Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Life is a circle

Back in college (the first time, as an undergraduate...ha!) I remember hearing a neat expression from one of my best friends from high school.  It went something to the effect of, "Life is like a circle.  For good or ill, everything comes back around again".  I remember liking it so much that I made it my signature line in my email when I set up my first email address.  Recently, I was reminded of that expression when printing out my schedule for this semester.  Anyone who knows me knows I recycle paper to a fault.  I always have scratch paper on hand and would rather print out articles, coupons, to-do lists, and well, you name it, on scratch paper rather than using "good" paper.  Printing out my Fall 2014 schedule was no different.  When I printed out my new schedule for my new job in this new state I flipped the sheet over to see what I had printed the current schedule on and had to laugh at the irony.  I had printed Fall 2014's new schedule on my plan of study that was drafted in May 2011.  For those of you not familiar with UNCG's paperwork, I had to complete a plan of study outlining what courses I planned to take and when in an effort to outline my plan of classes/study.  I remember working on that plan of study during my first semester of PhD classes and how at the time it had been an incredibly daunting task.  I remember thinking that I was in for a loooooong three more years at the end of that first year.  My how fast time can go....and here I am starting a new plan and thinking I'm in it for the long haul...but I wonder if in five years I will look back and wonder where the time went.  Lately it seems the days are whizzing on by but the weeks are taking a longer time to tick on by but I suspect that is due to Adam and me counting down the days to "next time" (less than a month now!!).  Anytime you are counting down the days to something, time has a way of slowing down for you.  So, for now, I sign off wishing you a good evening and to embrace all that comes with the moments we are fortunate to be given for they will be nothing but a fleeting memory sooner than we would like to admit.

On a side note.....did you know this??


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