Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (post 30 of 30)

Sunday, 02/14/16:  36 weeks, six days

Today we completed our tour at the hospital.  After waiting in the waiting room for over an hour, we were able to get a quick look around the place.  The ten minutes to see the room where labor, delivery, and recovery will take place and then the postpartum room went by very fast!  I was surprised to see how small the entire Birthing Center was but then again, the entire hospital is pretty small.  The woman who showed us around was one of the regulars who used to check us in when we had our specialist doctor appointments so it was nice to see a familiar face there.  Adam and I asked a couple questions then we were on our way.  I felt a little bit better after having seen where we will potentially be in three weeks.  If baby is not here by March 5th, we plan to go to the scheduled tour/class that we are already signed up for but it was nice getting a quick preview.  What I wasn’t counting on was seeing a woman come in as she pushed through her contractions that were currently three minutes apart.  She could barely walk and was obviously just getting to the hospital for the start of everything.  We also saw another gal walk off the elevator during our hour plus of waiting in the waiting room who was hobbling down the hallway.  She glanced over at me and said, “I just had a baby on the 9th and am so sore”.  I did the math and realized that meant she had given birth five days prior….and it made me think of a colleague who returned to work within three days…!  It’s amazing how labor and delivery affects each woman differently and even the same woman differently from birth to birth.  I wonder how it will all go down (literally..ha!) for us?!  We also witnessed a family as they got a play by play of where the mother was in the labor process and within 20 minutes of learning she was pushing, they got the news the new little one was here!  They all joyously processed down the hallway to meet the baby and then a half hour later emerged saying how hungry they were and they were going to go out to a celebratory meal at a local restaurant.  We saw another man head out on the elevator only to return a short while later with a diaper bag and boppy.  I guess they were ready for that bag from the car now that the newborn was here!  I felt good about the baby bag (including boppy) that I had packed just last night!  

This was a fun mural we saw on the first floor of the hospital.  Love St. Francis!!
Tonight, I also got the Birth Plan drafted and Adam approved it.  It is already sent off to the doula so she can give me feedback when she meets me at the next doctor appointment on Thursday afternoon this week.  One more item is crossed off our to-do list!  We also ordered a few things from the baby registry I will need for the big day so once they come in the mail on Wednesday, the bags will be nearly officially packed.  

I also just have to give a little shout-out to my friend Lisa for her comprehensive and detailed blog postings that have been serving me as a guide throughout this journey.  Reading her experiences from her pregnancy with little Liam in 2012 and then rereading the birth story of Vera from last February is helping me to have an idea of what might come our way in just three weeks….eek!  So thank you, Lisa, for sharing your journey with your blog readers and giving me some peace!  : )  One of the things Lisa inspired me to do was to create a playlist after reading about how Michael created one for them to listen to while in the hospital.  So I dug out my iPod and speakers last night, am charging the iPod, and am currently working on getting the NC CD I made for Adam’s first trip to visit me, our wedding CD that I made for the members of the wedding party that contains songs from our mass and the first dance songs at the reception, and am also adding some of the songs from the surprise mystery gift we received in the mail of Celine Dion’s baby CD, “Miracle” copied into a playlist that I hope to be able to download to my iPod.  So thank you again to whoever sent us that CD in the mail several weeks ago!!  : )

Thursday, 02/18/16:  37 weeks 3 days

On Monday morning, when we turned 37 weeks, what started out as an excited Jamberry matching my shirt for the day after V-Day photo turned into the obligatory side view pic this morning (at my sister-in-law's request..Haha!). We so can't wait to meet our little one! I am having dreams it is a boy but Adam dreamt it is a little girl the other night. We shall know soon since the three week countdown to the due date is on now!  I had been waiting to wear this outfit since I bought the shirt from Kohl's in October during my first maternity clothes shopping spree and my mother-in-law gave me the "Love Spell" Jamberry wraps at Christmas time.  They were a perfect match with my outfit.  Sometimes it is the little things that make me the happiest...including loveable pups...check out the bottom right hand corner of the first picture to see them smooching. Ha!

Baby has been very active lately and I’m feeling the baby move in parts of my stomach that are different from what I’m used to…he or she is keeping me on my toes!  Today, the plush fuschia oversized robe I plan to take to the hospital arrived in the mail.  It is so comfy and I predict I will have many nights of snuggling baby in it throughout the late night feedings.  : )  I am still high energy for the most part…last night, I had to force myself to go to bed at 2:30am even though I could have kept on grading and doing schoolwork on top of the crazy long Marathon Monday I had just had at work!!  Then, this morning, I felt as if I were hung over and had a hard time getting up followed by a headache all day and feeling achy.  Go figure!  I’m just thankful that these days of not feeling my usual self are falling on days I’m away from campus anyhow.  

Last night, I attended a Meet & Greet with other moms in the area at a local restaurant many of whom are wives of some of the professors with whom I work.  I said that in my introduction that it was nice meeting "the other halves" and hopefully getting to know them through this group.  I was surprised at the number of folks who were there (upwards of 20) and quite a few were also pregnant.  One girl is due in 1.5 week, another had her 2.5 week old baby with her, another is expecting baby # 8, and then there was me due in 2.5 weeks.  The women ranged in ages but there were quite a few younger moms who had multiple children and several were very good friends as the group dates back to the last 8 or 10 years.  I hope to be able to get to know many of the women and attend some of their social events (Wednesday nights are their social hour nights).  I also learned that the Dads get together on Thursday nights so maybe Adam will be interested?!

This afternoon I have a doctor appointment (now that we go on a weekly basis) but unfortunately Adam can't attend nor my doula at the last minute.  Hopefully it will go quick, all will be fine, and I'll be on my merry way!  This posting concludes the baby blog postings as we head into the home stretch. Thank you for joining us on the journey as I strove to capture some of the thoughts/feelings from this first pregnancy.  The love, encouragement, and support mean the world!!  Hopefully, I'll be able to share photos of the St. Francis room (guest room/nursery) with you very soon but in the meantime, I will close with the lyrics from one of my favorite songs from the mystery baby songs CD (Miracle by Celine Dion & Anne Geddes) someone sent us anonymously in the mail.  Enjoy!

Update from baby's progress at 37 weeks:

Baby fat forms to keep your baby warm after birth.
It’s week 37, and final preparations in the womb have begun. You have a reason to celebrate: Your baby is considered full term. Here are a few changes she is experiencing:  Her weight gain slows considerably but she has just a little more room to grow.  Essential fat (also called baby fat) will continue to form. This will round her out and help her stay warm after birth.

If you have an ultrasound during the 3rd trimester, the technician might measure your baby’s head, stomach, and femur to estimate her weight (She probably weighs more than 6 pounds now). 
The last few weeks of your pregnancy are an exciting time, which could lead to the occasional sleepless night. To help make sure your nutrition is helping you get a good night’s sleep rather than preventing it, here are some tips for the duration of your pregnancy:

Eat light dinners. Big dinners might make you drowsy, but they also could prolong digestion, which can disrupt sleep patterns. Instead, try eating your biggest meal before midafternoon, and eat a light evening meal.

Eat an evening snack. Choose a light grain-and-dairy snack, such as crackers with low-fat cheese and fruit, or low-fat yogurt with toast and apple butter. Wait an hour before lying down. These foods will digest quickly so you can rest.  

Starting now and in the weeks to follow, you might find that you can breathe easier. You also might begin to notice some big changes in your body:

Your baby might move down into your pelvis, so some of your late-pregnancy symptoms could go away.

Less pressure on your digestive organs might alleviate heartburn and constipation.

Digestion might be easier, too.

Your shortness of breath might dissipate as your lungs now have more room to move.

While you might feel less pressure in your upper body, you could feel more pressure on your bladder.

Your final checkups

During your 37th week, you, your husband, your baby, and your doctor are making final preparations for your baby's arrival. Your doctor sees you once a week until labor and delivery. Week 37 is a good time to finalize the details of your birth plan and to take time to relax.

Your weekly exam likely will include:
  • A weigh-in
  • A blood pressure test
  • An analysis of your baby's activity and movement
  • A pelvic exam to check your baby's position, height of fundus, and cervix dilation and effacement
  • A check for preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • A check for vision changes such as blurred eyesight or seeing spots, which could be preeclampsia symptoms. Mention any eyesight changes to your doctor.
Getting ready for your delivery

Take time at this visit to speak with your doctor about your questions or concerns, such as:
  • What are the signs of labor?
  • When should I go to the hospital?
Between weekly appointments, let your doctor know if you experience vaginal bleeding or greenish-brown discharge, constant and severe abdominal pain, or decreased baby movement.

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