Saturday, September 7, 2013

Slow and steady wins the race!

This morning, I had planned to do a 5k at my church.  I was hoping it would be my monthly 5k race that I like to try to participate in but falling behind in schoolwork and a visit from my parents put me off kilter so those plans were scrapped.  If any of you are planning to do a 5k walk/run in September, please do let me know so I can meet my goal of one 5k a month starting this month!  :)

So I heard this song on the radio during my drive home from work the other day.  How pretty & comforting the lyrics and melody are!  I couldn't help but reflect on how much more positive I have been feeling in this last week now that I'm in "better hands" with my committee.  Maybe it's all self-imposed in how I'm viewing it; perhaps the reality hasn't changed but my views of reality have with the change in committee I made last week.  Who knows?!  

I still don't have as much contact with the committee (as a whole or one on one) as I would like but I did get to meet with one of my committee members this past week and appreciated the time he took to help ease some of my concerns.  

Now, it's Saturday where I have the rest of the day and weekend before me to continue making progress on outlining my Chapter 4.  I've been at it since early this morning but with my parents being just a few feet away downstairs, I'm enjoying the writing process a little more this weekend since I know when I need to take breaks, I can go say hi to them.  What comfort there is in drawing strength from my support network and realizing I'm in better hands than I thought when I look back on the slow but steady progress I've made since late April.  

Onward and upward...can only go up from here!


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