I can't quite put my finger on it.
I don't know what it is yet.
But something big is in store...I just know it.
It's amazing how in spite of being so incredibly busy with a bajillion things needing to get done, these past few days since March 19th, have been simultaneously speeding by and also creeping at a snail's pace moving with the slowness of a turtle. For instance, I will work on a task, glance at the clock, continue working, then glance at the clock thinking an hour has gone by but it's only been five minutes since I checked the time. It almost feels like I'm caught "in between" dimensions. Am I in a time warp? Ha! I feel as I've got one foot in one room, and one foot in another as I cross a threshold. This change that is coming...I can almost feel it. It's in the air.
Like I said, I don't know what it is yet but I can't wait to see what it is!
For now, I must get to bed since it's midnight and 6am will come fast...or will it?!
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