Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Apple for teacher....er the wife?

Today was H-U-G-E.

Well, in the grand scheme of things, I know it wasn't a big deal.  For the social security office staff, the BMV workers, the bank tellers, and the customer service desk at the local supermarket, we were just another couple with whom they were doing business.  Another day, another work-related task item.  But for us.....well, more so for me, it was a monumental day.  I officially changed my name and address for many of the main businesses with whom I come into contact on a regular basis.

The new social security card will be here in a couple days, my new driver's license is snug in its spot in my wallet, and my supermarket and bank are aware of the changes.

With each stop we made this morning, before Adam had to start work, I felt like bits and pieces of my old life were falling away...first the faded blue Social Security card would no longer be valid...then the driver's license my parents and I worked so hard to obtain last summer was confiscated....then I had the startling discovery that even my bank card would change (I wonder if it will still say that I've been a customer with them since 1988 on it?!).  However, with all these changes and feeling a bit melancholy over thinking of how I'm leaving behind my last name...I was able to bring some of the past into the present in a different way with a splurge purchase thanks to our friends Marci and Ashley.  Ash had told me that Bath and Body was bringing back some of the original scents (can I get an AMEN?!) so using Marci's gift card, a coupon, and the awesome Semi-Annual Sale going on at Bath and Body Works, I was able to buy my most favorite scent EVER as a reward for doing all the chores/facing the changes I did today.  I thought about getting my close second favorite, Pearberry, but instead chose to doubly stock up on the original favorite.  Yes, the middle school Meg was ecstatic to smell Country Apple again and my nose can't stop smiling!!  Heck, I even wore a lipstick color I began wearing in 8th grade.  That wasn't planned or maybe perhaps it was my subconscious wanting me to sport that lip color in the new driver's license picture below my new name.  Who knows?!  Sometimes it's the little things.....

This nostalgic picture below that displays my all time favorite scent and what used to be my favorite lip color makes me smile.  It also helps me to realize that while my name and address have changed the things that make me me haven't.  Just like the caterpillar who has morphed into a butterfly, I am changing into someone else but I still retain the fundamental characteristics that make me who I am.  Now, instead of just being someone's daughter, godmother, sister, doggie mama, aunt, niece, goddaughter, professor, friend, neighbor, colleague, and teacher, I'm now Adam's wife and for that I'm beyond grateful!  Even better, of the original Bath and Body Works' scents Adam smelled today he declared this one his favorite (and that was before he knew it was my old go-to scent back in the day).  Score!

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