Sunday, January 6, 2013

How great!!

My mom just told me a story from this morning in the hospital.  If you're a regular reader of my postings, you might recall that music and songs inspire me and touch me with meaningful messages when I most need it.  (Some of Kim Kalman's songs have done that for me over the years...which is another reason why I'm so excited for the concert on Saturday next weekend!!)

Anyhow, just after the doctor talked with my parents in Harrisburg Hospital this morning, and gave them the fantastic news that they would be able to come home tonight and that my Dad should be okay as long as he is careful and takes it easy, both my Mom and my Dad heard the start of some guitar music.  Mom thought it was the TV or maybe a neighboring room was playing a mass on TV (since it was a Sunday morning).  She walked out into the hall to investigate and discovered that two doors down from my Dad's room were THREE high schoolers playing guitar and singing, "How Great Thou Art" to a man in the room.  What a gift from these three (much like the 3 Kings in today's gospel) to share their talent and music with others.  Mom didn't know where they had come from, if they were part of a church group, if they were simply visiting the man or what.  Harrisburg Hospital is not a Catholic hospital and the timing was impeccable, considering my parents had received good news and were relieved, grateful, and happy.

How great it was for my parents to hear this message right as the doctor left their room.  You see, this song was my Mom's father's favorite song and she has heard it throughout the years at particularly poignant times.  For example, during my senior year in high school, while she and Dad were sitting in the auditorium waiting for my Baccalaureate to start, the student who was warming up playing the piano spontaneously started playing "How Great Thou Art" just as my Mom was thinking to herself, I wish my Dad were here to see his granddaughter.  Now, keep in mind the high school I attended was a public one and we did not perform any religious songs.  Amazed, after the service, she asked the student why he had played that song beforehand to which he responded, "I don't know, I just felt compelled to play it."  :)  Yes, how great it all is!!!  As my Mom said of this morning's experience, "What other words could be more appropriate at that moment as we heard the news that Rich could come home...what else can be said but how great art thou?!"

I also told my Dad when he came home tonight that this hospital business is over...he's accomplished a perfect series of THREES....3 cities, 3 hospitals, in less than 3 weeks, so it's over....right?!  ;)

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