Friday, October 7, 2016

Charlotte Ann is seven months old!

Lots of growing happened but so did lots of tiredness too.

And just like that Charlotte is 7 months old!  

Celebrating cousin AJ's Baptism over Labor Day Weekend

Where does she come up with these faces?!

Hanging out with Aunt Liz at Aunt Maureen's Golden Jubilee Mass and Celebration

It was so surreal seeing the nuns from my youth holding Charlotte in their arms.  Also seeing my niece and nephews run around the convent and dining hall took me back to when my brothers and I did the same at their age.

Standing where my parents had their wedding photos taken!

Charlotte didn't seem too impressed with the flower perched atop her head from one of her cousins.

Love my godson's smile!

These two cousins are exactly two months apart.  :)

Can't believe how much Mason Noelle has grown!

Grandparents' Day with Grammy and Pappy before they returned home to Pennsylvania

Love seeing the joy on my parents' faces as they interact with our daughter!  Can't wait to do it with Charlotte's Grandma and Pa in less than three months now!

Ok, I'm over the picture taking Mom!

Busted...she saw me through the window when she and Pappy were enjoying each other on the front porch.

She started grabbing on to anything that dangles, including dog collars, this past month.

She didn't mind the times Hershey opted to sit on her.

Charlotte enjoyed new toys this past month including this stacking ring toy.

Mmm, socks!

This is the look Charlotte usually has on her face when I read aloud to her the Woman of Grace readings and material from the weekly bible study I'm participating in at church.  She seems to prefer the theme song rather than the readings. 

She loves her solids!

Adam and I had a gift of a date day when a friend from work gave us Kennywood passes!

We had fun at the amusement park and knew Charlotte was in good hands at Aunt Marie & Uncle Bill's house but missed her!

Best buddies
Lots of kicking has been happening this month as Charlotte continues exploring her growing muscles and limbs.

Tummy time for everyone!

Like I said, she REALLY likes solids.  ; )

It is still a challenge getting shoes to stay on her feet for more than a few seconds!

Getting better at tummy time with each day!

Getting ready to go consignment sale shopping with Grammy and Mommy!

Yes, I want this mobile please!


She is so over the picture taking here....look at that expression on her face!

Always going after the jewelry...

Please....noooo more pictures you guys!

The delicious apple cider, yummy pumpkin roll, music, and time spent outside with my parents and Adam at the pumpkin patch was a great way to start my favorite month!

She enjoyed her toy from earlier this summer thanks to Pappy fixing the batteries for us!

She sure enjoys the consignment sale purchase of the mobile!
Charlotte enjoyed going to a couple meetings with me at work this past month.

Packing for the trip to NC!

Giggles galore!

I'm ready for the road trip to NC!

Charlotte can't wait to jamberry her toes and fingers like Mommy some day!

Charlotte has made a lot of gains this past month and is trying new things every day it seems.  She is currently eating squash, oatmeal, baby cereal, and sweet carrots.  She enjoys breakfast and has also been spending her meal times helping me with my weekly Women of Grace bible study.  I completed this study twice in my mid 20s from the spiritual motherhood standpoint but it has been just as rewarding and, at times, eye opening doing it now as physical mother.  Charlotte loves when I sing the theme song to her.  She also still loves when Daddy sings to her.  Her favorite thing to do right now is to find the tag on everything whether it be clothing, toys, towels, even her bibs or burp cloths.  She will stay intensely absorbed in examining and playing with the tag barely breaking concentration even if Adam and I try to distract her.  She also is at the stage of grabbing…fistfuls of hair, rubbing her own head, grabbing on to long sleeves now that the weather is starting to turn a bit cooler, a dog’s tail or ear, and my necklace.  I’ve already had to take it in to be repaired twice.  I wonder how many more times the chain will snap before she outgrows this phase?!
Charlotte weighed in at 15 lbs. 4 oz. and measured at 25.25 inches long at her appointment in mid September.  She is still transitioning out of 3-6 month clothing and easing her way into 6 month sizes.  She prefers comfort over fashion in that she kicks her shoes off within seconds of our putting them on her little feet.  
On the days I’m at work, I’m amazed at how much I can’t wait to get back home just to see this precious little girl.  Mondays are rough because I only see her in the mornings.  She is usually sound asleep by the time I get home after 9pm on those days.  With each Monday that passes though, I know we’re that much closer to the end of the semester when I get my time back with her.  Next summer will be so glorious with not having to leave her the three days a week I do now.  My heart goes out to those parents who have to do it all five days of the work week!
Charlotte continued to work on rolling this past month and has been spending more and more time on her belly during tummy time.  She is getting quite good at lifting herself up and taking in the view from that vantage point while looking like she *might* crawl then scooting backwards instead.  She still needs support sitting but once in that position does a good job of sort of maintaining balance.  She still sleeps on her back with her hands up by her head in a victorious pose but in the mornings will lay on her side trying to play with her toes.  It’s the cutest thing.  Some of her favorite things are to be put in her car seat, watching her pups chase one another throughout the house, bath time, cuddling, sleeping through the night, and grabbing anything in sight.
Charlotte has also increased her communication skills this past month.  She is still babbling and cooing (some would even say squawking) and signs “milk” when she’s hungry.  She definitely lets us know when she is through with something and ready for the next event or activity.  Another trick she does is to use her feet or legs to get a toy that is out of reach.  In fact, this afternoon I watched as she picked up her toy keys with her feet then dropped them into her outstretched hands….talk about problem solving in figuring out how to get the toy she desired while lying on the changing table!  Charlotte also enjoys watching what’s happening from her high chair.  She leans back and leans forward in it demonstrating excellent balance.  
Charlotte will go South for the first time today.  She gets to go to her first wedding this weekend and I can’t wait to take her to my old church in North Carolina too!

Thank you, adorable piece of our hearts, for being such a beautiful part of our lives over the last 7 months!  Love you to the moon and back and then some! 

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