Sunday, May 12, 2019

"Associating" with some exciting news I almost forgot....!

I'm currently still in Austria as the students, staff, and faculty are in the midst of studying, taking finals, grading, and packing.  It also happens to be Mother's Day and the day after graduation back in Ohio.  My family and I board a plane in nine days to return to reality and all the responsibilities that come with being Ohio residents again so my thoughts are with those celebrating in the states as we look ahead to what the future holds as well.

Over the last couple months, some folks have expressed how it looks like I'm enjoying our vacation while here in Europe.  It may seem that it has been all play and no work given the pictures that have been posted here and there and the exploring we've been doing when on breaks from school but this past semester has been filled to the brim with working and servant leadership.

However, our time here has been so very fruitful and blessed in spite of the long hours. 

When I look back at all that has transpired since January, I can hardly believe all that has occurred.  I'm not done with my grading yet but the work these students have produced while here (in spite of travels, intense workloads, and being out of our usual climates and surroundings) has been nothing short of amazing. 

They were more intentional in their work. 

They applied the concepts being discussed in class in a thoughtful way to their performance-based assessments. 

I've seen students striving to do their best and I've seen students struggle through challenges to grow not only academically but also personally. 

It's been surreal at times and not always easy but I'm really glad to have had the chance to live abroad, to work alongside these students, to meet those outside my major in which I work, and to get to know and come to love the people who work here year round.  This place is incredibly special and I hope continues to grow and thrive as this program is such an asset and gift to the university.

Fr. Jonathan talked today about how mothers "shepherd" their children and they come to recognize the voices of Mom from anywhere.  He likened this to how we, as followers of Christ, should also come to recognize His voice as we seek His will in all we do.  Earlier this week, my students and I talked about what does this mean for the classroom?  What does this mean for teachers and students and the importance of getting to know one another, of building relationships and rapport, of taking the time to cultivate and build that trust and bond with one another year in and year out in education?  We had some fruitful discussion on this and I'm going to miss these thoughtful exchanges over the summer!  Hmm....maybe we can keep this going beyond this semester via email??!

Looking back on this semester, as a rotating faculty member here, I've been able to teach four classes when the norm is three.  I co-wrote or independently wrote three manuscripts and am in the middle of a fourth one.  I oversaw a Women's Invested Small Group with six lovely college students each week.  I counseled and advised countless students (even those outside the major).  I published the monthly newsletter for my department, oversaw the group page on our learning management system, and participated in some meetings on main campus thanks to virtual collaboration. 

On the ground here, I helped with tours with local schoolchildren, set up language enrichment literacy activities in local schools and on campus, was able to visit all of the partner schools here in Austria (six or seven...I lost track), implemented a new program (SO excited about the SOARING initiative!!), got to know the already established program for EDU majors here a bit better, proposed setting up Readers Theatre projects in a local Kindergarten classroom, created a manual that will contain Text Sets and other language activities to be used by a variety of individuals here, helped acquire 20 children's picture books for the library on this campus, began a study on teaching English as a foreign language to a kindergarten class with a colleague, helped formalize a structure for EDU majors to assess a child with Down Syndrome, to design an intervention, and engage in progress monitoring, am looking into forming a connection with a school for students with special needs and EDU majors, created two professional development workshops for EDU majors, and provided guidance to a new student group for members who are here this semester as well.  I gave three talks and participated on a panel discussion.  I was able to participate in a book study with the women of the community each week and I was able to learn more about how Ministry to Moms is run here.  I was able to help with ensuring a couple copies of the university magazine will be sent here in future semesters and was able to hold a conversation gathering with the women and their needs to help with forming stronger connections between Ohio and Gaming.

I didn't share my story with the girls from Small Group so the author of this thank you note had no way of knowing the impact her words would have on me.  God sure does have a way of working through others and providing us with what we need at just the right time.  So thankful to be able to work with the students in these ways while at the same time hopefully still doing an adequate job in meeting Charlotte's and Adam's needs.
In a sense, it feels like nothing can top this semester in terms of teaching, scholarship, and service.  I loved getting to mentor the students in a completely different way by sharing in the off and on campus experiences with them and allowing them into our home (and lives) through their vested interest in getting to know us as a family.  All of the activities I list here certainly could not have happened without the support of my family and other members of this community!  It truly does take a village and here there is something quite special about the sense of support that is felt here.  Through my experiences here, folks lend helping hands without thinking twice about it and genuinely seem to care.  It's going to be hard to say goodbye in a little over a week but I'm thankful for technology to keep us connected!  Adam & I will be returning to a different sort of supportive network.  Here, I was able to engage in what I am truly passionate about & I hope I can hold on to this vigor upon returning to main campus.

Speaking of main campus, after mass this morning, the director approached me and wished me, "Congratulations!" 

I thought, "For what?!" before he reminded me of the graduation ceremonies that occurred yesterday.

Since I'm here in Austria, I was unable to attend the graduation on main campus.  However, it was streamed live.  If you play the Sciences Commencement from 30 min. 32 secs. to 32 min., you'll see why he said congrats...specifically from 31 min. 40 secs. to 31 min. 58 secs.  ;)

I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this particular milestone without the support of those in our lives prior to Gaming!  Thank you to all who played any role, no matter how small or big, in helping me to achieve this dream.

The Communion song today was, "It is Well".  This song holds a special place in my heart and is especially connected to Charlotte, Adam, & me (and her Baptism mass!).  As we face the return to regular life in Ohio and leaving behind the lovely folks we've met here, yet again God is reminding me that all will be well.  This morning's mass was incredibly raw for me as I faced all sorts of thoughts and feelings with regard to motherhood, both planned and unplanned experiences that come along with being Charlotte's mom.  As Charlotte Annie nestled in my arms, I thought over the last three Mother's Days I've been fortunate enough to experience as her mother.  This is my fourth Mother's Day and each year, the day is spent vacillating from one end to the other as far as emotions go.  In the days leading up to this weekend, I said goodbye to the women in my small group, have been bidding my students farewell as we wrap up final exams, and mentally am preparing to say goodbye to where we've called home the last four months including the spiritual and physical mothers I've been spending time with while here.  I'm not sure that I'm ready to be back in the environment that is rewarding yet triggering for me in the way of personal dreams and hopes.  I'm not sure that I'm ready to be outnumbered by so many in the way of family size and family composition.  I'm not sure that I'm ready to be spread out so far and thin in the name of professional lives.  I'm not sure that I'm ready to go back to a lack of the close female companionship I've come to know and love here.

Yet I know that we are where are meant to be and are heading to where God wants us for now.  God has this.  He is pouring grace upon grace on us to face the unknown.  He is using our talents and gifts as long as we get out of the way and allow Him to work through us.  I'm ready to continue serving along this current path. 

I'm ready to continue to try to meet the needs of the larger families in the small ways I can. 

I'm ready to continue to actively take on mothering Charlotte in Ohio in the best way I can. 

I'm ready to try to keep these connections we've made with those who are staying here and to actively cultivate and nurture them even when we're half a world away from them. 

Yes, I'll leave a little piece of my heart here in Gaming but will take the inspiration I've gained from knowing these folks with me as we seek to reenter our pre-Gaming lives.

Yes, it is indeed well and I thank God for the small, and big, ways He continues to lead my family and me!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Meg....Your spirituality and caring about and for others so affirm God's love........Thank you and thanks be to God for you!!!!!
