Monday, March 18, 2013

Not enough

It's seems, lately, that there just isn't enough time these days!!

If the rest of this week is going to go like how my Monday went, I'm in trouble.  From the moment I woke up to now, at 7pm, where I'm still working, it's been go, go, go.  I was able to get a little unpacked this morning but still have the rest to unpack.  However, today has been swallowed up with the new task I have for one of the faculty I work for...this job is a big one and will most likely take until mid April if not longer to complete.  I was already feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that is on my to-do list for this week but am feeling quite overwhelmed with the addition of this new task. 

Tomorrow is shaping up to be the busiest day of the week yet with a dentist appointment at the crack of dawn, well, not really, it's at 8am followed by a work meeting from 10 til noon, then working on a couple manuscripts and research until Theology on Tap at 6:30pm.  I have a feeling I will be walking into ToT half asleep. 

Today was also a pretty emotional day, in thinking about the stress and worry I'm feeling over the upcoming dissertation proposal meeting in late April, being tired from last week's frenetic pace of collecting pilot study data/transcribing in record time, last night's drive, not sleeping well, analyzing financial matters now that I have 1.5 paychecks left until my assistantship kicks in next fall, while still having 3 major trips to budget for before May 2nd rolls around....then, on top of all that, a personal matter arose.  At one point this afternoon, it just got to be too much and I threw my hands up in the air asking God WHY?  What I realized in that moment is that I'm not alone.  I'm not unwanted.  God has faith in me and knows I can get through these hurdles even if I think I will break.  Someday, I'll look back on this and realize that I was on stepping stones toward something/someone better and I can't wait to see what is in store.   

In the midst of the chaos of today, I appreciated being able to work on my task from home today so that I could spend time with my pup before going back to the long hours on campus and being out of the house for 10+ hours tomorrow.  He still has the knack for crawling up onto my lap and putting a furry paw over my heart when the tears are about to fall.  What I'm learning from all this is that  sometimes a girl just needs to have a good ol' boohooin' cry.  Thank goodness for the love of friends who are there in a heartbeat (or should I say text) to help hold you up through their virtual hugs.  Thank God for the trials and hardships...b/c through the sadness, I'm trying to still praise Him and offer the sufferings up for others.

So, yeah, I feel even more drained and tired tonight but can pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back to work. 

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