Friday, November 30, 2012

Novemberisms (part 2)

November 7th: Conversation in the car as I drove Mason to school this morning:
Mason: Megan, I put air in your tires last night so that you don't get a flat tire when you take me to school today.
Me: Well, that was so kind of you! What a help you are to your Daddy.
Mason: Megan, are you going to live with us forever?
Me: No, just until I finish school...which is ending next year!!
Mason: (pause) Are you taking the dog with you?
Me: Yes, I would miss him too much if
I left him! He goes wherever I go.
Mason: (longer pause) Well, you need to stay forever b/c I would miss you (and the dog) too much.

Oh, how I cherish these conversations and the time with the little ones. I was also glad that Adele did not come on the radio b/c I was able to have a conversation with Mason instead of listening to her sing "Rumor Has It" with Adele. Dana, Callie liked Someone Like You, Mason & Clark like Rumor Has It...what is it with children and their love for Adele songs?! ;)  (I tried to upload the video of the kiddos singing Adele songs but it wouldn't work..I'll try some other time!)

November 8th: Sometimes you have days where it's hard to see the silver lining and you can't keep the tears from falling. Where no matter what you do, you can't measure up nor please everyone. On days like today, I'm extra thankful for my Mom. I just had 34 minutes of reassuring words and love piping through the cell phone lines and feel much better and as if I can get through my day now. If
you're having a good day, why not pick up the phone and call someone else to share some of that happiness? If you're having a bad day, why not pick up the phone and reach out to someone to let them help you? You don't have to do it all by yourself.

On a related note, I'm also thankful for Patrick for sending me random texts that cheer me up when I most need it and he doesn't even realize it. Today's winning text of the day is from him: Are you near a video watching capable device? I was checking YoutTube to see if Boyce Ave had any new songs and found their cover of Heaven by one Bryan Adams.

I'm now smiling. =)

November 9th:  November 9th: Wow, what an inspiring testimony we all heard last night when Shari Rigby shared her story. If you haven't seen October Baby.....goooooo see it. It's in Redbox and is such a great movie. I've seen it twice so far and may just have to purchase it or put it on my Christmas list. Today, I'm thankful for the grace & healing that comes along with forgiveness. As my Mom reminded me last night, we all make mistakes, but are still loveable. As Shari said, (paraphrasing here) when God shows up, He does so in a big way as He does nothing on a small scale. Only in God's perfect timing and circumstances, and after we endure, grow in strength, pray without ceasing, in faithfulness, and with His forgiveness, we can be all we are designed to be for there is a purpose. To be human is to be beautifully flawed.

November 10th: Sometimes it's the simple things in life that count. Today, I'm happy for frozen coffee. I just discovered I like this stuff in St. Louis a few days ago when on the way back to NC from Minneapolis. In that time, I've had a coolatta (yummy but tasted too much like coffee as it watered down) from Dunkin Donuts, a mocha frappucino (DELICIOUS but way overpriced!!) from Starbucks, and an iced coffee from IHOP (eh, I like the frozen variety better). To think I don't like coffee at all but like coffee-flavored ice cream, milkshake, and now frozen coffee?! Yes, simple things can be good and for that I'm grateful!
November 11th: I'm happy to spend the morning with one of my favorite veterans. Thank you Rich for leading by example! You're the best Dad a girl could ask for ya know.
November 12th: Don't you just love the silliness you have w/ your closest friends? Where you barely have to say anything and they "get it"?? I'm grateful for fun memories and laughs that have been shared over the years w/ some of my closest buds!! One such silly example is w/ Alana, Michaelann, Monika, Patrick, & Ashley ...b/c we've been laughing our way through multiple states when we see personalized license plates. I can't remember how it started but some that stand out over the years for me are: the one I saw last week: 1BLUBYU (as the car sped by me), DAYUM that I would see ALL the time in West York and which happens to make me think of the Ravens afternoon with Alana & Ash (but that's another story!), and Patrick's personal fav: LVNGMYDRM. Hehehe.

November 13th: Today typically holds bad memories but at this moment right now, I'm thankful I have a studious pup who thinks he can help with my dissertation. Hey, if you can't beat 'em why not join 'em?!


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