Monday, April 15, 2013

The Beatles Got it Right

This afternoon I get to teach again, for the first time since December!  I'm excited since this is what I miss the most from my old life...the teaching part.  I guess once a teacher, always a teacher!  So, I was excited to learn that this week, I'm covering 2 classes for my advisor while she is out of town.  

However, last week, I received teaching evaluations from the class I taught in the Fall.  While the evaluations reflected both positives and negatives, as any evaluation will, I of course, focused more on the weaknesses that were listed.  

Thank goodness for friends who help to remind you of the good...I opened up my email the other night to receive this one from Ashley:

Ashley had remembered an email I had shown her from one of my students in late November.  How sweet of her to recall that email and send it to me when I was doubting myself.   So here's to all the best friends out there who do the following, as Ashley, Monika, Meredith, and so many do for me and I hope I do for them!

*  A friend gathers all your scattered pieces and gives them back to you in the right order.

*  A good friend remembers what we were and sees what we can be. - Anonymous

*  Friends are God's way of taking care of us.

*  Everyone hears what you say.  Friends listen to what you say.  Best friends listen to what you don't say.