Monday, February 11, 2013

Not Alone Ministry Twists!

In October 2010, I started volunteering with the Not Alone Ministry through my church.  This program matches volunteers with individuals in local nursing homes who might not have family in the area or at all to visit them.   

I have been privileged to have the opportunity to visit with two different people since starting 2+ years ago.  My last person, Miss Claire, passed in March.  When I learned of this news, I let the coordinator at my church know that I was in need of a new person.   

However, with a busy summer of babysitting and working on my portfolio as well as working multiple jobs, I was not as proactive as I should have been in being reassigned to a new person.  Both the coordinator and I dropped the ball on this task but in December, just before Christmas, I received a call from the coordinator asking if I needed a Walmart gift card to buy some Christmas gifts for my person.  He had not realized that I was never assigned to a new person.  Through that phone call, we resumed conversation and got back on track with finding me a new person to visit.   

The facility in which I volunteered for both of my people in the past, was under new management and had new protocols to follow so I was told I needed to submit a volunteer application packet, have clearances be done, and get a TB shot.  To be honest, I was a bit irritated with what I deemed as unnecessary since I had already volunteered for over 2 years in this facility and am not a criminal.  Ah, how I need to grow in humility!!

However, I understood why this procedure is in place and respected the fact that the new supervisor was implementing these (or perhaps reinforcing?) changes. 
So, upon returning to NC in January, I filled out the application packet that was sitting in my pile of mail from when I had been out of the state.  I provided the basic information but did not elaborate on my responses.  So, you can imagine my surprise when this next little twist in fate occurred.  

I received an email from the supervisor saying that she took note of my willingness to volunteer “in-house” versus “out-house”.  This means that I am willing to visit my person in the facility rather than only communicate via phone or cards.  She excitedly shared with me in her email that she has a potential match for me.  The gentleman’s son lives out of state and has only one request……

Hold on, hold on, I’m going to be assigned to a male patient??  My other two people I was paired up with were women so I had naturally assumed that I would be matched with female patients…
Time out….before I tell you the rest of this story, I need to tell you about my New Year’s resolution for 2013.  I don’t do resolutions, especially New Year’s ones because I NEVER keep them.  However, in October 2012, Pope Benedict XVI declared Oct. 2012 to Nov. 2013 to be the Year of Faith.  During this time, us Catholics are encouraged to renew & further grow in our faith whether it be through committing more random acts of kindness, attending mass more often, reading the Bible, learning more about our Catechism via faith formation classes, etc.  

Well, for quite some time, I had been wanting to try to increase my bible reading since I tend to devote time to it during Lent and not throughout the rest of the year.  So, over Christmas, when home for the holidays, I was elated to be invited to participate in a 90 Day Bible ReadingChallenge that makes finding the time to read the bible much more attainable (especially when time is so limited)…the reading passages come straight to your email (assignments are usually 4 or 5 chapters per day) with a reading reflection question to ponder as you read.  Finally, there is an online discussion forum in which people can share their responses to the reflection and/or share other thoughts that came up for them as they read the daily chapters.  I love participating in this 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge that began on January 1st and will end at Easter and am even finding that at times, I’m learning more from the online discussion postings!!  

Ok, time in (back to my nursing home story)!

So, this man’s son, who lives out of state, has ONE request for his father…..he would like for someone to read Scripture to him.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is not a religious nursing home.  I don’t know if the patient is a Catholic (but it doesn’t matter if he isn’t b/c I can still read from his bible).  I’m not sure the supervisor knows I’m volunteering through  a program at my church since this email was sent as a response to my generic only the basics were given application that I mailed in a month after it was sent to me (due to being away for the holidays).  

As if that were not enough of a coincidence….in further email communication with the supervisor, it was revealed that this patient is DEAF.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!  He does not use sign language to communicate so I’m not sure if he lost his hearing with advanced age or not.  Regardless, the supervisor, again did not know of my connection with hearing loss.  She was flabbergasted to learn that I taught students with hearing loss for 8 years and am currently working on my PhD with Professions in Deafness as my concentration in Specialized Education Services…what are the odds?!  

How funny that it’s been 11 months since I first sought a new person to be assigned to but for whatever reason, events didn’t pan out until now…I hope this experience helps me to increase in humility & walk through more doors as I grow in faith.  I am so  excited to meet my new person this week and to learn more about him!

"The 'door of faith' (Acts14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry into his Church."   ---   Pope Benedict XVI, Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei for the Indiction of the Year of Faith.


1 comment:

  1. You are truly living your yes God has a hand in these things.
