Sunday, May 17, 2020

Advocate - - what a powerful word

It has been one month without Dad. What a long month.

 In some ways it feels like much more time has passed but in other ways it feels like April 17th, and the time my brothers, Mom, and I had with Dad those last few moments, just happened.

Such a strange juxtaposition of emotions.

Today's gospel gives comfort but we all miss him so. 💔

In reading today's gospel, as I shared in the spiritual reflection I sent to my students, I am trying to remember and trying to stay in the joy of the present.  How can we work to allow the Holy Spirit to work through all things...even when we think nothing good could happen amidst grief and sorrow? Let's all be open to letting that happen...the word Advocate is used in the scriptures. This takes me back to my thesis and dissertation research. Educators/parents should be passionate about being advocates for their students/children to help them get the instruction and services they need. Dad was one of the biggest advocates for my brothers and me alongside Mom. God is the ultimate advocate, though. As much as our parents love us, God's love for us is so much more.

I am thankful Charlotte was there for Mom and me to do an impromptu photo shoot after the reflection. Dad would not want us to wallow but it is going to take time for all of us to adjust and these little moments of finding joy do help. Hope your first month in heaven was a beautiful one, Dad. #onedaycloser

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