Thursday, April 11, 2024

Memories and Serving

Last week, I was blessed to receive the Service Award at work. I'm so grateful for the vocation of teaching and the ability to spiritually mother through the work I do. It is so inspiring to me to see the educator-witnesses I am able to teach and work with, - in the words of my dear colleagues and mentors, Rebecca L Rook & Amy Roberts – serve in these various outreaches, to model professional dedication (Congregation for Catholic Education 1982, no. 17; 2022, no. 14), personal integrity, ethical behavior, and generous service among other Gospel values to inspire their own students to imitate them.

I engage in my service from the perspective of Servant Leader as I strive to imitate Christ and others who have gone before me. This leads me to the reminder of never underestimating the impact of ONE individual on many.


Looking back at all of these photos, each one was taken on campus except for one. At first glance, they each represent gatherings around holidays, celebrations, and conference presentations. What lies beneath the surface though, are the relationships and bonds that have been formed and the huge spots in my heart they hold.

First, there is no one else I would rather hang out with in the JC Williams Center student union building than Adam. He took a chance on me 11 years ago for when we met, I had just applied for a position at Franciscan in the hopes I would get called for an interview. I believe I had used the following words to describe it: "a Catholic school somewhere in Ohio but it's really close to Pittsburgh so it might as well be in my home state." I'm so thankful for Adam who calls me on each and every day.

The next image is from this past fall's Trick or Treat in Assisi Heights. Our little butterfly fairy princess loved seeing some of her college friends/Girls GIFT student teachers standing in front of their homes passing out candy. Just look at the joy on these faces. I love how the pre-service teachers throw their all into their extracurriculars and volunteer service to the community and how they dote on our girl in particular. The admiration is mutual as Charlotte just loves her "college friends", too.

The lovely color-coordinated photo of Becca and me with student researcher & leader extraordinaire, Brigid, was from our conference presentation we did from the basement of Egan last November. Brigid is about to graduate, something I'm in denial over, but I'm so excited to see what is next for her. I would not have been able to do half of what I've done in the last several years if it weren't for the support of these colleagues and sisters in Christ. They each inspire me in how they live their lives, overcome challenges, and share the joy of Christ in all they do.

The next photo, and most recent, is of Mom and Charlotte with me in Finnegan Fieldhouse. I had received an award last Wednesday in part for the work I engage in each year in trying to keep the memory of Sha alive for new students at FUS. Sha is a phenomenal example of just how much impact one person can have on others. Looking out into the audience and seeing Mom and Charlotte sitting with Mom Sue, Dad Tom, & Adam, it was a bit surreal to be looking over at their table and not see Dad sitting with them. I don't think I'll ever get used to his not being there but I want to imagine he was with Sha enjoying from the best vantage point ever.

Finally, the last photo and only one not taken on campus, captures something so very much held and cherished deep inside my heart: Spiritual Motherhood. These women are student teachers and are about to leave campus...but they won't leave Charlotte's or my hearts anytime soon. They asked to come to Charlotte's 8th birthday party last month on a Sunday afternoon. They had a lot of homework and prep to do to get ready for a new school week of student teaching. Yet they chose to still come to the party and offered to facilitate the party activities and then cleaned afterwards....! What servant leaders they are and how precious they are to me as spiritual daughters! Their future students are going to be so blessed by them as teachers and spiritual mamas one day!

I'm so so so grateful for the relationships and bonds that have been built inside and outside the classroom over the years and to be able to serve in the ways I could these last ten years.

These are the words I've been sitting with in prayer. They were in the original version of my speech I gave last week. I had joked with the audience that I had a three page speech to share but what they didn't know was my original speech was SEVEN pages! Below are the pieces that didn't make the cut but I've been meditating on them in prayer ever since:

Yes, He has shown His light in the darkness by the individuals He places in my path, through the pinpricks of light and joy that poke through amidst disappointments, and through giving stamina to persevere. He has given me the eyes to exercise prudence, temperance, and yes, even the courage to take the first intentional and thoughtful step in discerning how to serve amidst ever-changing landscapes or expectations.


I can see now, how these service experiences from the past have been stepping stones to get to where I am now and where God may be leading my family and me in the future. Again, borrowing from the wisdom of Fr. Jonathan, in reflecting on St. Francis during St. Francis’ time in prayer with God, “As St. Francis rebuilt the Church, God rebuilt him….vocationally speaking, through ongoing conversion, which reminds us we’re never really done, are we?!”


I agree with Fr. Jonathan! So this begs the question: 


How is God rebuilding you - - whether it be through the scholarship you choose to engage in, how you teach, or the service you pour yourself into….? Through these efforts, and letting God rebuild and transform you, how are you creating a nurturing environment for not only our students, but yourselves, that encourages academic success, spiritual growth, and personal discovery to allow all to truly flourish?


In closing, so as to not fall into the trap of comparing, let us heed Fr. Jonathan’s words, “Pray as you can, not as you can’t”…the same could be said for service.

Serve as you can, not as you can’t.


Please join me in prayers of gratitude for the vocation of teaching, the opportunity to serve, and for those who support the work I do. For me, I have found that I serve best through - -

carving out the time to pray and discern God’s will…and to be open to the graces He will provide to do the work He has created for me to is through receiving that I can give….that tapestry of my dignity and vocation as woman has been gifted to me by virtue of being born a woman and Daughter of God,

living an authentic yet vulnerable life with thanks to the husband God gave to me who loves me through it all and my daughter who reminds me to always look up and to see the light,

building community with one another through the phenomenal colleagues I’m grateful to call friends and to learn from as mentors,

engaging in collaborating…with ideas….dreams….and then stepping out into the deep through action plans that yield to fruitfulness thanks to those who have been willing to unite and come together to share individual gifts/talents/skillsets working toward a common good, and

working alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ, with sleeves rolled up and everyone being “all in” all for the glory of God.


"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near."  Hebrews 10: 24 -25

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