Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hugging life for all it's worth

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. ~ James 4:14

In other one knows what will come tomorrow, life is fleeting, so go out and embrace the days you have with your loved ones! 

These words are especially poignant as I have one full day left in sweet home Schuylkill County. 

What a whirlwind of a summer it has been!  Thank you to all those I was able to see while home from Gettysburg to having lunch with an English teacher from 9th grade to reconnecting with my best friends from college to doing new things with friends (thanks for invites) and seeing a friend from high school for the first time since the late 90s.

I especially need to thank my parents for putting up with me (and the taking over of the dining room as I tried to prepare for the new job and plan the wedding in the space of several weeks)...I couldn't have done it without them that's for sure!  <3

Now that my car has been packed and the remaining boxes are all lined up at the door waiting to be loaded into my Dad's car Friday morning, the reality of what's about to happen has hit.  The syllabi are drafted and about to be uploaded to Blackboard.  The textbooks have been ordered and arrived in the bookstore on campus.  I am listed on the university webpage under the faculty section.  The next time I will be in Schuylkill County again will be with my love introducing him to the "Skook". 

As I set out to start the 2014/2015 school year, not one thing is remaining the same.  My home is changing.  My job is changing.  Even my license plate and driver's license changed (not without some obstacles). 

But I was wrong.  Some things are remaining the same.

The love & support of my family and friends remain...of both those near and far and Adam has been my biggest cheerleader (next to my parents).  Plus I'm reminded that I already did this in the past.  I already lived in western PA when attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  I already lived near my Pittsburgh family when I student taught in Slippery Rock, Butler, Grove City, Uniontown, and surrounding areas. 

Then why does this all still feel so new and terrifying in the way of change?  I mean I've done nothing but face change head-on over the last several years.  I'm more than ready to get settled and back into a routine and slow down the changes at this point but also have learned that change will keep on happening regardless.  I crave routine and organization over the chaos as of late.

Yet, I am counting down the days to when Adam and I will be married and with each other day in and day out (oh boy, I feel bad for him..ha!) and to starting a new life together....297 days to go!

I am excited to meet my new students (all 93) of them as well as live with my housemates in our cozy new home.

I look forward to new collaboration and projects with my fellow co-workers while still maintaining ties with my colleagues in the south and beyond too.

The two conferences I hope to present at in the upcoming school year are in St. Louis (a new city for me) & San Diego (one of my favorites) so yes, there are many things to be excited about professionally, socially, and of course in the personal life.  I look forward to spiritual growth as I encounter new experiences and people in Ohio & reconnect with old friends in the Pittsburgh area!

So here goes arms are opened wide and I'm gonna embrace it all!  Rather than cling so tightly that nothing can breathe or grow, I'm changing my grip to a hug!

To my Skook friends...have you any suggestions for how I should spend my last 24 hours at home for now?  :)

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