Friday, January 22, 2016

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (part 16 of 30)

This post brings us to our Babymoon we were able to experience just before Christmas while out in California!!
Wednesday, 12/16/15:  28 weeks, 3 days
Well, we survived our flight across the country to California!  In the days leading up to the very full day of flying and travel, I had been nervous about the bathroom situation.  Fortunately, on both planes, we were able to snag seats in the last or second to last row right by the bathroom.  I was proud of myself that I only had to go once on the first long flight only disrupting the gentleman sitting in the aisle seat once.  Man, those bathrooms on the plane are sooo small!   
 At one point on the second plane, which was also our shortest flight, I began to feel very warm, nauseous, and claustrophobic.  This feeling of claustrophobia seems to be a recurring one that I’ve experienced during pregnancy and I find myself having to mentally talk myself out of the feelings of panic.  When off the plane, however, the bathroom situation was a different story.  I can’t even tell you how many times I had to go when at the airport, car rental place, checking into the resort…and having to get up six times (seriously, this is a new record....six times...yuck!) throughout the night.  
All this for a baby who is only 2.5 pounds at the moment.  Hehe.  The next 12 weeks are going to be long ones if this is any sign as to how the third trimester is going to continue to go but oh how I love this little kiddo so anyhow!!!  Mom said it best via text the other day when she said, 
“You’re not fat… you’re pregnant.  But believe me, it will be well worth it!  It’s just one of the first sacrifices you make as a mom.  We continue to make them the rest of our lives as long as we’re lucky enough to still have the child in our lives.  Some of those sacrifices aren’t quite as dramatic.  Some actually more so believe it or not.  But as moms we just do it.  You’ll see once you see and hold your precious gift of life.  Your tummy is growing because you are already holding him or her!”   
Man, reading these words bring the tears yet again (even now as I reread the words a month later as I write this posting).  Yes, this time of change is such a blessing and I need to embrace the challenges that are coming with the blessings all the more.  I think of all the women and men who have struggled to become parents and how they would give anything to be in this situation and it makes me see how self centered I am being in focusing on the uncomfortable aspects at this point.  So, while the third trimester is not my favorite time of pregnancy thus far, I’m going to work very hard to embrace it all the more!  At this very moment I’m so thankful for my mother, and her words, as she understands what I’m going through right now and is also able to talk me back into reality.
What really worried me on our first night in CA was seeing how swollen my ankles and feet were.  In fact, my ankles were nonexistent and there was a line on my feet from the shoes I had been wearing which has never happened to me before so I had to really control myself from googling this as it’s way too easy to get sucked into the 'what ifs' and possible this or that in reading scary diagnoses online.  I am trying to increase my water intake in spite of the desire to NOT want to drink anything due to all this excessive bathroom business because I know I need to keep hydrated but I need to do a better job of it.  I am guessing that the swelling is from sitting so much on the planes yesterday.  On the flip side, my stomach didn’t hurt as much as it had in the days leading up to our departure from Ohio.   
The weekend before and particularly on Sunday and Monday as we wrapped up the Fall semester, I was extremely uncomfortable and hurting…so much so to the point that I cried three different times on Sunday and was beginning to feel nauseous from some of the pain.  The spasms, cramping, constant peeing, anticipation of meeting baby, shortness of breath, clothes not fitting/being uncomfortable, feeling self conscious about my changing body (over the weekend, on the same day one person said how huge I was and another said I didn’t even look pregnant…talk about an emotional roller coaster!), and worrying about physically delivering a baby in less than three months had finally reached a breaking point within me I think.  This upcoming babymoon is coming at a good time to calm down and destress and hopefully the uncomfortableness and pain will subside to the point of not being at the forefront of my mind while we enjoy quality time with our family in California. 
In the little bit of google research I did after checking in to our hotel, I discovered that I should elevate the legs to try to keep them from swelling and that I should exercise throughout the day in spurts rather than all at once as I had been previously doing.  I also noticed that shifts in baby’s position when standing versus when sitting triggers bathroom breaks so as long as I don't move too much then I can be a bit more comfortable.  It's so hard to make the body slow down when the brain is still mentally racing!  What a journey of sacrifices and challenges this all has been but oh how worth it everything will be once Adam and I lay eyes on that precious new little face on the kiddo's birthday!

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