Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bright days

Tonight, as we were on our way to dropping off the mail I glanced down at the bright colors resting in my lap.  It dawned on me that the envelopes were in our wedding colors!  How funny!

These days leading up to the wedding are so bright and colorful!  The grass is greener thanks to all the rain we have been getting.  The blossoms on the trees are full of life and color as they grow and fall off the trees.  The days are longer allowing the light to remain just a bit longer and the school year is winding down with only three more teaching days (meaning only one Marathon Monday remains) left to get through until finals!

I can't believe Adam has been here in Ohio for almost five months.  Last semester of seeing him only through Skype feels like forever ago.  Living here with him in the same town has brought so much joy to this new life of being a professor and starting out here in the Buckeye State.  I'm so thankful he was here to share this past semester with and to be by my side as last minute wedding prep details fall into place.  Today is exactly 1.5 years since we first messaged each other during my lunch break in North Carolina and at the start of his work day three time zones away in California.  It's amazing to look at all that has happened in the last 18 months.  There were 3.5 moves (I have been slowly bringing my things over from the other house each time I come to the new house), a selling of one house and a buying of another house, a couple trips to PA, a parent weekend in which our parents came to see us for a fabulous all too short weekend, some tears but way more laughs, four seasons worth of "The Office" watching, and continuing to grow as both a couple and individuals as we set out to merge our separate lives into one on this journey we call life.  Only 32 more days until we get to celebrate the sacrament with our loved ones!!  It might be sprinkling outside with some gray clouds in the sky but that's okay because these days are shining brighter than ever!

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