here because of that one suicidal act.  It's still odd to not receive phone calls or texts from one particular friend.  The other day I saw his name in my contacts but didn't have the heart to delete it from my phone.

So perhaps that's why these last couple hard days have been so mired in despair.  Things I wouldn't normally take to heart or be as sensitive to are maybe pushing me over the edge.  My parents were here for an always way too fast weekend and left less than 48 hours ago but I'm so missing them and in need of their comfort tonight.  I know in the grand scheme of things, my current troubles are petty and nothing at all like what others face and dealt with on 09/11 and currently face in the wake of lost loved ones.  I shouldn't be this troubled over perceptions and conversations that were exchanged today.  I need to keep my head down and just keep on plowing through the day's tasks.  Even if it goes against my social nature, I wonder if I should just retreat into myself and work within the walls.  Right about now, I could use a night of girl talk with my best friend and the pups or just hanging out with my little brother, perhaps on a lake in a kayak!  Unfortunately, those are not viable options right now so journaling via this blog and attempting to convert schoolwork from paper format to online format will have to suffice.

In closing, I just saw this on a friend's wall on Fb : 

A yoga challenge for everyone on 9/11 tomorrow: to practice Ashima (non violence) in your actions, thoughts, intentions, words and environments. A common one in every day life is our words. Our words are so powerful and we can build our friends, families, coworkers up or break them down just by our words alone. Let your words be of kind ones on a day when so many people need it. God bless.

Oh, how true this statement is!  Today I let myself be broken down by words thrown around in a meeting.  I also am guilty of not using words to the best of my ability to build up others.  Sarcasm and humor can be harmful too.  I know taking what was said today to heart as much as I have is of my own doing and I need to work on letting words slide off me but until my exterior is thick enough for it to act as a shield, this gal needs a little TLC.  ;)  Good thing a little puppy dog who is happily playing with his toys a few feet away helps to restore my soul!

Anyone have a life jacket?

Lately, it has been one hard day after another.  There is not enough time to get things done...the endless cycle of tasks and projects keep spinning with no signs of stopping.  The never ending to-do lists are not shrinking in size or stature.  The only advantage to the hectic busy-ness of these days is that I am able to push aside the feelings of missing my old life, friends, & family back home.  Then days like today happen and I feel like I've toppled over the edge and am unable to accomplish any of my goals.

The class I taught this morning was so-so.  A review game I had planned for Thursday's exam had more than a few kinks to iron I mentioned to the class today, it's all a learning curve for both them & for me!  I'm glad I have the opportunity to learn from mistakes but it is still a hard pill to swallow when I think of how comfortable I had been in my old job.  I look forward to continuing practicing and honing my craft and need to keep reminding myself that while teaching at the college level is different from teaching early intervention through 12th graders in high school as I did in my "old life" still other things remain entirely the same.  I have to remind myself I didn't become a fairly decent teacher in the schools where I worked overnight so I should realize the same Is true today.

Along the same lines of developing a thicker skin, and moving away from being my truly authentic self which raises a whole other set of concerns for me, the rest of the day did not go as I would have liked.  Three back to back meetings, missing lunch, and general feelings of frustration, misunderstandings/misperceptions on all ends, and confusion continued to rise in me as the day wore on and I headed to a training tonight.  Halfway through the training, we were told to go into our emails to open an attachment we needed to practice was then that I saw I had a long awaited email from a conference I had submitted a proposal for back in May. I had been excited to submit the proposal since it was on my still to be collected upcoming dissertation research.  In hindsight I do recall how difficult it was to write the proposal on something I had not done yet so perhaps that was the first mistake ... but I was so wrapped up in the fact that this conference is scheduled to be held in Philadelphia that I jumped at the chance to submit a proposal to present at it!  When I worked on and submitted the proposal last spring, I had envisioned attending the conference, and presenting, as "Dr. Meg" with a job already lined up in PA just weeks before I was set to return to NC to graduate in early May 2014.  Then, after that I would ride into the sunset back up 81 as I moved to wherever my new job in PA would be....hmm, what is it they say about counting your chickens before they hatch?

To say the thought of presenting my dissertation research, possibly with a treasured friend who helped with the data collection (since it is going to be held in our home state) as a thank you to her for helping me with my research, and it being my last time attending as a PhD student made me enthusiastic was an understatement.  So, as I opened my email to retrieve what was needed for the training I was in tonight, I instead eagerly opened up the email from the conference people when I saw they had emailed me......and was disheartened to learn the proposal had not been accepted.  As a result, I could barely focus on the training and am no clearer on understanding how to format the table of contents in my dissertation than I was prior to the training.

Oh well....I know there will be rejections and this is just the first of many in what will hopefully be a loooooong career.  It just stings to face rejection over something so near and dear to my heart.  This dissertation is an extension of me which may sound silly to say but the process of arriving at the topic, the blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into it all, the ups and downs of presenting the proposal to my committee to having it be ripped to shreds to rebuilding it and strengthening it to sort of gaining an iota of confidence in what I'm doing....doesn't bode for much positivity at the moment.  The only two times I have "marketed" or tried to "pitch" the dissertation to others have led to a not so positive response...first to my committee and second to this conference.  Obviously, what I'm doing is not working so something has got to change. 

Along the same lines, I can't help but think about how I so desperately want to find a job in Pennsylvania yet my top two job prospects I was fairly confident in did not work out...much like the rejections over the dissertation research.  Reflecting on all of this is causing me to think that perhaps I really am to go elsewhere (kicking and screaming) other than home, even if it is far away, such as in Colorado or California or who knows where else?!  The realistic part in me also realizes that there is still hope for  presenting my dissertation research elsewhere after I have further worked with and conducted a deeper analysis of the data.  There will be other avenues in which I can share this information and try to make a small mark on the field in my own way and not all is lost. 

Right now, I just feel a bit like I'm drifting and no matter which way I steer or point the raft or how hard I paddle, I'm not getting much of anywhere.  Here's to hoping the week can be turned around mid-stream!

....and to my trusting that much harder in Jeremiah 29:11.  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dreams & Sunflowers

Last night, I dreamt of my Aunt Ollie's house.  It's strange to think that I did not dream of my Aunt Ollie (who was one of the most fabulous women I was blessed to know and call my Aunt) but rather of her house.  I miss her every day and so wish I could share the events of my days nowadays with her as I used to do growing up; she was such a special person who called me "her girl".  Here is the last picture I had taken with one of my favorite people in her cozy living room where she and I talked for countless hours about anything and nothing. 
There were plenty of times when I made the 3.5 hour drive home from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and went straight to Aunt Ollie's house in Port Carbon before heading home to my parents' house a couple towns away from her house.  In high school, my friends and I were never too "cool" to swing by her house and say hi when cruising Pottsville. 
Yes, Aunt Ollie was my rock, my go-to person with arms always wide open for a big ol' hug, and someone who never judged me.  She could always be counted on to tell it as it was but at the same time was always on your side and of course, Aunt Ollie always had a batch of home baked cookies to offer. 
I hope to be half the woman she was and to inspire others the way she did me.  Aunt Ollie's last words were, "Celebrate my life"....and not a day goes by that I don't think of her and what an impact she had on me.  What a life she lived and what  a legacy she left to those of us who were honored to call her family, friend, & mentor.  When I think of all that has happened over the last 11 years since she has been gone, my heart hurts a little.  Actually, it hurts a lot.  She would just adore my niece and nephews.  Oh my gosh, would she love my little Dusty Shamrock.  I can see her now snuggling with this little cuddle bug I call a puppy.  She would beam with pride to hear of what I hope to do 8 months from today.  More than anything though, I would just want to be wrapped up in a big hug and told, "Well, why don't you take off your coat and stay a while?!  I was just beginnin' to like ya!"
So, I'm not sure why I dreamt of Aunt Ollie's house last night but it was an interesting dream.  All of my Mom's side of the family was there and it night time during the winter.  I know this because I had snuck out the back kitchen door leaving behind the laughing, talking, and clinking sounds of the silverware as folks conversed and ate (these were all sights and sounds that were definitely typical of a family gathering at Aunt Ollie's) and walked the length of thinly blanketed snow-covered yard to the quiet edge of the yard where the shed should have been.  The shed was not there but in the moonlight instead were tall sunflowers that basked in the cool white light of the moonbeams.  As I gazed up at the twinkling stars and wondered how the sunflowers could be in full bloom in a) the middle of winter and b) the middle of the night, I was surprised to see the Three Rivers and Gateway Clipper ship in front of me beyond the perimeter of the yard instead of the small crick that flows behind Aunt Ollie's house.  As if all that weren't confusing enough, I felt the presence of a man to my right.  Next thing I know my pastel striped glove-enclosed fingers found their way into the hand of a tall, dark, mysterious man.  There was a sense of familiarity yet newness about him and I got the feeling that I was supposed to know this guy but I was still wondering why a scene of Pittsburgh was in front of these sunflowers at Aunt Ollie's house on the other side of Pennsylvania.  Leave it to me to not just go with the flow in a romantic moment in my dream and to be analyzing the mixed up PA geography. Ha! 
So this guy and I talked about the sunflowers as if it were normal for us to be standing outside in the middle of the night among blooming sunflowers in the middle of the winter.  At one point in the conversation, I glanced over my shoulder and saw my family laughing and celebrating around the large kitchen table.  They didn't seem to miss our presence as the bright yellow light spilled out of the big bay windows to form large squares on the white snow beneath them.  Just as I was about to turn my attention back to the man and gaze out over the river and the stars shining down on the water, one of my Mom's sisters poked her head out the back door and called for us to come back in and join the party.  I woke up then, shivering from the cold night air in my dream, and with my  heart racing just a little bit.  I never did find out why we were gathered at Aunt Ollie's house or who Mr. Mysterious was.
 Fast forward to Monday morning.  I get up and go about my day, cleaning the Bonus Room and working on schoolwork, prepping for the class I'm teaching tomorrow, before heading to zumba.  I took my little niece with me.  The dream was all but a distant memory...until we made the drive back from Burlington.  On the side of the highway, in an instant, the dream came rushing back to me when I saw this.

Of course, I had to pull over along the highway to take these photos.  My little niece looked so beautiful investigating these flowers that I just had to snap a picture of her as well.  She was amazed at the differing heights of the flowers that "don't smell Aunt Megan!?"  Hehe...if I can be half the aunt to little Mason Noelle that Aunt Ollie was to me then I will be satisfied.  I will also be sure to let my niece and nephews know about this wonderful great Aunt of theirs!  The same goes for my grandparents and other loved ones who have already reached their final destinations!
 Speaking of which....when I posted about Matt Ryd the other day, I had no idea that it was just two days shy of Suicide Prevention Week that kicked off today.  This afternoon, his family posted the video at the bottom of this posting that they showed at his Celebration of Life on Saturday.  I also saw this photo on his Facebook page....more sunflowers! 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Matt Ryd

Today was a day of remembrance for the Ryd Family as they gathered together with loved ones to remember Matt.  I didn't know Matt but learned about his music and the impact he had on others through a mutual friend and by reading the many loving tributes posted to his Facebook page.  I listened to a video of his singing tonight as I got ready for bed in memory of him and others who have left us far too soon.

He was obviously very talented and loved by many.

I tried to share the video of the Jason Mraz cover, "I Won't Give Up" he did with Liana Modestas but the link didn't work.  Maybe it's appropriate it didn't.  Let's all offer up a moment of silence for those touched by suicide.  Pax.

Building this dissertation from the floor..

  • Today I sat at the laptop for the better part of the last 16 hours since I had woken up at 6:50am...!

  • I reviewed five different dissertation examples.

  • Then I created five outlines of said samples' Chapter 4s.

  • Next, I pieced together my outline for my own Chapter 4 pulling what seemed to fit and work from the samples.

  • Here I sit, at 10:50pm, with half of my Chapter 4 drafted and the outline of the most critical part of the chapter saved!

  • My dissertation is currently sitting at 202 pages with  not a word of the fifth & final chapter typed yet.  Yowza!

  • I'm calling it a night on a super duper productive day in spite of not getting to spend time with  my parents or enjoying the beautiful sunshine outdoors.  The small sacrifices of today will be so worth it in the future though right?  I sure hope so!

Slow and steady wins the race!

This morning, I had planned to do a 5k at my church.  I was hoping it would be my monthly 5k race that I like to try to participate in but falling behind in schoolwork and a visit from my parents put me off kilter so those plans were scrapped.  If any of you are planning to do a 5k walk/run in September, please do let me know so I can meet my goal of one 5k a month starting this month!  :)

So I heard this song on the radio during my drive home from work the other day.  How pretty & comforting the lyrics and melody are!  I couldn't help but reflect on how much more positive I have been feeling in this last week now that I'm in "better hands" with my committee.  Maybe it's all self-imposed in how I'm viewing it; perhaps the reality hasn't changed but my views of reality have with the change in committee I made last week.  Who knows?!  

I still don't have as much contact with the committee (as a whole or one on one) as I would like but I did get to meet with one of my committee members this past week and appreciated the time he took to help ease some of my concerns.  

Now, it's Saturday where I have the rest of the day and weekend before me to continue making progress on outlining my Chapter 4.  I've been at it since early this morning but with my parents being just a few feet away downstairs, I'm enjoying the writing process a little more this weekend since I know when I need to take breaks, I can go say hi to them.  What comfort there is in drawing strength from my support network and realizing I'm in better hands than I thought when I look back on the slow but steady progress I've made since late April.  

Onward and upward...can only go up from here!


Monday, September 2, 2013

Goodbye Summer

Labor Day Weekend is almost over....and what a productive one it has been!  My day started much earlier than I anticipated when my niece and two older nephews came barging into the guest room to let me know they were playing "spy".  Even though it had been just a few hours from when I had called it a night 7am was here whether or not I liked it.  So much for a "day off" and sleeping in huh!

A few hours later into the day, I had narrated six Powerpoints and spent time working on a History Project.  It is now 3:45pm and I'm tired of laboring on Labor Day.  I would much rather be outside or attending an end of summer BBQ or kayaking.  Alas, the schoolwork and writing beckon.  I remember feeling this way last year as I worked to get my portfolio reflections ready for my upcoming portfolio review.  However, I'm a lot closer to reaching my goals (and graduation) this time around, which is so exciting!!

So, I'm taking a break from the dissertation writing and History Project outlining to share with you my May Photo a Day Challenge!  I had been meaning to do this all summer but time escaped me.  What better way to bid adieu to summer than to take a pictorial stroll down Memory's May Lane? I started out in sequential order but then formatting issues caused these to get mixed up...oh well, enjoy regardless!  What a terrific (and productive) summer this was!  Here's to hoping the Fall is equally as fruitful!

1.) I bought this! --> Gold Rush sundae from Ghirardelli Square last fudge, peanut butter, vanilla ice cream, Ghirardelli chocolate squares.....YUM! — at Ghirardelli Square.
2.) Morning ritual: For nearly a week, this was our view each morning as we ventured out into the beautiful city of San Francisco! — at Powell And Hyde Street Cable Car.

3.) This is really good! ---> The almond cookies and the fortune cookies from Chinatown in San Francisco we picked up yesterday are delicious!! — at Golden Gate Fortune Cookies.

4.) In my cup: Delicious white wine from the fundraiser poker party at my brother's house tonight! — in Dover, DE.

5.) Broken: This is my former roommate's old cow cup. Poor thing is broken. It was fun drinking out of this cup b/c the cow would surprise you as you drank the liquid. I remember surprising my then 2 year old niece with it when my family came to the house to visit for my twin's and my 29th birthday a few years ago.  ;)

6.) Paper: This was the sign hanging up above my head on the wall as I sat in an office this evening. Across from me was a similar poster titled, "Grow", with the following quote from Ronald Reagan: "There is no such thing as limits to growth, because there are no limits to the human capacity for intelligence, imagination, and wonder". I sure hope to inspire and tap into my future students' imaginations and to continue to grow not only as a researcher, professor, but also as a person as my mentors have demonstrated to me. - at York College of Pennsylvania.

7.) Something that starts with F: Fun friend gift!

8.) Shape: I may not be "shaped" like Marilyn Monroe or in a beautiful red dress but it was fun striking a pose regardless.
— at Wax Museum at Fisherman's Wharf.

9.) A snack: Trying something different this afternoon. After making a caramel vanilla cream coffee with a splash of Coldstone sweet cream, I decided to throw in my last Ghirardelli caramel square. It promptly sank to the bottom of the mug so I wonder if I will begin to taste chocolate caramel goodness soon? For someone who isn't a fan of caramel, this snack sure has a lot of it!
13.) Sunrise/Sunset: This was a beautiful sunrise last July during the 1st Annual Women's Retreat Weekend. Can't wait for the 2nd Annual Women's Retreat Weekend! at Kill Devil Hills, NC

14.) Need: Dusty Shamrock has a need or a tendency to squeeze himself into the smallest of spaces, such as between friends when watching DWTS or hopping up onto someone's lap before they've even sat down...such a cuddlebug! But the truth is I need that snuggly little pup just as much. Dusty also needs a haircut...!
— in West York, PA.

15.) 7 o'clock: We had dinner out on the deck at 7pm tonight but just before that, we surprised Mom with belated Mother's Day flower cupcakes. She loved them!
— in Frackville, PA.

16.) Mailbox: My NC family just walked in the door with children, luggage, questions of, "Where is Grandma?", "Where are the cars?", "What happened to the monkey that was there last time?", and.....28 days of my mail that I had missed since leaving NC. 

17.) Season: Mason Noelle was so excited about the beautiful spring flowers at Grandma and Grandpa's house that she called me out to look at them. I was excited that our outfits matched the pink & purple flowers.  ;)

18.) Want: I'm sure this won't come as a surprise to anyone who knows me, especially in light of my current state of life. I hope to graduate on May 9, 2014 and to get one of the hardest and biggest "things" I've ever wanted...& didn't think I would work on until MUCH later in life but life works out in pretty mysterious ways current want = a doctorate!

19.) My Favorite View: Today's favorite view comes to you courtesy of the graduation this morning where Aunt Maureen became Dr./Sr. Aunt Maureen! She's the shortest one in this photo as this was taken as the procession made their way to the stage (in the chilly rain). Some day I hope I will be making my way in processions as one of these colorfully clothed professors as I carry out my duties as a college faculty member! Side note: The gentleman giving the peace sign is a reporter/editor for the New York Times, who also received an honorary doctorate degree today!
— at Fairfield University.

20.) Light: My hair has been many shades of brown/red over the years thanks to highlights, experimenting with colors, and the sun. However, looking at this home video of 2 of my brothers and me as kids, when visiting my parents last week, reminded me of how light my hair originally was in the early 80s. Somehow, I don't think I could pull off being a blonde, or a super short bob like this one, these days.
21.) I care about this...sweet little boy who has captured my heart and I am so glad I was able to squeeze in two quick visits with him (and my parents). Spending time with him in Harrisburg made the 1.5 hour stuck in traffic one-way commute last time so worth it. Fortunately, today I made it up there within 30 minutes. Love this little man!

22.) Change: This gazebo wasn't the one I had in mind (I had been thinking it was the one on the Susquehanna River when I suggested it) for lunch today. However, it was in such a lovely park, the weather was gorgeous, and Lisa, little Liam, and I had such a wonderful time that I didn't mind the change at all!!
— in Columbia, PA.

23.) PJs: When I saw this picture opportunity of my sweet nephew and niece sleeping at my parents' house last week, I couldn't resist. Love how Braden fell asleep holding Daddy's hand. Having also been up since 4am today, I'm wishing I could throw my PJs back on and get some more shuteye. (yawn!)

24.) Go: I'm so glad that I'm still in York so that I can go to the Origami Owl Jewelry party tonight!! If you're interested, let me know or just check out the consultant's website here:

25.) Us: So thrilled to see my twin, sister-in-law, and sweet nephew for a minute tonight! Here is a picture of some of us during our impromptu gathering!
— in Harrisburg, PA.

26.) Favorite thing to do on Sunday: When I lived in my apartment in York, I used to enjoy sitting out on a blanket with my pup behind my apartment building that faced a farm with a beautiful pond, on Sunday afternoons. Many Sunday picnics took place at Lake Redman one spring and summer back in 2007. When living in Harrisburg, I enjoyed walking the trail at Wildwood or along Front Street. Here is a view of the beautiful river from yesterday's fun at Artsfest in Harrisburg.
— at Susquehanna River.
27.) Can't live without....acceptance/love. When I saw what today's photo challenge was, I was puzzled as to what I should post. There are so many things we need to survive day by, shelter, water, belief in a higher power, friendships, a job, and I could go on and on...but what it all boils down to is we need the love & support of others to help us during our bad days, to encourage us when we're doubtful, to believe in us and help lift us up when we have trouble standing. Yesterday's trip back to NC was bittersweet as there is so much that needs to be done this summer/fall and it definitely helped knowing my parents were here waiting for me (with a homecooked meal and all!). It's always so hard pointing my car southward each time I leave home. Coming upon an accident just as I crossed the VA border helped me to put my worries/fears about what's to come into perspective (blog posting to follow) and seeing this message scrawled on the driveway from my Mom last night was reassuring. Yep, I can't live without the love/acceptance of my parents who have been there through it all, even when I wasn't deserving..much like the Prodigal Son and our God and His unending love for us all...sometimes in spite of ourselves!
28.) What I'm doing now...: This was 2 days in the making but what I'm doing at this very moment is reviewing my tentative dissertation study timeline for the next 4 months that will hopefully keep me on track as I move ahead into Ch. IV of the dissertation. Seeing all this on paper makes me realize just how little time remains to get it all done while teaching, working on other projects, looking for a job, etc. if I'm going to meet my goal of graduating on May 9th...eek!!
29.) Kiss: I was going to post a super cute picture of baby Nicholas getting a kiss from one of his big brothers or sister but after seeing what was written on his shirt, decided he needed a smooch from one of his awesome aunts instead.
30.) Tool: These here were the "tools" I used for dissertatin' today, while at the office. From my highlighter tabs (courtesy of Alisha), to the keychain medal from Austin, TX (remember that awesome store Tammy?), to the sweet picture of Dusty Shamrock (thanks Monika!!), to the never ending to-do lists, to the love and support of my Mama (and Dad of course), to the refreshing RAVENS water bottle (kudos to Ashley) I was ready to tackle my tasks for today and then some! As that comedian dude would say....git 'er done! 
31.) Four things: Four of us checked out a super cute boutique before heading to Holy Hour and drinks at a super cool patio bar. Fun times!

11.) Smile: Having had the opportunity to attend another awesome YA Retreat at Malvern puts a smile on my face. This is only about 1/4 of the total number of retreatants...amazing! — at Mckenzie Brew House.

10.) Star: The contents of this star match up with my highest scoring charism on this weekend's retreat...sahweet!



12.) Mother: This was taken the weekend after Clark was born and we met him for the first time. What great memories I have of our monthly car rides down to NC with my parents. My how time flies! Thanks for being such an awesome grandmother and mother to us all Mom!


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Where I've been....

Tonight, when I just had to take a break from the History Project I'm working on, I couldn't help but reflect on my history, school-wise, as a student and a teacher.  With all this talk about football starting and selecting drafts, logos and schools are on my mind.  Since I'm a visual person, I decided to get creative with my personal logos in the above picture.  This was taken on the first day of school a few weeks ago.  

 Naturally, I have my high school and college where I got my first degree represented as well as where I obtained my Master's and where I currently work/attend.  Unfortunately, I couldn't locate a Holy Family logo (go WARRIORS!!) for my elementary school.  So I put up a map of Schuylkill County instead.  What can I say, I guess once a cheerleader always a cheerleader! 

Teaching-wise, just in the seven years I worked in York & Adam Counties alone, I taught in 30+ schools so I chose to focus on the two that really helped to shape my career and future direction.  I decided to include West York (of fav!!!) and YCST (where so many of the faculty I worked with inspired me).

I wonder what new logo I will put up once I find a college who will hire me...?!