Friday, May 27, 2016

Meals as a Mrs. ~ Zucchini Chips

This appetizer had so much potential and I was excited to these zuchinni chips, however, I ended up not caring for them too much.  The paprika was a bit too strong for me and the zucchini chips did not turn out as crisp as I would have liked.  My former housemate, Raquel, who had come over for dinner the night I served these really liked this appetizer so off to her house the chips went as leftovers. 

If you choose to make this recipe, I suggest cutting the zucchini into much thinner slices than I did.  It turned out that our food processor was not big enough to accommodate the size of our much so that it got stuck in the food processor when we tried to force it into too small of an opening.  Oops!  Therefore, we had to resort to cutting our new replacment zucchini by hand and, as you can see in the pictures, our slices were on the thick side which is most likely why they were not as crisp as they could have been.

A Marriage Prayer (taken from our Engaged Encounter folder of paperwork)

Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us.  
To work that love into practical things so nothing can divide us.
We ask for words both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Dear Lord, we put our marriage into your hands.  Amen.

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