Saturday, November 4, 2017

November Challenge Days 1 - 4

A few years ago I completed the November Challenge of listing something I was grateful for each day.  I did this a couple years in a row and really appreciated the way it forced me to slow down and count my blessings rather than focus on what I was lacking.  I think we can all, at times, use this as a reminder to be more positive so here comes the 2017 edition!

Day 1:  My parents had come for a visit over the last few days and departed during Trick or Treating last night.  Today I'm thankful for them!  Even though Mom felt like she hadn't been able to help out as much due to a sore arm, they both are such a help just by being there.  Case in point, I had to step out on Halloween Day to go to a meeting at school that afternoon but I was able to do so since they were able to stay home with Charlotte and the three month old baby girl I watch sometimes.  I wish that we didn't have to live so far from either of our families but it makes the visits and time we do have together all the more special!

Day 2:  Since I'm fighting a nagging cough and wheezing I've had since mid-October, on this day I'm thankful for my inhaler and medicine.  Here's to hoping that I'm back to my non-coughing self sooner than later!

Day 3: This is going to sound silly but I'm thankful for new directions.  Today was an extremely busy day, as most of the last two weeks have been, since we're in the throes of advising season at work.  Every minute of each day has been jam packed with advising sessions, meetings, and teaching.  I think that is why I didn't realize the date until pretty late last night.  On this day a decade ago my heart was crushed into a million pieces when a boyfriend I thought I was going to marry broke up with me.  For a couple years, each time November 3rd rolled around, I would feel sad and mourn over what could have been but today, I wrote the date so many times on paperwork and in my students' files without so much as batting an eye since I had completely forgotten the significance that this date used to hold for me.  Life and God have taken me in a completely different and new direction and for that I'm so thankful!

Day 4:  Adam and I went on a date last night!  A friend from church graciously watched Charlotte for a few hours as he and I snuck out to the local Catholic High School where three Christian artists were performing a concert.  I had not heard of any of the three performers but walked away from the event with a new song from each of them.  This morning I'm thankful for praise and worship music that helps me to pray through it all especially when the words won't come...I can still praise God through the lyrics of those who are able to pen such beautiful prayers through their music.  Here are some of my favorite stories and songs from last night:

If I had to pick one from last night, this one would be it.  Enjoy!!

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