Sunday, January 5, 2014


We are five days into 2014 (already)!

With the incredible sickness I've been experiencing since 12/28/13, New Year's Eve/Day 2014 as well as the last week of 2013 are a blur to me.  5am on New Year's Day found me in the Emergency Room (after a botched attempt at trying to go to Urgent Care) for pneumonia and low oxygen.

Lesson learned:  the next new place I move to, I will know exactly where Urgent Care is, and the hours, so that I don't make the same expensive mistake in the future should I succumb to the flu or any other disease.  Hopefully this sickness I'm currently facing is the last of the winter season and I got it over with early this year, on the first day of it in fact!  One can only hope!

Another hope I have for 2014 is one of the personal biggest ones I've dreamt up for myself thus far; I would love to find a job where I can integrate my professional and personal lives.  It would be wonderful to find a work environment/town that helps me to grow in all aspects of life (e.g., spiritually, academically, and personally).

Happy 2014 to each of you and here's to hoping for a HEALTHY, happy, and hope~filled year!  

What inspires you or your hopes for the new year???

1 comment:

  1. You're right that it's important to know the emergency places in your town, just in case something happens. The time lost on looking for the right way to the urgent care center can't be returned, right? Winter was a terrible time, moreso if you're sick, so I hope you did not catch anything else for the rest of the year. Take care!

    Aubrey Holloway @ Primary Care Associates
