Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Ooh, Baby I Love Your Way (part 8 of 30)

Saturday, 08/15/15:  10 weeks 5 days

We used the baby gift we received a few days ago to break the news to Aunt Marie, Uncle Bill, and Mikey tonight.  We laid the onesie and booties on the guest bed in the guest bedroom that will likely be turned into a nursery by March.  Then, during the tour (it was Mikey’s first time here and the first time Aunt Marie & Uncle Bill have been here since I moved in), we watched their faces as they spotted the onesie and booties on the bed.  Uncle Bill saw it first, then Aunt Marie realized, and I loved seeing Mikey grin as they all realized what we were telling them.  : )

This past week, the 10th going on 11th week, has been super exhausting.  It was my last full week of summer so maybe subconsciously my body was realizing that as of Wednesday night next week, life will change and it will be busy back to school time.  The lack of sleep at night and needing naps just to get through summer days has me wondering how I will handle teaching four classes, office hours, and all the other fun that comes with the job.  I just have to trust God will provide.  I am also fortunate to have very supportive women who all happen to be working mothers in my department.  My boss made it very clear when I shared the news with her that they would all support me so that’s very reassuring!! 

Tonight’s dinner and dessert was a smashing success!!!  Nearly everyone had seconds and raved about the main course which was BBQ sloppy joes.  After walking around campus and showing my family my new office we returned to the house to eat dessert which was Adam’s chocolate mousse pie (with a baked crust..hehe).  The food was so good that several hours later, after taking my vitamin/Claritin I had leftovers of both the dinner and dessert.  A short while later I paid for it by being in the bathroom for a long time.  So lesson learned:  no food at night after the vitamin/medicine as it upsets my stomach.  If this is what morning sickness feels like, I’m glad it has been happening at night for me instead.  It’s easier to deal with it knowing I can try to sleep it off by going to bed!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015:  11 weeks 1 day

Speaking of food in the earlier post, this is the week of crazy food combinations.  I just ate a plate of Nilla wafers topped with melted cheddar cheese but it was actually pretty good!  The sweet taste of the cookies contrasted sharply with the mild cheddar but I don’t think I’ll be giving up my nachos any time soon.  Haha!

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