Saturday, September 20, 2014

Time to get to it!

Ah, I'm supposed to be in Pittsburgh right now.  I should be sitting in a hall at St. Paul's down the street from the Cathedral of Learning but instead I'm still here in Ohio. 

I have GOT to get a better handle on this life/work balance thing.  All week, I had been dragging from lack of sleep and still was not getting everything checked off my to-do list.  That list is now three weeks long with items that have not been crossed off that should have been completed in early September.  This past week was especially rough with sleepless nights and not enough time in each day. 

Last night, at 2am, as I forced myself to go to bed even though I wanted to continue talking to Adam, I set my alarm for bright and early so that I could meet Marita in Pittsburgh in time to attend three talks today.  Apparently I accidentally set my alarm for 8pm rather than 8am so when Marita texted this morning to see where I was, I was saddened to realize I had overslept.  Admittedly I did sleep for most of eight hours last night which was very relaxing compared to the other nights this past week.  However, I had been looking forward to attending a conference with one of my housemates today.  The 10am talk titled, "Writing as Vocation and the Challenge of Social Media:  A Conversation" by Marc Barnes (a blogger at "Bad Catholic") and David Mills, editor & author, dealt with writing and blogging which of course piqued my interest and was the talk I had been most looking forward to had already started by the time I woke up today.  So, if I can't be there to learn, may as well blog right? 

I am really disappointed in myself but as Marita said, "God had a different plan and to have a productive day".  I even cut the grass and did the laundry last night amidst grading in planning to be out of the house all day today.  Ah!!  Oh well, that leaves me with more time to tackle my to-do list today I suppose!  So, the new agenda for today is to use this unexpected time to work my tail off with finishing of grading tests, planning for next week, catching up on NAEYC report editing, and revising and resubmitting two manuscripts all in one day.  If there is time left over, I hope to respond to emails but that is a big if.  Wish me luck!!

 Hopefully as I get a better handle on this being a professor gig and back into research and try to not let planning and teaching consume me, I can get back to the life balance in doing non-work things so that I can share with you, via this blog, other things worth writing about as the picture below suggests.  In other news....only five more days until payday!!!!  It has been 143 days since my last paycheck and I can't wait to go grocery shopping and start cooking/baking again and just in time too!  Our kickoff monthly meal, Good Godly Grub, will be happening next Sunday...more on that in a future posting!

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