Saturday, January 7, 2017

Charlotte Ann is ten months old!

Charlotte has entered the double digits at ten months old!  She is finding her own voice through her constant babbling, varying intonations of "ooohhhh" and "ahhhhh", and growling (guess she is around the pups too much!), loves exploring toys and objects using both hands, is still obsessed with the taggie on anything, and enjoys her cloth books more than anything at this point.  She eats fruits, veggies, and sometimes unwillingly meats nearly every day.  We have tried introducing puffs to get her to practice chewing with her 3.5 teeth but she has shown zero interest in this snack at the moment so we have been sneaking the puffs into her veggies or fruits much to her surprise each time. 

She still sleeps throughout the night with her arms in a victory pose and indicates she is ready for a nap or bed by sticking her one arm in the air and looking like she is trying to lick her armpit when she is really feeling her teeth in her mouth.  It is the funniest thing.  Lately she has been flicking her wrist in a twisting movement almost as if she is waving and loves to shake her head, "no", back and forth back and forth back and forth.....!  She still likes to make eye contact with others by twisting her head and almost putting it in front of others when they are talking to try to insert herself into the conversation. 

Charlotte also has begun to demonstrate separation anxiety at times when Adam or I leave the room but for the most part she is still her cheerful loveable self!  At her pediatrician appointment this past week, she weighed in at 16 lb. 13 oz. and is 26.26 inches long.  The doctor said she is on the small side but that it doesn't necessarily mean she will be short and we're not too concerned with it.  He also expressed surprise over her lack of crawling or attempting to walk and expects her to be doing this within the next two months as she turns one year old.  Again, we're not too concerned but will continue with tummy time and encouraging her to reach for objects when playing.  She will do these things when she is good and ready.  :)

Surrounded by pups by the Christmas tree!

"Tricking" her into doing tummy time by having her examine my ring while being on her tummy....!

The things my parents make me do.....

Almost...but not quite!

Multitasking = playing with toys with her feet, relaxing with her furry brothers, and drinking from her bottle

We enjoyed ourselves at the Nutcracker Village in our town in mid-December!


Helping Mommy make Christmas cookies one cold winter night!

This is how the pups cuddled with one another during a road trip to my twin's holiday party.

Have I mentioned how much Charlotte Ann loves to twirl her burp cloth?  Future Steelers fan on account of the Terrible Towel like action she likes to engage in these days??!

Perhaps we need to find a different book that reads, "Dusty Cuddles"   ; )


Working her way on to the naughty list at the work Christmas Party!

Always reaching!

Playing with toys by the Christmas tree side by side. 

Charlotte took an interest to noses, mouths, faces, and anything else she could get her hands on this past month.

~ Peaceful nights under blankets of snow and amidst twinkling lights ~

Love these holiday nights with my girl!

Exploring newfound freedom in a restaurant thanks to Aunt Wendy and Uncle Tim's Christmas gift of a portable high chair!

Love our new Advent Wreath a from a friend!!  It brought many peaceful nights of prayer.

Her legs are so long now compared to when she first started using the exersaucer over the summer!

This was placed on our tree by one of the kids over New Year' sweet!

Ringing in the New Year with one of my favorite little girls!

So busy playing with some of her new toys!

I think she thought these teething stacking rings from Aunt Alicia and Uncle Mark were hand weights based on how she played with them!  ; )

She was not a fan of the sippy cup of water.  We'll have to try with a different cup to see if it makes a difference.

I wish I could freeze moments like these forever.

We had ten days' worth of Christmas cards and photos to go through upon our return to Ohio after the holidays.  Charlotte helped me read them and inspected every single one.

Charlotte Annie got to break in her snow suit early in 2017!

Playing with Dad's badges before returning them to his work on the last day of his job.

Helping Mommy grade final exams at the end of the semester!
Charlotte is starting to show a slight understanding of the word, "no", when Adam or I say it by acknowledging the tone of our voices.  She is also resisting when she doesn't want to do something by pushing a hand or arm away, by shaking her head no, by grimacing, or by closing her eyes.  She loves to look at herself in the mirror and will often smile at the baby staring back at her or at whoever is holding or carrying her at the moment.  She continues to be a social butterfly enjoying her interactions with others and especially being drawn to other children and babies.  One of her favorite things to do when out in the community is to people watch.

She definitely is a little explorer in wanting to examine whatever she can get her hands on and grabbing for things.  She spends quite a bit of time analyzing every object she can reach often moving things from one hand to the other or side to side.  She is beginning to gain a sense of object permanence in remember she chucked a toy behind her and turning around and searching for it after it is out of sight.  She also looks to wherever she hears a pup scurrying throughout the house or toward the office when she hears Daddy cough.

She enjoys being in the same room as Adam or me.  She likes to sit in her high chair as we prepare a meal or being held as we check email or get some work done in the office.  In the living room, she is quite content to play with her toys most of the time as long as one of us is near by and she can see us.  If she is really engrossed in her activity, then we can slip out of the room but not for long.  In the bedroom, she enjoys trying to view what is on the television if it is on and also continues to like listening to her musical CDs.

She recognizes the words, "eat", "milk", and "all done!" and continues to sign the word for milk and also now shakes her head, "no", both in and out of context.  For what Charlotte lacks in desire to be mobile, she seems to make up for in wanting to be engaged with others and be involved in communication.  She is very expressive and definitely likes to feel as if she is part of the conversation.  Babbling-wise, she is able to say, "da, ga, & ba".  A few times it sounded like she said, "Dada", and she lights up every time she hears that word...could she know Dada is Daddy/Adam??  :)

When playing with her toys, she likes to bang them together or have one toy in one hand and a different or another toy in her opposite hand.  Lately, she has figured out how to tilt her head back so she can continue to hold her bottle and drink from it all at the same time.  She is also able to grasp at objects with her fingers instead of using her whole fist or hand.  Each day it seems she makes these small discoveries as she moves closer and closer to her one year old birthday (in just two months!).


 Happy ten months to our Sweet Charlotte!!!  <3

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