Thursday, April 16, 2020

Wear the dress

My parents missed Charlotte's fourth birthday. Dad hadn't felt well enough to travel but I was able to get home with Charlotte during the second part of Spring Break. At the end of our visit, just before we left to return to Ohio, Mom and Dad surprised Charlotte and me with a beautiful Easter dress for Charlotte Annie to wear. Mom shared with me that Dad had selected it between two styles of dresses when they were shopping a few weeks ago. He had noticed it on the rack and said that they must purchase it for her.

We thanked them and I remember mentally thinking to myself to remember to pack it for when we would return home for Easter. The thought never crossed my mind to have Charlotte put the dress on right then and there because we were about to journey back to Ohio and I was mentally checking over if the food bag was ready, did I need to get gas, and were the bags ready to be put in the car?

It was really hard to say goodbye and leave that day. Dad vowed that next time I would see him, he would walk to the living room from the bedroom and he would be sitting up in the chair! Mom sent me this text the next day. 💙

The next time I saw Dad was 14 days later via video chat on his third day of the nine day hospital stay. I had rushed home that Monday morning after Dad was taken by ambulance to the hospital that Sunday.

In my haste to get home as soon as possible, I didn't pack any Easter outfits because 1) no masses are being held and 2) we were still a couple weeks out from Easter. It wasn't until this past Sunday that I remembered the beautiful spring dress Dad had chosen for Charlotte. So I asked Adam to mail the dress upon his return to Ohio when we were planning on Charlotte staying back with me. I wanted Dad to see her in his dress. That plan quickly changed but Adam still held up his end of the deal the morning after they returned to our home.

Her expressions! The sparkly button! The lace collar! The flowers and spring colors that perfectly go with her peaches and cream complexion! What a great choice made by Dad. 

Unfortunately, a few hours after Dad said goodbye to Adam and Charlotte, as they had to return to Ohio, Dad slipped away from us and has not been responding much to us. Physically, he is still here but he is not opening his eyes or communicating with us...these pictures of Charlotte donning the Easter dress from Grammy and Pappy were less than 24 hours too late. 

So wear the dress. 

Even if it makes no sense. 

Say the words. 

Even if they aren't perfect. 

Love with reckless abandon because you never know when it will be the last time to express it. 

Wear the dress. 

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