Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (part 11 of 30)

Thursday, 08/27/15:  12 weeks 3 days

We are definitely spoiled with being able to see the little one so often through these ultrasounds.  I just hope it is all covered by insurance.  We haven’t received any bills in the mail yet and started going to the doctor in July so I would think we would have received some by now if these visits weren’t covered then again paperwork is so slow sometimes.

We also learned the other day that apparently the placenta is along the front wall of the uterus which means that it will be hard for me to feel the kicks or punches.  I think I’m glad about that news because I don’t know if I could handle feeling those especially if the baby is super active later on in pregnancy!  Oh, that reminds me!  The other night while sitting on the step in the backyard and waiting for the pups to “do business”, I felt a small spasm in my stomach.  I didn’t think much of it until it happened a second time.  It felt more like a flutter of air from the bottom left of my stomach diagonally across to the top right and I wondered, “Could this be the baby??”  I think I’m far too early on and not big enough yet to feel anything but we do know from the ultrasounds the little kiddo is very active already so who knows?!

In thinking about the decision to decline genetic testing, I thought about the potential of my being overly emotional and bursting with hormones at birth and finding out news then versus finding out now via the genetic testing now.  I guess with my background in special education and with having worked with children and adults with so many various disabilities/disorders/syndromes, I’m kind of thinking whatever comes, will come and we’ll take whatever it is that is in store for us.  Don’t get me wrong…I am a complete worrywart and analyze things to death so in a way, if there were some kind of diagnosis, I would probably obsess over it and drive myself (and everyone else) batty with hypothetical scenarios and “what ifs” but for right now, after much consideration, we’re not feeling drawn toward the genetic testing.

It’s crazy how attached you become to someone you haven’t met yet.  I can’t wait to snuggle and hug this precious one!

Sunday, 08/30/15:  12 weeks 6 days

We bought a Tupperware container tonight so that I could start packing up some of my clothes (by season) in an effort to free up some space in the nursery.  I’m currently using the closet and dresser in that room but we want to use that space for the baby since the guest room will eventually be a nursery.  I told Adam when we brought the large blue container into the house that it felt more real.  That container was a tangible item that baby is definitely coming this spring!  :)

This 12th week as we move along into the 13th week has been the week of emotions flying all over the place.  More than a few tears fell in the last several days which is surprising since I’m not normally an overly emotional person or at least don’t cry at the drop of a hat as it seems I’ve been doing these days.  My stomach also randomly feels as if I’ve been doing stomach crunches…guess that is due to the growing and expanding of everything in there!  This weekend, I was able to get in a couple miles of walking at a beautiful trail one of my former roommates showed me on Friday after work.  I took Adam and the pups there last night and look forward to the next time we walk!  I definitely feel better when I get in that regular exercise so hope to get in more time on the trail and/or in our neighborhood.  With fall coming, the trail will look so gorgeous with the changing colors of the leaves!

This past week also marked another exciting event as Adam and I decided on the boy and girl first and middle names for our child!  :)  :)  :)  We are going to keep the names to ourselves and will reveal them when we introduce our little one to everyone.  Stay tuned!  What was neat though was when Adam and I pulled up this random list we saw that both of our names are on the "Top 50"...way to go to our parents for picking names that are still relevant 35 and 42 years later..ha!  Isn't it interesting how they are both # 29 though?  Does that mean the baby will be 8 days early and come on February 29th?!  Adam is excited for that possibility (leap year baby) but I'd rather it be on a date that occurs every year! 



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