Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's Enough

There is something to be said for your support networks.  Or maybe I should say support spiritworks.  A couple days ago I was having several bad ones in a row.  Perhaps we're given dark days to help us realize how bright they can be with the love and support of those in our lives.  Over the last few days, here in North Carolina, we've been experiencing beautiful fall cooler weather with brilliant sunshine.  My favorite season is rapidly approaching, as well as my favorite months, and I can feel the changes that are about to come in the air.  What an exciting year 2014 will be!  Scary yes but exciting nonetheless as it holds so many unknowns for me!

Some of the sunshiney moments from the other week include:

Mom calling me to tell me about a passage she read that she felt was meant for me to hear.  She had flipped the daily scripture calendar page when she knew I was having an especially trying set of days and shared these words with me"Meg, tried to send a comment to your blog 3 times.  So here's what the daily calendar for Sept. 10th said:  My grace is sufficient for you.  For my power is made perfect in weakness.  2 Corinthians.  The Lord was speaking directly to YOU, Meg!"

At work, one day last week, a colleague told me a story a guest speaker shared that morning about how in higher ed., everyone, even those who have been around for a while, goes through times when the or she feels as if he or she doesn't know what to do, not good enough, and perhaps even unable to balance it all.  He then encouraged the class to get up, move on, and stop acting like a "drunk monkey" because everyone, in higher ed., will have those moments.  When Margo told me that story, we got a good little chuckle out of that.  Nothing like humor to diffuse a stressful situation and bring a smile to your face eh?

Then, on Facebook, both my cousin and a dear friend posted inspirational pictures.  What a neat way of looking at challenges in our lives!!  I could also feel the virtual hugs all the way from Pittsburgh from both gals.

The next day, a colleague over in TN sent me a sweet message:

Hi Meg! A friend in Virginia sent me an AMAZING Christian CD. One of the tracks is called "Walk in Peace" and I can't get it out of my head. I keep thinking you could substitute "Write" for Walk! The CD is called "Walk in Peace" and it's by Sally Ann Morris and Adam M. L. Tice. I don't know how to send you the song from my i-tunes account, but if you can find it, I think it will inspire you and give you peace all at the same time. Hope all is well. Keep breathing and praying and believing!

Yes, all these folks sending me inspirational words definitely brought me a sense of peace and I thank each and every one of them from the bottom of my heart for their support.  The prayers are working!  This week has been speeding by with prepping, planning, grading, and teaching (tomorrow is Wednesday already!!).  Time needs to slow down since (a) I've not packed for my Thursday night trip, (b) I've not been able to do any dissertation writing yet, (c) I'm tired!  :-)

This afternoon, before I settled in for my multi-hour grading session (that wound up being a ten hour am I slow!!) of my students' work, I brought in the mail and checked my email where I found a message from a dear priest friend that was really thought provoking.  Also, in the pile from the mailbox, I found a beautiful card from my Aunt in Boston.

I just noticed in this picture the rainbow in the background on the fridge....yes, a promise from God tells us all will be okay!

I was stunned when I saw this scripture.  The date on the card was September 12th...two days after the day Mom told me about the daily calendar verse that reminded her of me.

Finally, I've been listening to Matt Maher's new album over and over thanks to a friend's iTunes gift card.  I purchased the CD the other day so I could listen to new music on my upcoming road trips.  By the way, Matt Maher posted this video (of all the songs he could possibly select, he chose this one...!?!) on Sept. 12th on his Facebook page.  Yet another recurring message and date

I really enjoy all of Matt's tunes but with all these signal graces centering around this particular piece of scripture lately, I'm drawn to this specific song and play it on repeat on my iPod as I drive to and from campus.

I hope these words/messages might bring you peace if you're troubled or struggling and that you truly realize you're enough and God's grace is (more than) enough!!  Remember, if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. 

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