Thursday, April 7, 2016

Charlotte Ann is 1 month old!

How has one month gone by so quickly....?!  In some ways, it feels like I blinked and a month went by, and in other ways, it feels as if a lot of time has occurred since we came home from the hospital.  I guess this is that time-warp sensation some moms warned me about in that on the one hand, this month went by slowly but it also feels as if it went way too fast for us to already have a 1 month old.

This was taken the morning of the last day in the hospital (we didn't know it yet though!).
It is hard to believe after all that waiting that our newborn is finally here with us!  Is Charlotte still considered a newborn now that she’s 1 month old? I suppose she is...she is still wearing some of the newborn clothing but also fits in 0-3 clothing depending on the brand.  She had newborn photos taken when she was ten days old at our home.  It just happened to fall on St. Patrick's Day which was even better.  I can't wait to see the other photos (we should be getting the CD some time next week) but here are some of the "sneak peeks" from the photographer.  Checkout Snapshots by Shannon in Weirton, WV on Facebook if you need a photographer in the WV/OH/PA area.  

My thoughts have been all over the place over this past month as we embarked on this journey called parenthood.  I can't really write from Adam's perspective as father but I'll share what I've learned as mother.  First off, we read an article the other week that mentioned "the days are long but the years are short".  If this first month is any indication of that I can see why that expression has come to be.  There were some days that were just soooo long and I felt like all I did was nurse, pump, try to soothe Charlotte's cries, and then go back to feeding again.  Now that we're using formula, I feel as if I have more time to meet Charlotte's needs in the moment and to not to have to make her wait (as she did when I was pumping) and I relish that time when feeding her (okay, maybe I relish it more so during the waking hours than in the middle of the night most times but I know that I will come to miss those times too years from now).

This past month, I learned (with a quickness) to do things with one hand, or with my non-dominant hand due to carrying Charlotte a lot.  I'm unable to carry the car seat, push a stroller, drive, carry the laundry up and down the stairs, nor wear Charlotte in a carrier yet due to the surgeries so I've been doing a lot of holding/carrying her leaving me one-handed a lot.  Fortunately, with having family visit often over this past month, having the extra sets of hands/arms was helpful as others held Charlotte and I was free to do the dishes, put away laundry, get something to eat myself, or anything else that might need done.
Laundry is always needing to be done...but that doesn't mean I am keeping up with it.  We currently have a full grown up hamper of dirty clothes that need laundered and two of the three tri-fold kiddo hamper is needing washed.  Ah...maybe this weekend I will attempt to get the clothes done.  Again, due to the limited steps and lack of being able to carry the laundry baskets up and down the stairs, I'm not able to keep up with the laundry as much as I would like.  When my Mom was here to help, that was a HUGE help (among many other things she was able to help us with) in that she was doing laundry pretty much around the clock.  Something else that is always needing done is to wash the bottles/nipples.  My hands have been getting dry from all the handwashing but if it means our little girl is getting the nutrition she needs then so be it!

Having a baby is a lot more fun than people tell you in my humble opinion. So many of my evenings consist of Adam and me now sitting on the couch/bed/wherever just looking at little Charlotte and talking about her and/or the pups.  It's hard to remember a time when she wasn't here!?

As someone who generally avoids doctors and medicine like the plague, I actually look forward to going to the pediatrician now. Charlotte has gained some weight in the last week or so and I'm curious to hear what the doctor will say.  Her next pediatrician visit (when she will get a shot...boohoo!) is coming up in less than two weeks where I look forward to their checking on her weight and to getting an update on her progress. 

I hear Charlotte crying even when it is silent.  I can't tell you the number of times I've said to Adam, "Did you hear her?" or "Is she crying??" when it's quiet.  It's funny how quickly, as a parent, you tune in to hear or not hear your crying child. 
In general, Charlotte has been a pretty laid back baby.  She is currently getting up to eat about two or three times a night.  The only time she tends to be fussy is when we use certain bottles or don't get to the food fast enough if she happened to sleep through a feeding.  She takes long naps and is generally pretty easy going when awake.  She has truly been a delight over the last four weeks!
She has a knack for peeing or pooping her brand new clean diaper right after I change her.  So much so that Adam prefers to feed her then change her especially giving her tendency to poop while eating.  Ha!  This little girl has more clothes than her Dad and I have combined.  Okay, that might be a stretch but yes, this little girl has quite the wardrobe thanks to the generous gifts and all those who have shown us love through their packages they've mailed us!

She loves looking at the ceiling or anything that is above her (e.g., mobile on the swing, her animals that hang above her on her activity mat, up at Daddy or me as we hold her, read to her (she loves when Daddy reads!), and sing to her (Open, Shut Them), the lights on the ceiling).  At first, she wasn't sure what to think about bath time but she seems to like it more and more these days.  Maybe some day she will love bubble baths as much as her Mama...ah, I can't wait to be able to take a bubble bath again!!  She has been to my work twice.  The second time we were there, one of my colleagues brought her class to the office for an impromptu visit.  Her class of about 15-18 students contained some of my former and current students.  It was so wonderful seeing their smiling faces as they oohhed and awwed over little Charlotte.  She has also enjoyed going to Moms and Tots group at our church with me once a week.  I've taken her twice and I look forward to seeing her interact with the other children as she gets older. 

Her coming home outfit!

Morning time snuggles with Mommy

Charlotte enjoys music as much as her parents!

Posing with some of her flowers!

I could stare at this little face for hours...

Fun collage Uncle Patrick made of her first outing to Mommy's work.

Getting ready to go home from the hospital!!!

First night of her life (while Mommy was in surgery)

Uncle Mark cuddling his niece!

Easter Vigil Mass 2016

On the way home from the doctor's appointment and feeling pretty good!

Not so sure about this "photo shoot" with Grandma and Mom...

Be still my heart!
This month has been full of lots of snuggles and cuddles.

Tummy time has been an area of improvement in recent weeks too.  Charlotte does a terrific job of lifting her head and holding it up to see what is around her!
Aunt Alisha and Uncle Brian came to visit for Easter (with their four kids).

Charlotte is reaching out and grabbing on to our fingers more, especially during feeding times, and boy does she have a grip!!

Her eyes are getting lighter but are still blue!

Hanging with Daddy on Easter Sunday during her first road trip outing (45 minute drive to Aunt Marie and Uncle Bill's house).
Mommy is always setting Charlotte up for photo shoots it seems.....   ; )

Charlotte Ann is growing more and more alert with each day in maintaining eye gaze and taking in her surroundings.

Completly relaxed in spite of the frozen fingers in mid-air!

She loves her furry brothers!

Snuggle Buddies

She sometimes sleeps with her eyes open like in this picture.
Thanks again to each of you for all of your sweet support over Charlotte.  It means a lot to me, and I’m still shocked that we have a baby. I prayed so hard for her and I know many of you did as well. I know I say this a lot, but thank you for the love you've shown us and will continue to show us!

I'm biased...but yes, she's beautiful in every way!  xoxo

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