Saturday, February 13, 2016

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (post 27 of 30)

Tues., 02/02/16:  35 weeks, 2 days:   

The last several days have been great! Overall, I have been feeling tired but that's probably to be expected especially since I wake up each night between 3:30/4am like clockwork and don't get back to sleep until 5 or 6! Someone told me she always was woken up by 4am by her first child and sure enough the baby ended up being born at I wonder if this little one is getting me ready for that next month??!!

I dreamt last night that we found out it was a boy. I woke up so excited, then confused, then feeling like I did something wrong (because I had snuck behind Adam's back to find out the gender without telling him). For a solid five minutes after waking, I was sooo confused caught between dreamland and reality. Hehe!

Update on baby's progress:

During this 35th week, your baby's growth has been progressing at a remarkable pace. But the next three weeks could bring your baby's most rapid weight gain yet—at least half a pound a week.  She already might be close to her birth length, near 18 inches from head to toe, and she continues to build up necessary fat, especially in her shoulders.  Within your now-crowded uterus, your baby might shift her movements from kicks and punches to more rolls and wiggles, and her brain development is advancing quickly.

If this is your first pregnancy, your baby might have already settled into a head-down position in your pelvis. This is the ideal position for delivery because your baby's head is the biggest part of her body.  Your baby’s placement in your uterus can vary greatly—whether she is facing right or left, and is head-first or feet-first. Throughout early and mid-pregnancy, your baby floats in your uterus and changes positions often. When you're between 32 and 36 weeks pregnant, she should rotate to a head-down position for labor and delivery.

Lying sideways is called a transverse position. Head-first is called the vertex position. Feet-first is called the breech position. If your baby is breech but is not too far down into your pelvis, your doctor might try to turn her into the proper position a few weeks before your due date.

Thursday, 02/04/16:  35 weeks 4 days

After eating out for dinner tonight (Smokey Bones..yum!!), we made a stop at Target where Adam and I picked out the “going home” outfit for our little blessing.  I can’t wait to dress him or her in this adorably sweet outfit.  This will probably be the go-to coming home outfit for all the children we will be blessed to bring into the world and it’s exciting to think that this first one will be donning the outfit for the first time in a little over a month now that we’re 32 days away from the due date!!

The last few days have been great!  I’ve been full of high energy with minimal discomfort.  Then there are other days when I can barely get out of bed.  This morning was one of those types of days.  After awaking at 2am and again from 5 – 6am, I was grateful for being able to try to get caught up on some rest after cancelling two morning appointments.  Thank goodness my work meetings weren’t scheduled until the afternoon today since I’m not usually on campus on Thursdays anyhow.  Now, it’s barely 9pm and I’m ready for bed!  I miss the evenings of being productive and able to get work done all the way until upwards of about midnight but I guess this is my body’s way of saying to slow down and rest up because life is about to get crazy busy and be completely different from what Adam and I (and the dogs) have grown accustomed to since the wedding and moving in together in late May/early June. 

As the due date approaches, time seems to be slowing down...we're so excited to meet our newest little family member but I have to admit I do relish these quiet "Mommy and me" moments I'm able to have with him or her right now, particularly in the middle of the night as the custom seems to be awaking between 3 and 5am now.  As tired as I feel from these nightly wake-ups the next day, there is something special about knowing it's just the two of us spending that time together right now.  Even now as I type this blog posting with one dog nestled on either side of me dreaming in puppy-land, the baby is reminding me that he or she is still here by moving so much that I can see the movements in my belly through my shirt as I type on the laptop in my lap.  I haven't been truly alone since right after the wedding considering this little one has been growing and with me all will feel so strange after the baby's birthday to not be carrying the child inside me anymore!  I wonder what's going on inside his/her mind right now!  I would imagine it's super dark and warm in there and it will be a startling transition coming out here but I can't wait to snuggle and cuddle with him/her!  I can't wait to watch this child grow and to see what he or she will become as he/she grows from a newborn to an inquisitive toddler taking it all in as baby Jesus is doing in this beautiful image of the Holy Family.  What I love about this image is the simplicity.  The Holy Family is living out their calling and doing it in such a joyful way.  They truly are an example of how Adam and I can try to hopefully emulate in our own simple ways to do with our child(ren) & the pups!
I also realized tonight that now that February is here, I can begin to wash and put away the baby clothes that are currently in the laundry room in our tri sorter hamper.  I love love love this invention.  Right now, clothes are currently separated out into whites, colors, and darks.  This was one of the handy inventions I liked at my brother’s and sister-in-law’s while living with them in NC because it made for washing little ones’ clothes so much easier when they were already sorted before putting them in the wash.  While I’m not exactly looking forward to doing loads of wash around the clock, I am looking forward to the scent of the baby detergent and seeing our little baby in the cute clothes.  Let’s see if I still feel that way as we make our way through two, three, maybe four outfit changes a day due to blow outs and spit up.  ; )

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