Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lessons from Lent

This past Lent, I was fortunate enough to participate in a faith and fellowship online study using a book we received at church this past Christmas by Matthew Kelly.  It is called, "Rediscover Jesus" and has 40 chapters so I read one chapter a day throughout Lent.  I highly recommend this book as it is a quick read with very short chapters and was easily able to be read in spite of a busy Lent having a baby and all.  ;)

Here are some reflections I made throughout the Lenten journey based on what we read.

  • How inspiring tonight's first chapter (New Beginings) is! What new beginning are you looking forward to this Lent?? I know for me, it's finally getting to meet this new blessing in approximately 3.5 weeks! 
  • Amen! May we all embrace the daily crosses and small ways we can change our mindsets to love our families better rather than go to our defaults... May we all be blessed with more opportunities to become more aware of the grace filling moments rather than the frustration building ones during this Lenten season.
  • Just got in the daily reading. Wow, what a powerful message about God inviting us to Him. Sometimes I get so swamped and wrapped up in the daily to-do lists that I neglect to be still and to try to let God speak to me through that silence. I pray that throughout this Lenten journey I can try to improve on this so that He can more effectively work through me. 
  • The takeaway point for me from today's reading is to look for Jesus in the everyday occurrences and interactions with others...especially if it's difficult. For me, this is currently a battle I'm facing in interacting with a particularly challenging student in one of my classes. Instead of groaning on the inside and wondering what the outcome of the conversation will be with this "problem" student, perhaps I need to work harder at seeing Jesus in her and also reflecting Jesus to her.  
  • Ok, so after reflecting on today's reading, I'm going to try to get back to that child-like sense of wonder in appreciating Jesus in my daily life more! I don't want to be blind to all that God has done for me and to be jaded or take it for granted!!!! So, today I'm extra grateful for second chances and the fact that He doesn't give up on us!!!  It is SO hard to let go of the control. I hate the feeling of things spiraling out of control when I do try to let go of some of it....and this pregnancy journey has been a HUGE lesson in trying to live in that lack of complete control that's for sure. Not being able to make plans, having to sort of "wing it" and wait and see....I can so relate to what you said about relinquishing control but I'm also learning day by day as we inch closer to the birthday of this new little one that God will indeed provide. We just only need to trust. This is part of why I love that huge image in Holy Family....much like that image, our trust needs to be larger than life eh?
  • Just finished tonight's reading. My question now is, 'What makes you you?' What makes you nonrepeatable and special in God's eyes? How can you use your talent to be the light or salt of the world? Sometimes it is easier to look at others and value them more than valuing yourself! 
  • This reminds me of a three part prayer that a friend told me years ago that I absolutely love: 
1.) Draw me closer to your will for me Lord. 
2.) Repel from me anything that is not of your will Lord. 
3.) Open my eyes so that I may recognize what that is Lord. 

The last sentence serves as a reminder....Lord, open up my eyes especially if/when I'm not paying attention!! 

  • The chapter I read tonight was the Radical one about how Jesus got to the root of things and was a radical. It got me thinking about how easy it is to go with the flow sometimes and how we may be viewed as being radical for trying to live out our faith especially in non-Catholic circles of friends. I can recall when folks said, "You're a holy roller" or "You've been into your faith a lot lately" but truth is, I always believed...but perhaps my actions weren't showing it! What an eye opener to realize!!
  • After reading tonight's chapter, I spent some time thinking about how Jesus taught and how even today we are continually learning from the teachings of Jesus. Sometimes, I feel like I don't get the lesson or "pass" but rather than become discouraged, I need to keep trying to learn what Jesus is trying to tell me. Sometimes the best thing I can do is to just get out of the way and listen. Right now, I feel like the lesson being taught to me is to slow down and to relinquish control so that I can try to lean into God more than trying to keep it all together alone. What are some of the lessons that you feel Jesus might be putting on your heart these days?
  • How's it going? Tonight, I read the suffering chapter. Talk about some pretty heavy stuff!! I found it interesting what Matthew Kelly said about some folks suffering in public while others suffer privately and it reminded me of what Fr. Dan said at today's Lunch and Learn on his talk about the Year of Mercy. He reminded us of Jesus saying to not judge others unless you've walked in their shoes. How often do we make assumptions based on what we see on the outside or assume that someone else has it "easier" or "harder" when we actually don't know the reality of it. May we all practice being merciful just a bit more in our everyday lives!! 
  • How is everyone doing with the readings? As I reflect on the last couple chapters, I can't help but think about a recurring word that keeps coming up.....radical. It is making me wonder to myself, how can I get to know Jesus on a deeper more radical level? Do I need to pray more? Do I need to participate in the sacraments more often? Do I need to do more works of mercy and embrace others more? Do I need to try to take on more to demonstrate Jesus through my works? Do I need to slow down so I can really stop and listen to what Jesus is trying to put on my heart?'s a word that is thrown around a lot but can mean something totally different for each individual. That is what I'm pondering tonight....what does the word mean for me and what can I do to embrace being more radical during this holy season of Lent?
  • With Charlotte's arrival last Monday, I've fallen behind in the readings but the part about judging in what I read in last night's chapter spoke to that I am quick to judge myself and be critical of myself. While there is a time and place for self evaluation and reflection, I need to remember to try to view myself as God sees me...a child of HIS..and to not be overly caught up in the details/flaws. That doesn't mean to not strive to do better but to also be kind to myself and to realize that each day I am given a fresh new opportunity to do better. Thank God for that!
  • Reading the chapter on Man’s Ways and God’s Ways was a hard one for me in light of current circumstances. Two weeks ago at this very moment, I was in a completely unexpected surgery on the night of Charlotte’s birthday that resulted in a hysterectomy.

    For the last couple weeks, I have been wrestling with anger and grief over this turn of events while at the same time being utterly thankful and joyful over what we do have…our beautiful little girl!

    Admittedly, until reading this chapter, I had been spending the last several days fixated on what I had wanted (a large Catholic family)…on the way I thought things would go (getting pregnant again within a few months)….holding on to my way (what I perceived my vocation as wife and mother to be) versus God’s way (still trying to figure that out now that it is evident that we will only give birth to one child). So many sentences jumped out at me throughout this particular chapter but the following lines especially spoke to my heart tonight: It is essential to realize that God’s ways are not simply a minor adjustment of our own. They often represent the opposite end of the spectrum. Jesus invites us to change in attitude but that alone is not enough. Ultimately that change in attitude should lead to a change in behavior….what we spend our days and weeks thinking about has an enormous impact on our actions….the ways of God challenge our priorities and remind us what matters most and what matters least. It is not easy to walk in these ways. But the fruits of his ways are abundant. He will replace your confusion with clarity and wisdom. He will replace your anxiety with peace. He will fill you with gratitude and joy even in the midst of great difficulty.

    Perhaps the following words were the ones that brought me the most comfort tonight:

    God is with us, even when we think He is not. God is in control…and God is at work in our lives, even when it appears that everything is falling apart. God has a different way of doing things-a better way.

    Lord, help me to see what your way is and give me the strength to fully embrace it!
  • Thank you for the honor of participating in the online book study with you all. As I reflect on all that we read and shared with one another over the last 40 days, let's not forget what Matthew Kelly reminds us of on page 159: The ability to delay gratification, to deny yourself, is an essential life skills. So develop the habit of denying yourself in small ways a dozen times a day. Each time you deny yourself is a spiritual exercise, a spiritual push-up that strengthens the soul. This allows the soul to increasingly respond to grace and choose what is good, true, noble, and just in every situation.

    I am also seeking to really embrace this point at the conclusion of the Complete Joy chapter:  Gratitude is a sure path to joy.

    Let’s all try to bettery yet 1000%....embrace gratitude as we seek to be more joy-filled and live in the moment!!
    On page 179, I was reminded of the importance of living in the here and now…to not take ANYTHING for granted:  Too often we take for granted next week and next month and next year (as a planner, this really spoke to my heart).  We make plans for the future, not knowing if that future will be given to us (this was SO evident to me during this past really take the time to stop looking ahead so much and to really live and embrace the HERE and NOW).  God gives us life one moment at a time, and he wants us to experience life in every breath we take.   God and life are always to be found in the now.  Live each now passionately (be the best version of yourself possible at ALL times) with God.  Forget about all your yesterdays (you can’t change ‘em). God is more interested in your future than he is in your past but is more interested in your now!!!  Be intentional about living your best version of your life NOW.  What will you do to make this happen?  Happy Easter all to you all as you reflect on this.  I know that I will be taking all these things and pondering them in my heart as we moved forward and toward Pentecost.
    For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways. ~ Isaiah 55:8

    Looking forward to seeing what else is in store for us & praying for the strength & grace to accept God's ways over my preferred ways!

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