Friday, February 19, 2021

Charlotte's 2nd Birthday Party - Up, up, and away!! (March 2018)

Y'all, I thought I was bad when I didn't write about Charlotte Annie's first birthday party that was held in March 2017 until January 2018...a whopping ten months late...but even now I have truly outdone myself seeing as I haven't written about her second, third, or fourth birthday parties and it is now February 2021...just a few weeks shy of her TURNING FIVE YEARS OLD.  How is this even possible?!  

So, I've got some time to make up for now!  I've already been thinking about her fifth party but feel like I need to write about the other ones before I can move ahead with planning for the current one.  

Since it felt like time had flown by when she was turning two years old, we opted for an "Up, Up, & Away" theme and focused on hot air balloons, butterflies, birdies, and airplanes!  Hearing her say in her little toddler voice, "Up, Up, & Away!" was so cute!  Just like the year prior, her party took place the Saturday of Spring Break.  Even now, after these last couple of years, I have to smile at God's sense of humor over giving us a child during a break in the academic calendar.  It really makes for an extra special weekend of celebrating given we're off from school/work! 

Below are the professional photos we had that were taken in the downstairs of our house!

She is sooooo little in these pictures!  The photographer also did a great job of capturing her many different faces and her personality!

Another aspect of planning for her second birthday party was to create the invitation a few weeks prior to the professional photos being taken.  Charlotte was more on the move than the previous year so trying to capture her in the butterfly shirt in her rocker for her invitation picture was a challenge.  The goal of this mini photo shoot between Mommy & Charlotte Annie was to capture a birthday party-themed picture for the birthday invitation we mailed to family.   

Once invitations were sent out, it was time to start creating the decorations and pulling together the small details for our "Up, Up, & Away" time flies themed party for Charlotte Annie!  

So, the details came together throughout February and before we knew it, Adam's parents were here from California.  Soon, it was time to prepare for the afternoon shindig!  Below are some of the pictures from the party.

This is the annual photo frame I update each year that contains a picture from each month over the previous year.

I attempted to make homemade hot air balloons as decorations. Some were more successful renditions of hot air balloons than others.

The favors were bookmarks with hot air balloons on them.  There was also an inspirational saying on the bookmark.  The kiddos received sticker books that could be reused as they created airport scenes with airplanes.

                   See the purple and pink hot air balloons on the desk that held some of the party items?

The tradition of an annual birthday photo album continued!  This time, I split the photos into two smaller albums compared to the thick album I used during her first birthday party.

I even tried to make hot air balloon cookies using large marshmallows as clouds, a special cookie sheet to create the balloons, and toothpicks inserted into mini peanut butter cups.  These are in the back right hand corner of the above image.  They didn't quite turn out alright but we all love peanut butter and chocolate so it was okay.  ;)

I made her tutu using material I had that had butterflies on some of the trying to keep with the flying and "Up, Up, & Away" theme....!  I was pretty proud of her shirt that I made for her.  However, after washing it one time, the felt pieces I had used to create the hot air balloon fell least they served their purpose during the party though!

                                          My cousin, Susie, made these amazing cupcakes!!!

                                            Look at the M&M balloons on these cupcakes!

What else goes "Up, Up, & Away?!" - - A rainbow of veggies is up in the sky, a fruit pineapple hot air balloon goes up, and a dragonfly/butterfly cheese/veggie tray??

                          The Sky's the Limit Cloud Punch was a yummy beverage we enjoyed!

                                                I miss having a house full of people!  

Using cotton candy clouds, we had a cloud race across the dining room table by blowing through our straws.

                                             Next, it was time to paint our wooden airplanes!

                                  We have a two year old!  Notice the birdies on my dress?  : )

The kiddos were able to decorate their own hot air balloon name tags and take them home with them.

                         Completed wooden airplane magnets ready to go home on the family fridges!

After her party, we went to mass as a family.  Then, it was off to the ball!  We took our little princess to the local Catholic high school where the musical, Cinderella, was being performed.

We celebrated Charlotte's actual birthday by repeating what we had done the previous year.  We went to dinner at Eat n Park where she had another taste of a milkshake and a cookie!

                                            Receiving her annual photo book for turning two!

                                       She still plays with these blocks at nearly five years old!!

All tuckered out from opening presents!

                                 Birthday outfit, including the hairband, that I made for her party!

The birthday book we used for this birthday party, that was signed by the guests, was this one:

                          I like to call this image her attempt at drawing a hot air balloon....ahem.

                                                        Can you find the sleeping two year old??

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