Sunday, August 31, 2014
Woof! Woof!
I came across this website earlier today and couldn't help but smile as I read through these reasons and viewed the pictures. To all my fellow doggie lovers, enjoy!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Small things can mean the most sometimes
Sometimes the little things are what mean the most.
A slice of a layered chocolate cake with cream cheese icing a neighbor made as a welcome to the neighborhood gift that takes the edge off the hunger.
A little brother sharing a Youtube video of a favorite band's concert instructing you to listen to a certain part that pertains to your livelihood.
A new colleague and one of your housemates also popping into your office to wish you luck as you head off to your first day of teaching.
Texts from your sisters-in-law letting you know they're thinking of you.
A housemate checking in to say goodnight as you work yet another long night in unpacking and getting organized with schoolwork and putting the office together.
It is receiving a gift you were meant to receive back in March when you accepted the job from your new colleagues. Apparently it didn't make it to me in the mail in NC and was hand delivered to my office in Ohio instead. I can't wait to wear the fuzzy warm FUS sweatshirt with pride and will enjoy looking at this card in my office each day.
Students who share the same values as you - - - there seems to be an authenticity about them and true spirit for service! I can't wait to get to know them better this semester.
A loving fiance who tells you to not worry when there is not enough money in the account to cover the bills and the long awaited pay day is not for another looooong 28 days because a) what will it solve and b) things will work out in the long run in spite of the rough patches now.
Parents (and friends) who excitedly call, leave voicemails, and text asking how the first couple days of a new job are going.
An advisor who still thankfully advises and shares her wisdom even though I've "flown the coop".
Taken individually these are all small things but when put together, they are huge...especially when battling dark days. Yes, today the sun is brilliantly shining, the fall-that-will-soon-be-here-breeze is blowing through the windows, and I've got my cuddle bug by my side yet there is a sadness and an ache within me. At first I thought it was due to financial stress (I realized last night that my bank has started charging me a monthly fee since there has been no direct deposit since late April when I last got paid) and many wedding expenses are looming over the very near horizon in spite of the balance dipping dangerously to a big fat zero. Then, I thought these restless feelings might be from anxiety over the new job and teaching. Last night, during my third class of the day, after having made a couple mistakes, it took nearly four hours of working on the calendar/syllabus and fielding emails from students before I felt satisfied with the corrections I had made. Or maybe it's because the explorer in me is itching to get out there and see what's around these parts. This is the longest I have lived somewhere without going out and seeing what's around here. Granted it has been less than a month but with traveling, getting situated at work, and trying to unpack/get organized, in addition to the lack of finances, there hasn't been time nor the means to go out and seek adventure. Perhaps it's the fight or flight instinct kicking in but I want nothing more than to go explore and find something new to experience but due to circumstances I can't right now. Then there is always the missing Adam part even thought we "see" each other everyday on Skype. His sense of humor definitely helps though. Just now when I mentioned a new restaurant that was opening in this town, a buffet, he said that I should play this song (Patrick, you will like this) on the way to the restaurant:
I wonder what it is that God wants me to work on...perhaps it's to continue growing in work on self bear my crosses with more grace and humility (aka less complaining)? Perhaps it is all of the above in terms of growing in these virtues...yes, truly a little bit of everything!
However, this morning, while reflecting on all the changes that have occurred in so quick a time when I think back to last fall, I sit back in amazement. A year ago, I was starting out a new school year just like I am now but down in North Carolina. I had spent the summer prepping for the one course I was teaching (like how I prepped for the four I have this year). I'm so grateful for the experiences and opportunities I had while at UNCG to further expand and grow my skills. Without them, I surely would have had a more difficult time this past summer preparing for Ohio! Several housewarming and congratulatory cards I received from friends recently all expressed the same underlying all the happy news going on in my life...graduating, getting a new job, moving to a new state, getting married in 268 days (yay!)...yes, it's enough to make your head spin (multiple times). As one co-friend put it, "your life has been a whirlwind...but we would expect nothing less!" Mom lovingly wrote in a card, "Dad and I are right beside you. Adam is too. But more than anyone, the Lord is holding your hand and even pulling you forward leading you to the places and people of your future". Yes, He is doing this even if I want to stay holed up inside and try to keep things as they are or if I think I can't because of budgets (or lack thereof). He will always provide a way even when you think there is no way. So then why the periods of darkness when by all accounts, life should be all glittery and made of brightness right now? I think I stumbled upon it today when praying and reflecting. First, we wouldn't appreciate the good times if we didn't have the bad times. Ok, cliches aside....St. Augustine, who's feast day is today, more eloquently states,
"Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would not have been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace...Our hearts are restless until they rest in you O Lord".
That quote is full of imagery but what struck me was my sense of wanting to explore the area and feeling a sense of restlessness with not being able to focus long enough to get things unpacked or to finish a project or adequately plan for a lesson. Am I looking to fill up my time with being adventurous when I should rather instead focus on being still and looking inward? Perhaps this is why funds have run out when they did. Perhaps this is why the lows are given to we can look upward and reach higher than we have in the past.
Another reference to St. Augustine I reflected on today comes from Pier Giorgio Frassati, an inspiration behind many young adults groups across the world and also someone I admire. In my eyes, he is a terrific example of how us young folks should live out our vocations as Catholics while being in this world but not of the world:
"Meanwhile, these days I alternate my arid studies with the most beautiful readings of St. Augustine; my soul has never till now experienced so forcefully such infinite pleasure, because through those powerful Confessions one feels a little of the joy that is reserved for whoever dies in the Sign of the Cross. Today I bitterly regret having wasted my time and to have waited till this advanced age to savor such pure joy." -- From a letter to his friend Marco Beltramo,1924
Reading this quote reminds me of all the books Adam and I have been reading. We both have different copies of the book Frassati refers to in his quote above so I'm looking forward to the time when Adam and I will read the books together to compare the differing versions. Right now we're in the middle of reading a Dave Ramsey (The Total Money Makeover) book and a Kimberly Hahn (Life-Giving Love) book so have been learning a lot in the way of money and children that has been helping us when discerning our future plans. How fortunate we are to have these resources and better still, to have found someone who is willing to spend the time exploring and learning new things together. I pray that never changes!
Speaking of which, I think it's about time Dusty Shamrock and I get out there and explore more of this neighborhood during our daily walk. It seriously feels like we've gone back in time living in this little corner of Ohio. The ice cream truck comes around most evenings complete with the jingling music, children are active and actually playing outside rather than being glued to technology and TV, doors and windows are left open long into the night where the lights twinkle through the etched glass, fathers throw baseballs to their sons in the front yard (saw Dr. Scott Hahn doing just that the other night), mothers push their babies in strollers on the sidewalks, people safely walk the streets throughout all hours of the day, neighbors call hello to one another from their porches and cars, and welcoming cakes are distributed to newbies like my housemates and me. These last few days of summer remind me of summers from the past in Dayton, Aliquippa, and Frackville. It's been great experiencing all of this during this transition time and waiting period in my life. I definitely do look forward to experiencing it with Adam less than a year from now!
After a year of cultivating more patience, growing in self-discipline, increasing moderation, working on my relationship with God, and practicing more control, the reward will be to have my husband at my side as we explore all that God has to offer in the bright future! However, the present is equally as glittery and sparkly and I can't wait to see what will happen next...every little bit of everything, no matter how big or small they may be, and the ups and downs as they all weave together to create this wonderful thing we call life!!
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world" ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Posting the Postives
Lately, with all the sad news we're been hearing and seeing in our world these days (e.g., the beheading of James Foley, Robin Williams' suicide, trying to find a new normal amidst so much change, and well, you could fill in the blank)....some days feel like one is standing in quicksand and sinking further and further into the darkness.
So, in an effort to behave myself out of the funk, I'm revisiting the Positivity Challenge I completed on facebook a few weeks ago here. Here's to happy thoughts as I remind myself of the five days when I had to list 3 positive things that happened each day and nominate others to do the same.
Day 2 of positivity challenge:
1.) Had a great time with old and new friends when we enjoyed desserts and drinks in downtown San Diego. My cheeks hurt from the laughing.
2.) Got to pet a 14 month old French Bulldog named Zoey on the way back to the car. Dogs are the best.
3.) Love the grounds here where the conference is being held especially near the garden cottages... Sooo quaint and gorgeous!
Day 3 of Positivity Challenge:
1.) Have been thoroughly enjoying seeing everyone at the National Catholic Singles Conference. It is neat seeing familiar faces from last year while also meeting new friends.
2.) Was able to go to confession today which was pretty healing. Thank goodness for the members of the religious community who dedicate their lives to their vocations.
3.) Am loving this time with Adam. It will be hard to say goodbye again but for the next few days am going to soak up every glorious minute.
2.) In trying to focus on the positive today....several folks at the
conference over the weekend shared that Adam's and my story gave them
hope. I suppose that is all we can ever make a difference in
the lives of others and if that means that in a small way, Adam or I are
able to be a ray of hope to others then I'll take it!
3.) Finally, I'll close this positivity challenge out with a purely physical the form of the yummiest most authentic pina colada (thanks, Google, for the recipe Adam followed tonight) I have ever had the pleasure of drinking...even if there was no whipped cream on it..ha!
So, in an effort to behave myself out of the funk, I'm revisiting the Positivity Challenge I completed on facebook a few weeks ago here. Here's to happy thoughts as I remind myself of the five days when I had to list 3 positive things that happened each day and nominate others to do the same.
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I love the shadows in this picture! |
Day 1 of positivity challenge:
1.) Had a relaxing picnic lunch with Marci and Adam that consisted of yummy carne asada tacos and pretty white bark trees.
2.) Slow but steady progress was made on dissertation manuscript revisions... Page 1 of the eight page revisions table is done so far... Yes!
3.) With many thanks to Tim, Wendy, and family we had a wonderfully fun evening of photo taking and merriment at dinner.
1.) Had a relaxing picnic lunch with Marci and Adam that consisted of yummy carne asada tacos and pretty white bark trees.
2.) Slow but steady progress was made on dissertation manuscript revisions... Page 1 of the eight page revisions table is done so far... Yes!
3.) With many thanks to Tim, Wendy, and family we had a wonderfully fun evening of photo taking and merriment at dinner.
Day 2 of positivity challenge:
1.) Had a great time with old and new friends when we enjoyed desserts and drinks in downtown San Diego. My cheeks hurt from the laughing.
2.) Got to pet a 14 month old French Bulldog named Zoey on the way back to the car. Dogs are the best.
3.) Love the grounds here where the conference is being held especially near the garden cottages... Sooo quaint and gorgeous!
Day 3 of Positivity Challenge:
1.) Have been thoroughly enjoying seeing everyone at the National Catholic Singles Conference. It is neat seeing familiar faces from last year while also meeting new friends.
2.) Was able to go to confession today which was pretty healing. Thank goodness for the members of the religious community who dedicate their lives to their vocations.
3.) Am loving this time with Adam. It will be hard to say goodbye again but for the next few days am going to soak up every glorious minute.
Day 4 of Positivity Challenge:
1.) Now that the NCSC 2014 is completed, I'm feeling the nerves regarding the upcoming school year. However, I'm trying to remember anytime you start something new, it will be scary and challenging and am focusing on the positive that I have a job....and am so thankful for it!!
2.) What a FANTASTIC time with Marci the last few days. Feeling extra blessed for close friendships tonight.
3.) Just listened to some songs from Adam's and my wedding mass. Isn't it lovely how music can soothe the soul? —
listening to Kim Kalman.
1.) Now that the NCSC 2014 is completed, I'm feeling the nerves regarding the upcoming school year. However, I'm trying to remember anytime you start something new, it will be scary and challenging and am focusing on the positive that I have a job....and am so thankful for it!!
2.) What a FANTASTIC time with Marci the last few days. Feeling extra blessed for close friendships tonight.
3.) Just listened to some songs from Adam's and my wedding mass. Isn't it lovely how music can soothe the soul? —

Day 5 of the Positivity Challenge (last day!):
1.) I hate suicide. Each time another friend or someone I know succumbs to the darkness, a little piece of me dies with him or her too and far too many of my friends and others have been lost too soon through suicide/actions resulting from depression. Hearing of Robin Williams' passing today reminds me of all the other times I have learned of others who have been lost too soon. However, I'm hopeful that with the fame and notoriety that comes along with a celebrity's passing more awareness will be given to mental and depression issues. It's time to remove the stigma and treat these for what they are so that more lives aren't so desperately lost.
1.) I hate suicide. Each time another friend or someone I know succumbs to the darkness, a little piece of me dies with him or her too and far too many of my friends and others have been lost too soon through suicide/actions resulting from depression. Hearing of Robin Williams' passing today reminds me of all the other times I have learned of others who have been lost too soon. However, I'm hopeful that with the fame and notoriety that comes along with a celebrity's passing more awareness will be given to mental and depression issues. It's time to remove the stigma and treat these for what they are so that more lives aren't so desperately lost.
No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to
keep living. By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a
skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime
3.) Finally, I'll close this positivity challenge out with a purely physical the form of the yummiest most authentic pina colada (thanks, Google, for the recipe Adam followed tonight) I have ever had the pleasure of drinking...even if there was no whipped cream on it..ha!
NCSC 2015 will be....
...held in Atlanta, GA!!!
For those of you who have considered attending in the past but haven't for fear of meeting someone who may live long distance from you...please take a moment to soak in these words I read in a CM success story:
Our first two and a half years of dating were pretty much long distance, but I think this actually made our relationship stronger because we talked so often, so communication became a key part of our relationship. That’s a benefit of online dating really, especially at the beginning of the relationship. You’re forced to talk to the other person and the physical doesn’t get in the way of getting to know the other person.
Those words did not come from me but they could have as I wholeheartedly agree with what this woman said in reference to her long distance relationship with her now husband. I'm thankful Adam and I don't have to do it for much longer (less than nine months now!) but think there really is something to be said regarding the patience, the waiting, and the other virtues we are being forced to grow in and work on during this period of hopeful waiting until the next time. Only a little more than 7 weeks until we get to do our Engaged Encounter Weekend in Pennsylvania and have more time together in person!
For more information regarding the NCSC, go to this link. Also, check out the slideshow from San Diego where NCSC 2014 was held! You might see some familiar faces at the 1 minute 57 seconds mark, 3 minutes and 9 seconds mark, and four minutes and 47 seconds mark. ;)
For those of you who have considered attending in the past but haven't for fear of meeting someone who may live long distance from you...please take a moment to soak in these words I read in a CM success story:
Our first two and a half years of dating were pretty much long distance, but I think this actually made our relationship stronger because we talked so often, so communication became a key part of our relationship. That’s a benefit of online dating really, especially at the beginning of the relationship. You’re forced to talk to the other person and the physical doesn’t get in the way of getting to know the other person.
Those words did not come from me but they could have as I wholeheartedly agree with what this woman said in reference to her long distance relationship with her now husband. I'm thankful Adam and I don't have to do it for much longer (less than nine months now!) but think there really is something to be said regarding the patience, the waiting, and the other virtues we are being forced to grow in and work on during this period of hopeful waiting until the next time. Only a little more than 7 weeks until we get to do our Engaged Encounter Weekend in Pennsylvania and have more time together in person!
For more information regarding the NCSC, go to this link. Also, check out the slideshow from San Diego where NCSC 2014 was held! You might see some familiar faces at the 1 minute 57 seconds mark, 3 minutes and 9 seconds mark, and four minutes and 47 seconds mark. ;)
If a picture is worth a thousand words, I wonder what these would say?!
"It's not where you are in life (North Carolina, California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado?!!??), it's who you have by your side that matters." ~ Anonymous
I love the above quote. Obviously, I added some details to it but you get the gist of it.
With many thanks to Adam's brother-in-law, Tim and his sweet son who acted as his trusty assistant, we had some engagement photos taken at a beautiful park, Lake Harveston, in California the other week. It's fun to think that exactly nine months from today we'll be taking wedding photos on hopefully a beautiful sunny day much like this one on the other side of the country!
I love the above quote. Obviously, I added some details to it but you get the gist of it.
With many thanks to Adam's brother-in-law, Tim and his sweet son who acted as his trusty assistant, we had some engagement photos taken at a beautiful park, Lake Harveston, in California the other week. It's fun to think that exactly nine months from today we'll be taking wedding photos on hopefully a beautiful sunny day much like this one on the other side of the country!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
This used to be my playground
Oh, how I have missed blogging and the stress relief this form of journaling, and praying at times, has been for me. With moving to Ohio, getting settled, prepping for the upcoming school year, and meeting so many new people in this new place, the days and nights are rolling on by with barely a moment to breathe let alone write.
I just completed making major revisions to my dissertation manuscript and am taking a quick break before moving on to triple check my four syllabi but wanted to get these thoughts down in blog land while they are still fresh.
My Aunt Marie, Uncle Bill, and parents spontaneously joined me for mass and dinner tonight!! These are the sort of outings I missed so much while living in North Carolina. It is nice to be able to see my family as often as I have been since moving to Ohio in spite of the distance. Of course I miss the little ones and my brother and sister-in-law in the south but have been loving getting in this regular time with my parents and seeing my Pittsburgh relatives more often these days.
Mom and Dad were passing through on their way back from visiting Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota and Aunt Marie and Uncle Bill are only about 45 minutes from here. In fact, as a child (well really more as a toddler) we used to make the drive over to Steubenville to visit my Mom's cousin and her family. The Cunninghams lived on a corner with a nice front yard and one of the girls was my parents' flowergirl in their wedding back in June '76. Sadly, Margie died at a young age from breast cancer leaving Larry to raise the five children on his own. I wish I could recall the days of visiting this Irish Catholic family in Steubenville but I don't since I was so young. For the longest time when I would hear the word, Steubenville, I would think of the big ol' family my Aunt Gladys and Uncle Joe were grandparents to and that was it. Then in my late 20s, upon listening to the Lighthouse Media CDs and learning from some of the prominent scholars in Catholicism over the years, I discovered Franciscan University of Steubenville through their ties and connections to this school.
Fast forward several years later to this past spring when I interviewed with and landed a job at FUS then literally had the house in which I'm staying fall into my lap. As Mom said tonight, I didn't find the house but rather "the house, and my housemates, found me".
So back to tonight, after mass and dinner, Aunt Marie, Uncle Bill, Mom, and I took my "Irish Dog" as my new colleagues at work call him, for a walk so I could show them some of the neighborhood. Lo and behold, the house down the street and around the corner (less than half a block away) was where the Cunninghams lived!!! In fact, just last night, on our walk, a large Golden Retriever left his porch (the very same house where my Mom's cousins lived) and came after us to sniff Dusty. I also am pretty sure we saw the owner of said dog at mass tonight. I am apparently living around the corner from where I played as a small child. How crazy is that?! God continues to astound me with where he has led me and the paths he has put me on over the years....! What a nice reminder of this verse:
In fact, I had just purchased a poster with the above scripture on it for my bedroom the other day and was also planning to hang the same poster up in my office on campus.
May we all trust the Lord to guide us to our paths wherever they may lead!
* This is the poster I mentioned last night that I hung up this past week....
I just completed making major revisions to my dissertation manuscript and am taking a quick break before moving on to triple check my four syllabi but wanted to get these thoughts down in blog land while they are still fresh.
My Aunt Marie, Uncle Bill, and parents spontaneously joined me for mass and dinner tonight!! These are the sort of outings I missed so much while living in North Carolina. It is nice to be able to see my family as often as I have been since moving to Ohio in spite of the distance. Of course I miss the little ones and my brother and sister-in-law in the south but have been loving getting in this regular time with my parents and seeing my Pittsburgh relatives more often these days.
Mom and Dad were passing through on their way back from visiting Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota and Aunt Marie and Uncle Bill are only about 45 minutes from here. In fact, as a child (well really more as a toddler) we used to make the drive over to Steubenville to visit my Mom's cousin and her family. The Cunninghams lived on a corner with a nice front yard and one of the girls was my parents' flowergirl in their wedding back in June '76. Sadly, Margie died at a young age from breast cancer leaving Larry to raise the five children on his own. I wish I could recall the days of visiting this Irish Catholic family in Steubenville but I don't since I was so young. For the longest time when I would hear the word, Steubenville, I would think of the big ol' family my Aunt Gladys and Uncle Joe were grandparents to and that was it. Then in my late 20s, upon listening to the Lighthouse Media CDs and learning from some of the prominent scholars in Catholicism over the years, I discovered Franciscan University of Steubenville through their ties and connections to this school.
Fast forward several years later to this past spring when I interviewed with and landed a job at FUS then literally had the house in which I'm staying fall into my lap. As Mom said tonight, I didn't find the house but rather "the house, and my housemates, found me".
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Dusty Shamrock and I enjoy this view each day as we take our daily walks. |
So back to tonight, after mass and dinner, Aunt Marie, Uncle Bill, Mom, and I took my "Irish Dog" as my new colleagues at work call him, for a walk so I could show them some of the neighborhood. Lo and behold, the house down the street and around the corner (less than half a block away) was where the Cunninghams lived!!! In fact, just last night, on our walk, a large Golden Retriever left his porch (the very same house where my Mom's cousins lived) and came after us to sniff Dusty. I also am pretty sure we saw the owner of said dog at mass tonight. I am apparently living around the corner from where I played as a small child. How crazy is that?! God continues to astound me with where he has led me and the paths he has put me on over the years....! What a nice reminder of this verse:
In fact, I had just purchased a poster with the above scripture on it for my bedroom the other day and was also planning to hang the same poster up in my office on campus.
May we all trust the Lord to guide us to our paths wherever they may lead!
* This is the poster I mentioned last night that I hung up this past week....
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Little Things
I woke up on the other side of the country to
the delicious aroma of beef bourguignon (well, port since we're using that wine instead...hehe) courtesy of the famed Julia Child already cooking for dinner tonight;
the very excited greeting and kisses, no, no silly reader, to the adorable four pups who wiggled and wagged their greetings to me. Their drive-by kisses and bundles of energy in my lap reminded me of my own loveable pup, Dusty Shamrock. God gave us extra special beings in the form of our four-legged doggie companions if you ask me;
my eyes caught the sight of peanut butter cups in a basket on the kitchen counter (yum!);
slept in until 11am (which was MUCH needed after the last couple crazy moving days and four of five hours of sleep I had been getting with unpacking/getting settled in record time with MANY thanks to my Mom's help);
currently am sipping on a tall glass of refreshing cold almond iced coffee (something I hadn't tasted since last March);
and today's weather is OMGosh absolutely gorgeous with no humidity and cheerful sunshine!!
Topping all that is the view I have of my future husband hard at work while sitting across the table from me (his vacation days don't start until the end of the week). I really should be matching his go get-em attitude right now and start tackling the proposal for the St. Louis conference and some manuscript revisions but I really would rather just bask in these little things this morning. As my advisor wisely told me last night, this is where the heart is. Her words reminded me of what Dad had reminded me during this past summer. He said to not get so wrapped up in the new job I forget to live (which has happened in the past). His statement reminded me of a conversation I had with a grandfather type custodian during my first year teaching in PA back in 2003. He had grown accustomed to seeing me holed away in the upstairs office of our old office building in East York. After one too many nights of my working until 7pm before getting on the highway to make the 90 minute drive home, he said, "Meg, don't work your life away. Live to live not to work". He also shared how he and his wife, who was a teacher in that same school, had put their lives and energy into working. So much so, they worked and worked and worked, and didn't have a family. He said now, in their old age, they were unable to have children but had dedicated their adult lives to the students and children they served at Yorkshire. They were respected and well-loved by the members of the school but I could detect a hint of loneliness in the man's lined face. The rest of the school year went by and I did see less of the custodian but can't say I stopped working around the clock. This is something I will need to work on as I enter this new year/life in Ohio and prepare for the changes 2015 will bring as well!
So, with that thought in mind, I'm off to go see what I can do to help with dinner tonight and get in some quality time with one of the most endearing men I've met who reminds me of my three brothers and Dad. Adam seems to embody Patrick's witty sense of humor, Mark's practicality, and Brian's no-nonsense attitude all at the same time while also being a protector yet realist as my Dad is, even when I don't want to hear it. I'm so thankful I get to spend these nine glorious days with Adam. God is good....all of the time! I guess He kinda knew what He was doing when He drew us together last fall.
the delicious aroma of beef bourguignon (well, port since we're using that wine instead...hehe) courtesy of the famed Julia Child already cooking for dinner tonight;
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This was taken before we added the port, broth, garlic, bay leaf, and thyme but it looks and smells heavenly! |
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Dusty Shamrock on the steps of our new home for the next ten months (and my finger..ha!) |
slept in until 11am (which was MUCH needed after the last couple crazy moving days and four of five hours of sleep I had been getting with unpacking/getting settled in record time with MANY thanks to my Mom's help);
currently am sipping on a tall glass of refreshing cold almond iced coffee (something I hadn't tasted since last March);
and today's weather is OMGosh absolutely gorgeous with no humidity and cheerful sunshine!!
Topping all that is the view I have of my future husband hard at work while sitting across the table from me (his vacation days don't start until the end of the week). I really should be matching his go get-em attitude right now and start tackling the proposal for the St. Louis conference and some manuscript revisions but I really would rather just bask in these little things this morning. As my advisor wisely told me last night, this is where the heart is. Her words reminded me of what Dad had reminded me during this past summer. He said to not get so wrapped up in the new job I forget to live (which has happened in the past). His statement reminded me of a conversation I had with a grandfather type custodian during my first year teaching in PA back in 2003. He had grown accustomed to seeing me holed away in the upstairs office of our old office building in East York. After one too many nights of my working until 7pm before getting on the highway to make the 90 minute drive home, he said, "Meg, don't work your life away. Live to live not to work". He also shared how he and his wife, who was a teacher in that same school, had put their lives and energy into working. So much so, they worked and worked and worked, and didn't have a family. He said now, in their old age, they were unable to have children but had dedicated their adult lives to the students and children they served at Yorkshire. They were respected and well-loved by the members of the school but I could detect a hint of loneliness in the man's lined face. The rest of the school year went by and I did see less of the custodian but can't say I stopped working around the clock. This is something I will need to work on as I enter this new year/life in Ohio and prepare for the changes 2015 will bring as well!
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The view on our way to mass Sunday morning..I will be sharing the notes I took from that inspiring homily on the gospel of the five loaves and two fish story soon. |
Monday, August 4, 2014
Oh meet me in ....
I think I mentioned previously that ever since meeting Adam last October, every week, I notice a shirt or license plate or some other reference to California at least once. Lately, this trend seems to be spilling over into other arenas. I am currently sitting in Las Vegas, Nevada (not New Mexico) for the first time. I was feeling tempted to go over and play some slots but was afraid I would lose all my money when I don't have any to lose so turned around and watched the sun set over the beautiful mountains that surround this airport instead. Now that it is dark, I can see the reflection of the colorful spinning slot lights in the window but decided to put my head down and get to work on a proposal I found out about today. This particular conference usually has the proposals due around Halloween but for some reason they are due earlier this year.
I always enjoy this deaf education conference and plan to still attend in the upcoming years even though my new job is in general education so that I can still be in the loop of my first chosen profession. :) Recognize the conference's location for next year? Yep, meet me in St. Louis (which is one of my all time favorite movies)!!
So, in a city known for gambling, partying, and other shenanigans, I decided to start working on my proposal (what am I thinking?! I should be sitting at a slot machine!). As I glanced up to look at the pretty colorful lights reflecting in the window, I saw a gal wearing a bright blue shirt that said, "College of Education and Public Service Saint Louis University". Wow, what are the odds I thought?! It wasn't until a few more minutes went by before I realized that my gate will next be boarding passengers headed to St. Louis.
However, I will raise you one (or is it double down? I don't know...I don't gamble. Where is my little brother when I need him?). Not only am I working on a proposal for a conference that will be held in St. Louis sitting at a gate for a plane bound for Saint Louis but when my phone rang just now, it was my Aunt Maureen who used to live in St. Louis! Boom! Hmm, is that sufficient coincidental luck for me to stop working on this proposal to wander over to the slot machines a mere few yards away from me? Nah, I'd rather not roll that dice. Besides, I'm already....
I always enjoy this deaf education conference and plan to still attend in the upcoming years even though my new job is in general education so that I can still be in the loop of my first chosen profession. :) Recognize the conference's location for next year? Yep, meet me in St. Louis (which is one of my all time favorite movies)!!
So, in a city known for gambling, partying, and other shenanigans, I decided to start working on my proposal (what am I thinking?! I should be sitting at a slot machine!). As I glanced up to look at the pretty colorful lights reflecting in the window, I saw a gal wearing a bright blue shirt that said, "College of Education and Public Service Saint Louis University". Wow, what are the odds I thought?! It wasn't until a few more minutes went by before I realized that my gate will next be boarding passengers headed to St. Louis.
However, I will raise you one (or is it double down? I don't know...I don't gamble. Where is my little brother when I need him?). Not only am I working on a proposal for a conference that will be held in St. Louis sitting at a gate for a plane bound for Saint Louis but when my phone rang just now, it was my Aunt Maureen who used to live in St. Louis! Boom! Hmm, is that sufficient coincidental luck for me to stop working on this proposal to wander over to the slot machines a mere few yards away from me? Nah, I'd rather not roll that dice. Besides, I'm already....
I also leave you with this since I am currently sitting in this airport.
You're welcome.
Friday, August 1, 2014
New spaces!
My parents' car and my car are completely packed and loaded up with last minute things from my storage unit and this past summer.
Buried in there somewhere are my overnight bags for this weekend of staying over at my Aunt and Uncle's house until I get a bed in Ohio as well as my bag for California! It was quite interesting packing for three separate things as I attempt to move from PA to OH today but I think I was successful. Guess we'll find out as I go the various places and discover if I have what I need!
What an exciting day and I pray the sunshine follows us all the way across the state into Ohio so that I can unload the two vehicles in a dry state (literally..haha).
Looking forward to creating a new "home sweet home" for the next ten months!
It is time to go explore the wide open spaces!!
Buried in there somewhere are my overnight bags for this weekend of staying over at my Aunt and Uncle's house until I get a bed in Ohio as well as my bag for California! It was quite interesting packing for three separate things as I attempt to move from PA to OH today but I think I was successful. Guess we'll find out as I go the various places and discover if I have what I need!
What an exciting day and I pray the sunshine follows us all the way across the state into Ohio so that I can unload the two vehicles in a dry state (literally..haha).
Looking forward to creating a new "home sweet home" for the next ten months!
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