Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (post 24 of 30)

Friday, January 22, 2016:  33 weeks 4 days

Yesterday I went to my first Moms and Tots group at my church!  It was nice meeting some people after having seen them here and there over the last year at our church and reconnecting with folks I had met when I first moved here last fall.  I also hope to be able to bring in some of my education students to get some hands-on practice in using their student-created games and Big Books they will make as assignments in my courses with the toddlers and preschoolers later on this semester!  Fingers crossed that will work out as I think both the children and my students would love this opportunity. 

I also received approval for my maternity leave at work today.  We are 45 days shy of the due date and had to have the plan approved within 30 days of the birthday so I wanted to get the plan submitted a little bit earlier just in case we deliver the baby earlier than the March 7th due date.  I have also met all of my current students this past week due to classes starting back up last Monday and plan to pack our bag(s) for the hospital stay at some point this weekend.  Whew!  With each day that brings us closer to the due date it is getting more and more real!! I realized that with February right around the corner I could probably start washing the baby clothes/towels/bedding now.  Mom and Dad got us a tri sorting hamper that is filled with gender neutral onesies, hooded towels, and blankets right now.  I can't wait to smell that reminscent scent of the baby detergent again!  It will feel as if I'm back in NC again!
Thinking about laundry, I just LOVE this image of Mary and toddler Jesus.  It really speaks to me about the daily small sacrifices a wife and mother can strive to make whether it be taking time away from what she wants to do to provide for her family or staying up that extra hour at night time to ensure the last load of the day gets done when all she wants to do is fall into bed.  The last nine months of marriage and living together in one household have provided Adam and me with a lot of opportunities for personal growth in these areas.  I could probably stand to improve in a lot of areas in embracing the selfless acts of giving and being less vocal about when I don't particularly want to do something...I also hope that as the schedules continue to change within our home and more demands are placed on both of us once baby arrives that we both strive to die to self a little more each day and put our family's needs first in striving to serve God in the "little ways" which is what I see when I view this image.  My mother-in-law has one similar to this (if not the same one?) hanging in her laundry room in CA and I just love it!  Maybe someday I can find one like this to hang in our own home.  For now, it will just have to serve as a mental picture as I strive to try to be more like Mary each day.

I also received slightly disappointing news today.  Apparently, the reason why we hadn’t received our letter from the hospital in the mail yet was because there is no tour of the Birthing Center scheduled for February.  Eek!!  When I called in early January, I was told we were put down on the list and that we would receive a letter with further information about reporting for the tour and the day long class that we would attend.  Well, after three weeks of waiting for the letter that never arrived, I decided to call today and inquire about the tour and class.  It turns out the next tour is the Saturday before the baby is due (only two days before the due date) which is cutting it a bit too close for comfort for me.  Bummer!  Fortunately, we can still get a quick tour on a day Adam and I are able to call in and go if they’re not busy but I want to still have the class….!  So hopefully we’ll be able to get more information when we go in for our appointment on Tuesday morning.  Wish us luck! 

Halfway through 33 weeks, here is an update on baby's progress:

At this point, the major milestones are growth and maturing eyes. Other highlights this week include:
  • Your baby weighs about 4 ½ pounds and is about 12.5 inches from head to tush, or about the length of an average-sized pumpkin.
  • She’s gaining about a ½ pound a week and may grow a full inch in length this week alone.
  • Her pupils can adjust to darkness and light, just like yours.
  • Your amniotic fluid has reached its maximum level. There’s no more room. With less fluid to cushion your baby’s kicks, they might feel a bit uncomfortable.

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