Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Meals as a Mrs. ~ 3-Ingredient Orange Chicken

Every now and then I find a recipe that is so simple yet so delicious!  This is one of those recipes!!  It is so easy to make and oh so good!!  This 3-Ingredient Orange Chicken really does have a sauce that requires just three ingredients.  You know what the best part was?  Adam thought that I actually used a fresh orange and grated it.  No sirree...It was Smucker's Sweet Orange Marmalade!!

1 cup BBQ Sauce (Sweet Baby Ray's) + 1 cup Sweet Orange Marmalade (Smucker's) + 2 TBSP soy sauce = YUMMY GOODNESS!!  The recipe does say to turn the heat on low when letting the sauce simmer for 20 minutes but I had it on medium low.

I made this one day shortly after Charlotte was born.  It was one of those workdays when she fussed and fussed and would only be calmed down if she was being held.  So, carried her and wear her I did as I tried to keep her satisfied and somewhat quiet as Adam worked in the office and I set out to clean and do meal prep.  This was actually one of the first times I wore her and I can't believe how itty bitty small she looks in this photo compared to how big she looks now!

The recipe calls for 1 cup flour/1 cup cornstarch and says you can use both or either.  I opted to use both but had too much mixture so I cut in half the next time I made this and only used 1/4 cup flour and 1/4 cup cornstarch.  You can always add more as needed.

This was my favorite part...tossing the chicken in the sauce!  No, scratch that, my favorite part was eating this savory chicken!  ; )  This dish also froze well when I made extra and saved it for another night after letting it thaw.

Tonight's scripture had me scratching my head at first.  It comes from:  Galations 6:2 - Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Hmm, bear someone else's burdens?  There are times I would rather bear the burdens of others rather than mine.  I guess this is similar to the grass is greener effect. We look at others and think, "Oh, they don't have it as bad as I do" or "How can that person possibly understand my cross?"  The truth of the matter is, we don't know what others are going through and we shouldn't judge or be quick to assume.  Even looking at people who are going through the same trials or hardships can show that we all deal with these events in different ways.  It may seem as if the event is not bothering a person as much as it affects someone else going through the exact same thing but does that mean we shouldn't care?  We shouldn't still try to lift one another up in life?  Bear one another's burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Help to carry someone else's load and get your mind out of your own problems.  Maybe by doing that, you may find your burden is just a bit lighter to carry.  

In marriage, we often think this is a team effort; the husband and wife will work together and tackle everything that comes their way as a united front.  Yet, the smaller everyday day in and day out occurrences are often handled by either the husband or the wife.  I see this happening in our home when Adam spontaneously fills the gas tank on the way home from the grocery store or when I empty and refill the dishwasher.  We do these small chores or tasks without checking in with one another but in a way by engaging in these activities, we are bearing a small burden to help live out the call to be kind to one another.  If we, as a society, get in the practice of doing these acts of kindness on a smaller scale, perhaps we would be more prone to do the same for the large crosses or burdens others face in their lives.  Perhaps we can all strive to do better at bearing not only our burdens but also taking on some of another's burden and doing so with a joyous heart rather than a complaining and whining one.  Who knows...if you do this, maybe as a thank you, you might end up with some yummy homemade Chinese chicken from a grateful friend!  ; )

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