Monday, June 29, 2015

God's taking pictures

Earlier this summer one afternoon I was skyping with my friend, Doris, out in Colorado.  The windows were open, the summer breeze was blowing throughout the house, and Dusty was content on my lap as Doris and I got caught up with one another.  We were so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't notice the afternoon daylight gradually getting darker and darker and the wind picking up outside the large bay window in our living room.  All of a sudden, as the pitter patter of the rain was heard and the scent of rain permeated my nose, Adam came flying out of the office saying we must close the windows for the rain was coming and we must hurry!  I didn't understand the sense of urgency until I realized that this nearly everyday occurrence of summers from the past for me was a very new one for Adam.  I asked Doris to hold on while I helped Adam shut the windows and we cranked up the A/C.  The windows have been shut ever since due to the seemingly neverending bursts of rain showers we receive each day (today included).  I would prefer to see the curtains blowing in the wind and hear the birds chirping outside our windows but for now we'll leave the windows shut and rely on the A/C until the rain abates some later this summer.  My mother-in-law shared the other day that the usage of water is being patrolled in her neighborhood as well as in our siblings' neighborhoods out in CA due to the scarcity of water there.  Even if I wish I could leave the windows wide open without fear of the carpet or curtains getting wet, I'm grateful we have the water we do have.  Hopefully CA will get some of before summer ends!

Other than the grass that grows too fast to keep up with and the flowers that are being watered too much we also have spectacular lightning storms at night due to the humidity and storms.  One of my favorite expressions as a child was, "God's taking pictures" to explain why there is lightning.  This is another first for Adam as he is not used to these kind of lightning displays so the other night when he asked me to film some of the storm so that we could share with family on the West Coast, I quickly snatched up my camera and began recording.  The interesting part is the lightning was too far away to hear any thunder associated with each strike and it was a bit hazy/foggy so the lightning for the most part does look like a flash of a camera going off...again, God likes taking pictures!  ; )  Please see the snippets I filmed below and let's hope rain comes sooner rather than later for folks everywhere who need more moisture!


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