Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pay It Forward

Way back in January, I posted on Facebook, a status about "Paying It Forward".  I can't remember verbatim what the status was but the idea was something along the lines of the first ____ people to comment on your status would be the recipients of a random gift from you at any point in time throughout the year. 

The only "catch" was that those folks were then supposed to pay it forward and give someone else a gift to keep the chain of giving going.

I had forgotten about this little chain of kindness after I sent my hand-created bookmarks of inspirational quotes/sayings to my friends.  So, it was quite a nice surprise to come back to my mail in NC after having been away for over a week where I discovered I had not one but two surprises!

Here is the first one I opened:

 Bobbie, a friend from high school, sent me what I thought was an early Easter treat.  I thought it was a treat because the cinnamon scent coming from that purple egg smelled soooo good that my mouth watered!  I'm glad that I read the little note about what the cinnamon "treats" were before I popped some in my mouth b/c these delightfully scented sprinkles are NOT edible as they are made of wax and are used for burning or as air fresheners!

I eagerly checked out the website and viewed this video that gave me some ideas as to what I can do with my new sprinkles! Thank you Bobbie!!

Next, I opened the second package that was waiting for me on my desk.  I had spent the whole morning organizing so saved the 2 packages to open as a reward to myself for cleaning...what can I say, I need to motivate myself sometimes! 
Here was the second surprise:

 A lovely note from my friend, Mindy, was in this second package.  Mindy was one of the first friends I made in my major at IUP.  We had a class together for only one semester but I remember being impressed with her character and liking her quiet confidence.  Actually, now that I think about it, I think the second time I met her was by accident when I walked into one of the upper classmen classes in Davis Hall my 2nd or 3rd day of school during my freshman year.  It took me a few minutes to realize I was in the wrong class when everyone was talking about upcoming student teaching placements and/or graduation and I was only on my 3rd day of college..ha!  I remember being embarrassed that I was in the wrong class as I excused myself but Mindy just smiled and waved goodbye as I exited the room.  Then, the next year, my new roommate, Amanda, was from the same southwestern town as Mindy and it turns out they had gone to high school together! 

Author's note on the inside cover!
Anyhow, as I read the note, I gasped in shock.  Mindy had sent me a book that I had been wanting to read for a LONG time.  I first learned of this case in my Special Ed:  Policy and Law class that I took in Fall 2011.  I was so moved by this case that I blogged about it when I first started writing in this blog!  You see, I had set up the blog in Summer 2010 when several friends had asked me to keep in touch now that I was moving to NC via blogging.  While I had set up the blog, I hadn't quite been persuaded to join the blogging world by actually blogging.  It wasn't until a year later, when as a requirement for the School Law class, I had to blog.  After that semester ended, I continued blogging and the rest, you could say, is history....along with Rudolph's red nooooose!

Seriously though, check out this posting I made 18 months ago...!!!  Do you recognize the book?!  How incredible that of all the things to send Mindy chose THIS item.  I suppose I'm just meant to read this book eh??!  Thank you so much Mindy!!!

After opening some of my St. Patrick's Day mail from my loving IRISH family I turned my attention to two surprise belated birthday gifts from my cousins.  Billy and Richele gave me a cute card and terrific smelling candle that I discovered on my desk in the bonus room.  Last, but definitely not least, I opened up a birthday card from my cousin who lives in NYC.  Check out his super cool magnet he gave me!!  Hmm, maybe I should go away more often so that I can come home to a whole pile of awesome surprises from the mailbox! 

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