Friday, October 5, 2012

Stuck but (slowly) moving forward too...

Do you ever feel stuck?  Like everything and everyone around you goes forward while you are stuck where you are?  Sometimes it seems like social media and email can be a blessing and a curse to me.  It can joyously keep you connected with long distance family and friends yet it can also be the source of distraction and realizing how others are achieving their dreams while you are still chasing yours.  In my case, I'm plodding away on the schoolwork and projects..sometimes just trying to keep my head above the water each day, but I do know that it will pay off in the long run.  However, having that knowledge doesn't always ease the feelings of sort of living life on pause while those around me experience major life changes such as new jobs, births of children, getting married, celebrating anniversaries, etc.  Sure, there have been fun times and exciting events but I usually have to do those at the cost of falling behind in work and losing more sleep so those fun times are not as frequent as I would like for them to be.  So, as my five minute break from schoolwork draws to a close and I work toward yet another night of doing schoolwork til 2am, I have a smile on my face from the happy memories of what October used to mean for me in my "old" life and when staying up til 2am meant I was out and about having a blast with my pals....Strawberry Balls, nights out in downtown Harrisburg, bumping into Subway/IUP boys, Halloweekends at Cedar Point, and of course Halloween parties!  I look forward to making new memories once I finish school and am at wherever my next location is!  I also look forward to the fun that lies in wait in YoPa one week from tonight!!!  Fall Break can't get here soon enough!! 
One of my friends posted this on Facebook as I was writing this fitting!

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