Monday, March 8, 2021

Charlotte Annie is five!

Today Charlotte turned five years old.  Five years since our world was changed forever.  Five years since a life-saving surgery that occurred at this time of night on the day she was born. It's so odd to be sitting here at my dining room table where all is quiet and peaceful as Mom reads, Adam works on a marble run, and Charlotte plays with her birthday balloon and other toys.  Five years ago at this time, I was with these same people (and Dad) but was about to undergo the unexpected emergency surgery amidst fear and noise that drowned out feelings of peace and calm.  That day was filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  I can't believe it's been five years since then.  

In these last five years, Charlotte has grown from being a newborn to being a spunky little girl.  She loves makeup, her puppies, and Frozen.  She enjoys creating art, going to school, and spending time with her cousins and friends.  She is a traveler, goes on adventures with Mommy, but is also content to just stay home and play, too.

I don’t want Charlotte to grow up, but the older she gets, the closer we get and the better we get to know her.  She has her Dad's and my complete and undivided hearts.   

She loves asking what month is it, her family, babies, asks to be a babysitter when she grows up, and playing outside.  She sneaks donuts and milkshakes with her Dad and takes walks with Mommy.  She loves her blankets, building a house, staying off the lava (the floor), and her stuffed animals.  Nutella is still a favorite food and she can't wait to wear Mommy's clothes "when I grow up".  

More often than not, she sleeps in the bed with Daddy and me and I'm not mad about it.  I cherish our nights/lazy mornings when there is no school as a family in bed all together and cuddling.  Her hugs and hearing her say, "Best day ever!" are some of my favorites. She usually loves to snuggle and is still very much a Daddy's girl.

Happy 5th Birthday, Charlotte Annie!  So grateful to be here with you these last five years.  Always remember, no matter what adventure (or pirate) comes your way, you'll always be our fairy princess!

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