Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (part 15 of 30)

Tuesday, 12/08/15:  27 weeks, 1 day
This was an email update I sent to Adam's and my parents after a doctor appointment in early December that also happened to fall on a feast day/holy day of obligation that is devoted to Mary.  Here is one of my favorite images of her.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!  To me, the simplicity of the image is surpassed only by the beauty and the wonderment and joy she must be feeling as she feels the baby stir inside her (not unlike the feelings I've been experiencing more so just shy of the third trimester!).  I love the ray of hope that is symbolized by the light shining from her womb in this depiction of her being pregnant with our Lord.
I digress....anyhow, here is the email that was sent out to the grandparents in early December!
Hi Grandparents! 
We had our check up with the specialists at the hospital today.  The baby is in the 60th percentile and weighs about 2.5 lbs.  The fibroids are continuing to grow but not as much as the baby so that was good news.  I felt like I was going to pass out twice while laying in the doctor’s office like last time.  Turning on my side, opening the door, and sucking on a mint helped to keep me from fainting though.  The sonographer said some women get that way from laying on their backs and having the baby press down on everything not to mention her tools pressing down on my stomach.  Anyhow, the doctor also tentatively believes we can deliver here at the local hospital one traffic light away from the house.  Hip hip hooray! 

So upon our return to Ohio, we will look into scheduling a tour at the hospital hopefully in January.  The sonograher also determined the gender of the baby today.  It was really hard to not ask her what the results were but Adam and I are now wondering if it's a boy.  I still think of the baby as a girl in general terms but each time I see the kiddo "live" on the screen, it seems as if the baby's a boy so who knows?!
We have a local baby dr. appt. this Friday then don't have another appointment with the specialists until the morning of New Year's Eve followed by another check-up during the second week of January.  Another piece of news we learned today is that I should gain double what I have already gained now that we're in the 3rd trimester which was not news I wanted to hear since I already feel huge.  As Adam said, it's not really up to me though...ah, why does he always have to be the voice of reason?!  ;)  Looking forward to seeing you four very soon!!  Love and hugs, Meg, Adam, & baby!!

In talking with another colleague about what the doctor said about weight gain, Margo said that she gained the same amount of weight with both of her kiddos.  For one, she ate nothing but veggies but for the other pregnancy, she ate cheeseburgers so her advice was to not look at the scale.  I think I like that idea.  Ha!!

I also loved this second picture from today's appointment...future gymnast or soccer player maybe?!

Another visual I enjoyed in the wee hours of this day when I couldn't sleep was when I got up at 2am and decorated the nursery with our woodland nature decals!  The website was selling them for close to $50 plus shipping but I got them for a mere $14 on Amazon!  Here is the link to the company that makes the decals if any of you are interested.  Pictures of the nursery are coming soon but here is a sneak peek of one of the walls with some of the oh so adorable decals!

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