Day 24: Today was a day of traveling home to my parents' house and one of feeling thankful for my family (both the human and furry members!).
The pups got in some extra cuddling time with each other during the five hour drive home. |
Day 25: I had my first blizzard (peanut butter cup) from Dairy Queen in years. YUM! One of my favorite foods is ice cream so silly as it sounds, I'm thankful for this sweet indulgence.
Day 26: With this day being Thanksgiving, I'm most thankful for my favorite holiday finally getting here, and for the people I got to see today (Mark, Liz, Thomas, Benjamin, Joe-a neighbor from my childhood, Nick-an old friend from 7th grade on up, Mom, Dad, Adam, Aunt Maureen, Laura, Brian, Alisha, Mason, Clark, Braden, Nick, and the pups!). I hope everyone was able to spend time with loved ones or at least connect with them long distance if not in person today.
Day 27: With this being Black Friday, I was thankful for deals at Kohl's on maternity clothes as Mom and I searched for some school clothes for me to wear using coupons/discounts. I was thankful for the surprisingly not so crowded shopping as we checked out Kohl's and Hallmark so I could pick up my last and final ornament of the Noelville series. I am going to miss these ornaments next year as they are ending the series after 10 years. I've collected this particular ornament since it started due to the fact that I was working part time at Hallmark at the time as I put myself through my Master's program while also teaching full time. With the ornament series ending, it almost feels like the end of an era! Here is this year's ornament: a clock shop.

How time will keep on marching on as we seek to make the best of each minute we're given! How will you make a difference for someone during the minutes you're given? This question has me thinking and wondering how I can get back into volunteering in 2016. I hope to not lose the resolve to get back into working with charity in some way as the new year approaches. I have missed the volunteering activities I participated in down in NC and in York and need to stop letting life get so busy that I forget to try to help others through volunteer work in some way or form. I guess this day is a two for one as I'm also thankful for second chances to try to make a difference for others.
Day 28: We enjoyed a family outing to Koziar's Christmas Village tonight. Aunt Maureen, Laura, Susie, Mom, Dad, Adam, and the 4 NC kiddos joined me as we braved the cold (and the long lines) to take in the music, sights, and sounds of Christmas! This village is about 45 minutes to an hour from Mom and Dad's house and all seemed to enjoy themselves in spite of the huge crowd that had gathered there. I'm thankful for holiday memories such as these and to experience events like these through the eyes of my niece and nephews when I can. I'm also thankful for the clever ornament that Susie bought me that reminds me of the many Christmas Cookie Exchanges (CCEs) over the years and the pizelle cookies Susie made for our wedding reception!
Day 29: Our return to Ohio took seven hours when it should have taken five hours due to the crazy amount of traffic on the turnpike, a couple accidents, and lots of stop and go driving. I'm thankful we made it back safely and to be back in our cozy house tonight and can't wait to sleep in our bed! In addition to that, I'm extra thankful Dad lent us his car due to mine losing its brakes Saturday night! Hopefully the mechanic will be able to fix it without any problems tomorrow and we'll be able to swap cars at an upcoming holiday party in a couple weeks. It's always something I tell ya!
Day 30: We're 28 minutes shy of the last day of this challenge but I'll go ahead and state what I'm most thankful for regarding's the LAST Marathon Monday of the semester. Goodbye 4 classes a day until Monday, January 18th! It's also the lasssssst day of the dreaded exercise challenge I've been doing for the month of squats, pushups, planks, and crunches. Granted, I've been doing reverse crunches as of the second week of November or so due to baby's growing so much this past month and have also been doing modified pushups but of all the challenges I've completed, this one is my least favorite. I will be tremendously grateful to be done with the 250 squats, 50 pushups, 5 minute plank, and 150 crunches tomorrow night!!!
In closing out this 30 Days of Thanks challenge, I also hope to not forget to be thankful each and every day for at least one thing as we move forward into the Advent season in preparing for Christmas. This photo popped up in my newsfeed from two years ago today with the following caption:
Day 29: Thankful for a relaxing Thanksgiving Day with family at home especially with my niece in our not planned matching outfits. :) I wonder if Mason Noelle will continue being the only girl (like me) or if her new cousin from Uncle Mark and Aunt Liz in March will be a girl?!

Well, that new cousin ended up being a beautiful little boy, Benjamin Mark, and now reading this caption makes me wonder if Mason will continue being the only girl or if she will finally have a girl cousin on our side of the family come March!? Also, I had to giggle as I was reminded of my sister-in-law's comment on my outfit on Thanksgiving night when she said, "Your outfit reminds me of the outfit Mason is going to wear tomorrow". I guess some things don't change although I'm not sure if it's a good thing I dress like a soon to be eight year old. ; ) Hehe!
Also, looking back on this picture, I clearly recall how excited I was that night after the kids had gone to bed, the last plate was washed and put away, and I was downstairs in the family room talking to a boy in California on Skype late into the night upon his return to his house after enjoying his own Thanksgiving meal with his family. It was at this time that he purchased his plane ticket to come see me in NC that January! Once we hung up, I ran upstairs to finally share with my Mom the news about "this boy in California who helped me with my 3MT speech". That Thanksgiving night symbolized a change in Adam's and my relationship in realizing that we were actually going to meet in person in a couple of months! I remember so well the feelings of excitement and hope that were growing up until then with each conversation, each book or article read, each story from our past told, each question that was answered, each smile or joke that was shared but with the purchase of the plane ticket on this night two years ago, I dared to allow myself to think beyond the growing friendship to, "what if", and was overjoyed to think of being able to spend time with this California charmer in person rather than via Skype. How fun now to reflect on this period of waiting....and at the moment we are waiting and hoping in a different way and also on tonight as this is the first Sunday of Advent which, as a whole, is viewed as a season of tenderness and hope. Let's not forget the reason for the season and try to treat everyone we cross paths just a little bit kinder in the upcoming month. Season's Greetings to all!