Saturday, June 6, 2015

First cookout at our house!

Two weeks ago from today was our wedding.  Two weeks ago we heard Fr. Jack talk about hearts burning with love.  Today, I nearly burned the house down with a small fire in the toaster oven.  Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating but we really did have a small fire in Adam's toaster oven as I tried to broil steaks for dinner.  The smoke detector started going off (very loudly) followed by the security house alarm (which was even louder than the other alarm that was simultaneously going off) as Adam extinguished the small fire, I ran around flinging open windows and turning on fans, and Adam flapped a towel at the smoke detector.  Poor little Dusty ran in circles around me trying to comprehend all the noise and commotion.  Ten smoky minutes later after the alarms finally quieted, the security company called on us to check to be sure we were safe, and the new filter we've had for less than 24 hours kicked in overdrive to purify the air, Adam left to buy some charcoal for the grill so that I could resume with dinner preparations outside (ahem).  That is the story of how our my indoor steak cooking adventure turned into our first grill experience of the summer.  We had purchased the grill from a friend down in NC last February and this was our first time using it!

We learned we need grill tools as we lit the charcoal and set up the grill but we made do with the tongs and utensils we had on hand.  Soon, the familiar smell of grill smoke greeted my nostrils and reminded me of summer night barbeques with my family when we went camping and from my summers as a child.  Watching Adam fan the flames as the charcoal burned and then turned white reminded me of the countless times my Dad prepped the grill for dinners as a little girl which was soothing.  Oh, and we were able to use our "Mr." and "Mrs." wine glasses for the first time since the wedding!  In them we enjoyed the deliciously sweet Red Moscato wine from my friend, Lauren, with our steak, baked potato, corn on the cob, applesauce, and warm rolls with brown sugar butter.  See, sometimes small crises aren't so bad as they lead to something even more extraordinary than planned....Mmm!

Looking at this picture makes me realize my presentation skills could be improved...but I was too hungry to artfully arrange the plate/table!  ; )

1 comment:

  1. That whole thing with the toasted oven was a moment of suspense. That was really a close call. It’s good that the fire did not spread. Also, it is nice that you still had a fine cookout at the end of it all. You really can’t go wrong with grilled steaks and sides. Cheers!

    Demetrius Guevara @ Solaire Gas Grills
