Sunday, October 26, 2014


Words...they can build you up or can tear you down depending on how they are used.  After a particularly trying day of teaching earlier this week during which I had to reprimand two students for passing notes during a I stood right in front of plain sight....I was tired and irritated over the lack of respect the sharing of words between each other conveyed to me.  So I was pleasantly surprised to receive this email message from one of the students the next day:

Dr. Kemmery,
I wanted to apologize for being rude in class yesterday. It was extremely disrespectful for XXX and I to pass notes and I want to apologize. As future educators we of all people know better than this and I want you to know this will not happen again.

Thank you for all the work you do for us.

God bless!

Yes, the students I am currently teaching are very different from those I've taught elsewhere.  Perhaps it's due to the small family-like atmosphere at the university where I work.  Or maybe it's because for the most part, we share the same faith?  Whatever the reason, I am thoroughly enjoying learning from my students and interacting with them.  They come from all over the country and it's been interesting learning of their prior experiences as they share examples of what we are discussing in our various content and methods courses.

Having said that, I have been reading and scoring personal reflection papers all day and have just about reached my limit with half a class to go in terms of grading these papers.  Just as I was about to quit for the night I read these words from a student when discussing the positive contributions made to a family by a child with a disability: 

As a person, and a person before a "flaw", the contributions are as uncountable and as beautiful as the stars.

How poignant and what wise words to share!!  I think I shall stay up a bit longer to read some more of my students' words.  :)

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