Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Furry Fall Tradition

Every autumn, little Dusty Shamrock and I have a furry fall tradition.  

We have an annual fall photo taken of us.  You can view the first five years of Dusty experiencing the best season ever here.  

Ironically, this tradition was born out of pain as the first fall photo had been taken on one of the darkest & most painful days of my life.  Looking at the picture now, in spite of the facade of the smiling girl staring back at me, I can so clearly remember the sense of shattered dreams and of a heart being broken into a million pieces over an unexpected breakup that had left me reeling.  Then, when I view the next year's photo, I recall how I had felt a sense of victory of sorts over  being able to heal & move past a broken relationship, marking the one year celebration of survival, and knowing I would be able to move on to bigger and better things down the road.

In recent years, we may have left Pennsylvania and the climate has warmed up some offering differing colors of fall foliage than we were used to but my pup and I continued with our fun tradition.  Each autumn, it's fun wondering where the fall snapshot will be taken when the time is right.

Last year, my little niece, just shy of five years old, snapped the annual picture! I giggle when I see how disinterested Dusty Shamrock was in posing last year.

Before my parents departed for home yesterday morning, we swung by the park where I enjoy taking Dusty for walks to get this year's annual fall picture!

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