Thursday, February 27, 2025

Charlotte Annie's Horsin' Around: Unicorn-Style 8th birthday party (March 2024)

Last year's birthday party took place at a Horse Ranch about 45 minutes from us called Faith Ranch. As I currently have my sights set on the new theme and upcoming party for Charlotte, I'm taking a moment to remember last year's theme/location. One of Charlotte's first favorite TV shows was Spirit and as she was about to turn eight, she was obsessed with unicorns. So, where else to have the 8th birthday party but at a Christian-based family-run horse ranch?!  

As with Charlotte's previous birthdays, we utilized a Facebook event page to invite family and friends to Charlotte's 8th birthday party. Below is the image we used. It was from another ranch we enjoyed visiting during one of our summer that has all kinds of amazing plants and flowers called, Groovy Plants Ranch! 

The Ranch staff were so helpful and friendly - I highly recommend having an event there! They thought of every last little detail and were very communicative from start to end in the process. Here is the itinerary I used to plan:

Date:  Sunday, March 10th, at Faith Ranch in Jewett, Ohio

Time:  1 - 3pm

  • Arrive by 1pm

    • Wear close-toed shoes (regarding the short pony ride, it’s important to wear protective shoes around horses).

    • Wear pants/jeans since it’s been quite chilly/cold these days.

    • For little ones who may need it, the parent will walk alongside the pony and hold his/her child by the back to steady the child. This is most common with pony rides, especially with kids under 2.

  • Parking:  Literally past the ranch house, as coming up the driveway, we’ll see the cars just past the ranch house on the left side in the designated parking lot.

    • Two handicapped parking spots and right next to the ranch house, there is a small pull out for any who would need it. 

  • Check in between 1 - 1:15pm

    • When passing the ranch house, go on the cement sidewalk that leads to the main door. This is the lobby where we will be greeted, weighed (those who are riding), and checked in…

  • Be in stables for the pony rides by 1:30pm — Children will be put in groups of ten. Four ponies will be available so for kiddos who are waiting for their five minutes of riding the ponies, the other children will be loving on the ponies. 

  • Aunt Karina: monitor kiddos coming and going from dining room area to ensure everyone gets a turn with the ponies and take pictures. 

  • Uncle Patrick:  take pictures of kiddos on ponies.

    • 38 to 39 children are planning to attend

    • Confirmed numbers by Wednesday, March 6th, at around 12:45pm.

  • Pony Rides / Learn how to care for ponies / Play games in dining room / sign Birthday Book from 1:30 - 2:30pm

  • Migrate to whole group back to dining room by 2:35/40pm

    • Readaloud of book to settle kiddos

    • Serve treats and dismiss by 2:55pm

Note:  Treats will be served at end of party and favor bags will be sent with kiddos at dismissal!

Favors: Use these treat bags (100) — Maybe Mom and I will arrive a half hour earlier or so to set up treat bags, birthday book, and cupcakes in dining hall ??? Or maybe on Friday (afternoon / evening)..?

  • Unicorn slime kit (36)

  • Unicorn/horse figurines

  • Unicorn pen (24)

  • small horse keychain (60)

  • Unicorn Hair for girls (20)

  • Pamphlet or flyer from Faith Ranch advertising summer programming

Treats: Serve “trail mix” in large bowls and have the 50 snack cups with hearts to scoop

  • Sign (4 x 6”)

  • M&Ms

  • Nuts

  • Popcorn

  • Pretzel sticks

Unicorn and Horse Cookies

Unicorn Cupcakes

  • White or yellow cake mix

  • White icing

    • Rainbow colored for swirls/hair

    • Mermaid sprinkles

  • Black piping for eyes/eyelashes

  • Caramel or original flavored Bugles chips for unicorn horns

  • Clear or white cupcake liners

Faith Ranch will provide:

  • Styrofoam products (plates, cups)

  • Napkins

  • Jugs of water and Kool-Aid





Arrival at 1pm

Check in / Registration in main office while remainder of party waits in dining room downstairs

  • Ensure waivers were signed

  • Anyone under the age of 18 receives helmet

Additional waivers for any last minute stragglers

Scale during check in (less than 240 lbs.)

Faith Ranch staff

1:30 - 2:30pm

Before or in between pony rides and caring for ponies

Five activities happening simultaneously of playing games, reading/signing book, riding ponies, stickers, craft

Games and Signing of Birthday Book Stations led by:




Faith Ranch staff (for craft)

Sign birthday book

Play Hungry Unicorn game


Play Unicorn Candy Land game. (Colette)

Unicorn sticker sheets (match sticker to number), 100 pieces of rainbow scratch paper / scratch sticks, coloring book, unicorn hair for girls — independent station?

Faith Ranch Craft - decorate horseshoes              

  • Birthday Book

  • Pens and markers

  • Sign about signing Birthday Book yearbook-style

  • Hungry Unicorn game

  • Unicorn Candy Land game


Faith Ranch staff

Read birthday book, sing Happy Birthday to Charlotte, and distribute treats of cupcakes / unicorn / horse cookies / large bowls for eating trail mix!

Whole Group Fun! Conclude by 2:55pm.

End of party

Dismiss at 2:55pm

Favor Bags & Treats:

  • Unicorn cupcakes

Be sure to have Alternative Treats!! No colored cupcakes or icing.     

Faith Ranch Staff

Decorations - Mom and I possibly go out on Friday afternoon/evening to decorate

* Unicorn balloon from cupcakery in Dublin, Ohio

* colorful streamers and balloons and balloon air pump

One of my favorite parts of last year's party was three student teachers asked if they could come assist with the kiddos. I was so touched they were willing to give up part of their weekend, during a busy semester of student teaching, to do that! They sure are special women who have such a heart for serving!

Charlotte was able to color in this t-shirt with Grammy in preparation for this party!

Getting ready to ride the ponies!

Miss Kayla reading from the birthday book to the captive audience (the girls had unicorn hair!).

Love their smiles!

The cookies were a work of art!

Later that night we went to Texas Roadhouse for more "saddle" fun & dinner!

These girls have special places in Charlotte's and my hearts, that's for sure.

The birthday photo albums served as the perfect "centerpieces" on each table as guests could rifle through them and try to find themselves in pictures from the last year of Charlotte's life! :)

Unicorn hair ready to be claimed by little girls!

With a March birthday, we have come to expect all sorts of weather! This day provided us with snow flurries, sunshine, and cloudy weather all in the same day!