Saturday, May 20, 2023

Seventh Anniversary Gifts - Copper & Wool

This is one of my favorite pictures from 2022 of Adam and me, taken last summer in Lewes, Delaware, about a month after our 7th anniversary. Where we walked on that beautiful June day, were the pretty old town blocks where I worked and took walks, after school, as a single new teacher just starting out in my big girl world. That had been 20 years prior to when this photo was taken. Looking at this photo now, while it's true we are a little more gray than when we first met ten years ago, the love is as bright as ever. We have had some sad times over the years, but we've also had the happy times and we're still smiling through it all. Thank you, Lord, for this gift of matrimony and my spouse!

So, in reflecting on what to get Adam for our 7th anniversary (last year), here is what I learned regarding the seventh anniversary gift rationale as viewed at this website:

There was no traditional gift for seven years of marriage in the United States until 1937. In that year, the American National Retail Jeweler Association published a list of traditional anniversary gifts by year through the 20th wedding anniversary and then for each fifth year thereafter.

For the seventh anniversary, gifts composed of copper or wool are traditional, though this can vary by country. Both are recognized in the U.S. But wool is favored in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and Italy. And copper is the choice in Russia and Germany.

Copper has long had a traditional meaning of prosperity, good luck, and good fortune. Couples who celebrate their seventh wedding anniversary can indeed celebrate their good fortune in finding one another. Wool represents the comfort, durability, security, and warmth that couples married this long give one another.

Furthermore, as the modern seventh wedding anniversary gift, a desk set or organizer is supposed to represent the respect you have for each other’s work and the work your relationship takes.


I don't think I noticed the desk set or organizer bit last year when researching what to get Adam for last year's 7th anniversary! That would have made shopping a lot easier. Here is the irony though. At work, last summer, I switched out the large clunky professional desk for a small, yellow, hand-me-down desk from one of my former student leaders who had graduated and no longer needed her desk! So, even though it was not related to Adam's and my anniversary, I did organize my desk (at work) with a new desk set/organizer during our seventh year of marriage. how fun is that?! 

You're not here to read about office improvements though! Back to what did Adam and I gift one another for our 7th anniversary last summer?

He chose to go with this t-shirt, knowing how much I enjoy purple, citing the fact that cotton and wool are soft.

He also gave this shiny smooth copper-colored compact that I keep in my school bag. Throughout this past schoolyear, it was a nice reminder each time I would catch a glimpse of it at the bottom of the school bag under my planners and books.

I gave Adam a penny---penny for your thoughts?! ;-) I also gave him a small needle felting kit crafting set that would enable us to make three small wool animal toys that I thought we both could enjoy partaking in with Charlotte. Charlotte loves playing with her little figurines, lining them up, playing school or daycare with them, and taking them on adventures. What better family gift, of wool, to give, right?

Would you believe a whole year has gone by and we haven't done this yet? I have never done needle felting and I must admit, I'm feeling quite intimidated by this kit! However, after getting back into crosstitching this past Lent, I'm feeling more brave about trying to teach myself this new skill in the upcoming summer! Better late than never, right?!

Another fun fact about year # 7, is that I can now say that I'm the woman Adam has been with the longest out of his other previous relationships. In two separate relationships, apparently he had dated the women for seven years in each. Whew, we made it to year # 8! =) Speaking of which, I'm especially excited to give Adam his gifts this summer. One is practical but the other is pretty unique if I say so myself. Stay tuned! 

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