Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Haven

During the last couple of "Meals as a Mrs." blog postings, I forgot to conclude with a reflection or a thought related to marriage.  I guess I got so wrapped up in trying to catch up with a couple recipes from dinners past that I forgot to conclude with the prayer or reflection when penning those particular posts.  I guess in a way this is kind of like when you just want to dive into a delicious meal that you might forget to first stop and be thankful for all your blessings and not say grace until a few minutes into the meal --- oops!  In the spirit of trying to be more mindful and appreciative, especially of this new life of ours, here is a Roman Missal Nuptial Blessing I read the other day: 

In happiness may they praise you, O Lord, in sorrow may they seek you out; may they have the joy of your presence to assist them in their toil, and know that you are near to comfort them in need; let them pray to you in the holy assembly and bear witness to you in the world, and after a happy old age, together with the circle of friends that surrounds them, may they come to the Kingdom of Heaven.  Through Christ our Lord.

I also came across this terrific article on CatholicMatch too.  I loved what the author had to say about God being a matchmaker especially in relation to points # 6 and # 7.  Reading these two statements reminded me of the three part prayer that I wrote about in this posting and how important it is to trust in God's will and to have hope and faith that He knows what's best for us.  Even, if at times, it seems bittersweet to go through changes in an effort to accept God's will rather than try to bend it to what you want, it will be so worth it.  I remember well the feeling of excitement, nerves, and anticipation as I closed the door at the old house and made the trip to Pennsylvania before the wedding knowing that upon my return I would be opening a new door at the new house.  It was bittersweet to say goodbye to my housemates and to close that door but was also exciting to realize that my path is now taking me to a different house and to finally have the chance to move in and stay here with Adam! 

Now with the completion of the major home improvements with the first change having started way back in January, the house feels more and more like a home for our little family!  I know many of you have asked for pictures of the house over the last several months and I thank you so much for your patience.  Although the house will most likely never be a completed work (ah the joys of homeownership and all that it entails) I feel ready to post before/after pictures soon!  I suppose this analogy could also extend to marriage.  The home is constantly evolving to suit our needs.  In a similar way, the husband and wife should work to evolve as individuals and continue to grow in themselves and work on the marriage in an effort to be the best versions of not only themselves alone but also in who they are together as a team.  I have a feeling this will be a neverending process much like trying to beautify a home.  Tomorrow marks the two month anniversary of our wedding (already?!) and thinking of all that has happened in the last two months I can't wait to see what's in store for the next two.

 I close with a beautiful prayer sent to us by a treasured friend.  She prayed it in the Episcopal church in North Carolina in which she grew up that honored wedding anniversaries and wrote it out by hand in her wedding card to us that we received in the mail in Ohio.  It is one of my favorite gifts since it was so thoughtful.

Oh God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his church; send therefore your blessing upon your servants Meg and Adam, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

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