Hope you have as much fun as I did in approaching each day in a different way!! Also, maybe you might want to look for the daily blessings in your lives too?!
May 3
I'm thankful that Dusty has a canine cousin he gets to play with when we go to Philly. These smiling doggies spent Friday night together as I was off at the retreat.
May 4
The retreat was rejuvenating and I learned a lot. My only wish is that more of my friends could have attended...maybe next year!
May 5
It was awesome getting to spend time with my twin tonight. We don't get to see each other as much as we used to when I was living in Pennsylvania. He is always the ultimate host when Dusty and I stay with his wife and him. It's awesome knowing that we have a place to stay and are always welcome in his home! I'm grateful for having had the chance to spend time with him after the retreat late into the night and visiting a little bit in the morning before mass on Sunday.
May 6
Seeing this sign always makes me happy! It takes me back to the many childhood trips to the beach with my family when we used to camp at 3 Seasons Camping Resort not too far from Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. Then, as a first year teacher, I moved to Lewes right after college graduation so seeing the sign now, remind me of my first "real world" experiences. Now, the sign represents a bit of a reprieve and that I'm not far from my little brother since he currently resides in the First State!
May 7
It was wonderful seeing my little brother and visiting him in his brand new newly built house!! It is so cute and I can't wait to back and see what else he's done with it. He and I usually travel to new places but it was nice visiting with him in his new home and hanging out in Dover.
May 8
I'm thankful that Dusty Shamrock was returned safe and sound after a rendezvous runaway when he escaped from the back deck!
May 9
Today's blessing came in the form of an unexpected note. :)
May 10
I got to travel to Harrisburg, PA today! I made it in time to attend Theology on Tap and get together with friends. I'm so thankful for friends who time and time again, find the time to see me during my quick trips/random visits to the best state ever, even if it's inconvenient for them (i.e., driving to Harrisburg on a work night to have drinks!) You know who you are and thanks for the love!!
May 11
Today, I made it back to NC just in the nick of time to see Mason Noelle perform in her first dance recital! I may be a bit biased but she did a WONDERFUL job and I look forward to many more recitals in Mason's future.
May 12
After attending my friend's baby shower this afternoon, I'm thankful for pro-LIFE choices!!

May 13
I headed to Asheville this afternoon with a dear friend. We had a great time exploring the city in spite of our hot air balloon ride getting cancelled the next morning!
May 14
Asheville was full of artsy and beautiful things such as these window decorations. I absolutely loved being surrounded by so much beauty & creativity and can't wait to return to this awesome city!
May 15
I made it back to High Point in time for Clark to blow out his candles on his birthday cake for his 3rd birthday! Hard to believe my first nephew is three years old! It feels like yesterday that I was sitting at a York Revs game with my crew when I got the word that I had a nephew from my little brother by reading his text that said, "BAMC". My best friend, who was sitting to my left, and I were ecstatic upon receiving the news!!
May 16
Tonight I did Zumba for the first time in a looooong time. I forgot how much I enjoyed it! It takes me back to when I first started taking classes at West York High School in the home ec classroom after school, a few years ago, with one of my favorite high school nurses I worked with teaching the class!
May 17
I'm grateful for a research opportunity that I'm involved with in California!
May 18
Finally got a tick bite I received on my first day of summer checked out by the doctor. Apparently I was bitten by a Bailey tick. This sort of tick is known for carrying Spotted Fever rather than Lyme's Disease so that was GREAT news to hear this morning!
May 19
I got to spend time with my parents today. They came back to NC (after having been down here last Friday & Saturday for Mason's recital) for Clark's birthday party. I'm soooo lucky to have parents who are willing to make the long drives just to see us, even if only for a day or two. Everyone should be so lucky to have parents like ours!!!
May 20
May 21
Even though I feel like I don't have enough of it....I'm grateful for the blessing of time. Each day is the chance to tackle something new...specifically, everything on my "to do" calendar list, including the items I left off of it, intentionally or not!
May 22
Today's blessing is my support network at school...wouldn't be able to do it without them!